Transaction Origin

  • Purchase Order

    Orders the goods from the business partner.

  • Requisition

    A request to purchase a project requirement.

  • Planned Deliverable

    Created in the Planned Deliverables (tppdm7100m000) session.

  • PRP Purchase Order

    Generated in Project as a recommendation to Procurement.

  • PRP Warehouse Order

    Generated in Project as a recommendation to Warehousing or the other way around.

  • Budget

    Contains cost objects which are the project requirements (material, equipment or subcontracting cost types).

  • Warehouse Order

    Used in Warehousing to transfer goods from a (project) warehouse to a (project) warehouse or project.

  • Warehouse Order (TP/PCS)

  • Purchase Schedule

    In Procurement, you can have purchase schedules for project requirements. By means of purchase schedules, you can communicate with the business partner on recurring/repeating deliveries.

  • Request for Quotation

    In Procurement, you can have requests for quotations for project requirements. Requests for quotations are used to obtain information from one or more potential business partners on the delivery of the project requirement.

  • Purchase Order Advice

    A purchase order that still needs to be commingled and then approved to become a purchase order.