Print Production Order Documents (tisfc0408m000)

Use this session to print production order documents such as routing sheets, material sheets and subcontracting notes.


Selection Range

A collection of manufacturing and purchasing actions that are performed especially for a particular customer order. A project is initiated by a customer order for items having a To Order order policy. The purpose of a project is to plan and coordinate the production of these items.

For a standard-to-order production, the project is only used to link the item with the customer order. Otherwise, a project can include:

  • Customized item data (BOMs and routings)
  • Project planning (activity planning)

A budget is a special type of project. A budget is used to plan and estimate, not to carry out production.

Production Order

An order to produce a specified quantity of an item on a specified delivery date.


One of a series of steps in a routing that are carried out successively to produce an item.

The following data is collected during a routing operation:

  • The task. For example, sawing.
  • The machine used to carry out the task (optional). For example, sawing machine.
  • The place where the task is carried out (work center). For example, woodwork.
  • The number of employees required to carry out the task.

This data is used to compute order lead times, to plan production orders and to calculate cost prices.

Production Date

This field refers to the production start date and time field in the Production Orders (tisfc0501m000) session.

Item Group

The logon code of the employee who plans plan items.

Shop Floor Planner

The employee responsible for planning on the shop floor.

Routing Group
Product Line
Product Class
Selection Code
Grouping Selection
Grouping Selection

If this check box is selected, the order documents of all the production orders in the SFC order group that you select are printed.

Related topics

SFC Order Group

Enter the SFC order group for which you want to print documents.

Print Options

If this check box is selected, the documents are printed that have not yet been printed for a production order.

This means that the documents are printed for which the corresponding field in the Production Orders (tisfc0101s000) session has the value Original Document.

Related topics


If this check box is selected, duplicates are printed of the documents that had been printed before but only if the data on the document has not changed since it was printed the first time.

This means that the documents are printed for which the corresponding field in the Production Orders (tisfc0101s000) session has the value Document Printed.

Related topics


If this check box is selected, documents are printed that had been printed before but for which the data has changed since it was printed.

This means that the documents are printed for which the corresponding field in the Production Orders (tisfc0101s000) session has the value Modified Document.

Related topics

Enterprise Unit

If this check box is selected, you can enter an enterprise unit in the Enterprise Unit field for which production order documents must be printed.The session prints the order documents for the work centers that belong to the enterprise unit entered in this field.

Production Date range applies to Operation Start Date

If this check box is selected, the Remainder Start Date of operations determines for which production orders documents are printed. Order documents are only printed for production orders with uncompleted operations whose earliest Remainder Start Date is within the Production Date range (defined on the first tab). Operation notes, material issue notes, and subcontracting notes are only printed for operations which have a Remainder Start Date within the Production Date range.

If this check box is cleared, the Production Start Date of the production order determines whether order documents are printed. Order documents are printed when the Production Start Date of the production order is within the Production Date range.

Print Specification
Orders Sorted By
Orders Sorted By

The way the order are sorted for which you want to print the production order documents.

Allowed values

  • Order Number
  • Project and Order
Documents Sorted By

The order that production order documents are printed.

Allowed values

  • Documents by Order
  • Orders by Document
Infor SCM Scheduler
Print Order Documents Planned Orders

If this check box is selected, order documents for planned orders are printed.

Change Order Status for orders without operations

If this check box is selected, order status for orders without operations is changed.

Documents to be Printed
Order Covering Note

If this check box is selected, the covering note is printed.

Routing Sheet

If this check box is selected, the routing sheet is printed.

Related topics

Operation Note

If this check box is selected, the operation note is printed.

Collective Sawing List

If this check box is selected, the collective sawing list will be printed.

Cutting List

If this check box is selected, the cutting list is printed.

Collective Cutting List

If this check box is selected, the collective cutting list will be printed.

Related topics

Material List
Receipt Note

If this check box is selected, the receipt note is printed.

Material Issue Note

If this check box is selected, the material issue note is printed.

Inspection Note

If this check box is selected, the inspection note is printed.


This is the default setting.

Subcontracting Note

If this check box is selected, the subcontracting note is printed.

Related topics

Collective Material Issue Note

If this check box is selected, the reports for the entire order group are combined.

If this check box is cleared, each production order produces a report on a separate page.

Related topics


If this check box is selected, the checklist is printed.

Serial Number List

If this check box is selected, the serial numbers generated for the items specified in the production order are printed.

Sawing List

If this check box is selected, the sawing list is printed.

Print Microrouting on Routing Sheet

If this check box is selected, the information you linked to the microrouting is printed on the routing sheet.

Related topics

Order Distribution

If this check box is selected, the order distribution report is printed.



Prints the entered selection.