Effectivity Unit - Process Variables (tirou1114m000)

Use this session to make the target value of a process variable customer-specific by linking the process variable to an effectivity unit. A process variable is one of the features of a microrouting, and is used to establish settings or adjustments for a product.


Effectivity Unit
Configuration Ready

If this check box is selected, all desired requirements are selected for the unit effective item.

Process Variable

A setting or an input value related to a machine, a tool, or to process quality that is relevant to carry out an operation or an operation step. For example, cutting depth, cutting speed, and temperature.

Deviation Expressed In

How the deviation of the target value is expressed, Absolute or as a Percentage.

Default value

This field has a default value taken from the Deviation Expressed In field in the Process Variables (tirou0105m000) session.

Target Value

The process variable's target value.

Upper Control Limit

The process variable's upper control limit that is expressed as an absolute value or as a percentage.


If the upper control limit is expressed as an absolute value, the value is defined to which the process variable's target value can be exceeded.

For example, if the target value is 30 and the upper control limit must not exceed 33, 33 is displayed this field.


If the upper control limit is expressed as a percentage, the percentage is defined with which the process variable's target value can be exceeded.

For example, if the target value is 30 and the upper control limit must not exceed 33, 10% is displayed in this field.

Lower Control Limit

The process variable's lower control limit, which is expressed as an absolute value or as a percentage.


If the lower control limit is expressed as an absolute value, the minimum value is defined that the process variable's input value can be lower than the target value.

For example, if the target value is 30, and the lower control limit must not be lower than 27, 27 is entered in this field.


If the lower control limit is expressed as a percentage, the percentage is defined that the process variable's input value can be lower than the target value.

For example, if the target value is 30, and the lower control limit must not be lower than 27, 10% is entered in this field.