Print Sales Price Structure by Product Variant (tipcf5430m000)

Use this session to print the sales price structure by product variant.


Product Variant

A unique configuration of a configurable item. The variant results from the configuration process and includes information such as feature options, components, and operations.


Configurable item: electric drill


  • 3 power sources (batteries, 12 V or 220 V)
  • 2 colors (blue, gray).

A total of 6 product variants can be produced with these options.

Reference Type

A product variant may relate to a sales quotation, sales order, budget or project, or it may concern a standard variant.

Reference Order

The reference order number, which is the number of the sales quotation, the sales order, the budget or the project to which the product variant refers.

Reference Position

The reference position number is the position number of the sales quotation line or the sales order line to which the product variant refers.

Alt Sales Quotation

Select the multiple alternative of the sales quotation line.

Sold-to Business Partner
Product Config. Date

Select the product configuration date, which is the date on which the product variant data was last changed.

Print Texts

If this check box is selected, texts attached to a product variant are printed, such as the product variant text and the sales price list text.



Prints the data that you selected.