Production warehouse orders in Manufacturing

The detailed warehouse handling of material and end items enables you to:

  • Make a difference between canceling a quantity that is still in the warehouse, and returning a redundant quantity from the shop floor to the warehouse.
  • Return a specific lot code or serial number to the warehouse. This is useful if multiple lots or serial numbers are in the warehouse for a specific material or production order.
  • Specify different planned issue dates or receipt dates for a material or a production order. The planned inventory transactions reflect the different dates. Consequently, the MRP planning will result in a more accurate material planning.
  • Restart automatic processing, if you use automatic processing of warehouse orders (the Direct Process Warehouse Order Line check box is selected in the Items - Production Defaults (tiipd0102m000) session), and previous automatic processing was not successful, for example, due to a shortage.
  • Select a different warehouse procedure when using return orders.
How to use Production Warehouse Orders (timfc0101m000)

In the Material view, you can issue, cancel, or return material quantities in the session's heading as well as in the lines, for a specific production warehouse order.

To issue material from the warehouse:

  1. Specify the quantity that you want to issue in the header in the To Issue field.
  2. In the appropriate menu, click Process. If you typed a quantity in the To Issue field that is less than the ordered quantity, a new production warehouse order can be created.
  3. To continue the material handling process, select the appropriate production warehouse order, and choose the next action in the procedure in the appropriate menu.

If you want to cancel a material quantity, you must also specify the quantity in respectively the To Return field or the To Cancel field in the header, and then click Process in the appropriate menu.

If the Blocked check box is cleared, you cannot manually change the quantity in the Quantity Ordered field anymore to cancel a specific quantity to be issued from the warehouse you must cancel the quantity by doing the following:

  1. Specify the quantity that you want to cancel in the To Cancel field in the header , or in the Quantity to Cancel field for a specific production warehouse order. For example, if the ordered quantity for a specific material is 8, but you need only 6, you must enter 2 in the To Cancel field.

    If a material distribution is present, you must cancel the quantity on the appropriate production warehouse orders. If there is no material distribution, you can cancel the quantity in the To Cancel in the header.

  2. In the appropriate menu, click Process. The ordered quantity is corrected in Warehousing. Whether the corrected ordered quantity is displayed in this session depends on how far the warehouse outbound procedure has already progressed:
    • If the warehouse outbound procedure has not started yet, or is in an early stage, the ordered quantity of the appropriate production warehouse order is adjusted: The quantity that you typed in the To Cancel field is subtracted from the quantity in the Quantity Ordered field, and the To Cancel field is set back to 0 (zero).
    • If the warehouse outbound procedure is already too advanced, the Quantity Ordered for the production warehouse order is not adjusted anymore. However, the canceled quantity is displayed in the Quantity Canceled field so that warehouse employees know that this quantity does not need to be picked in the warehouse. The To Cancel field is set back to 0 (zero).

To return a quantity, carry out the following steps:

  1. Type the quantity you want to return in the Return Quantity field.
  2. Optionally, specify a reason code in the Return Reason field, and a order type in the Return Order type field.
  3. If required, click Select in the Select Lot / Serial field, after which you can specify lot codes or serial numbers in the Return Lots and Serials (whinh2149m000) session.

    If the Multiple Lots check box and the Multiple Serials check box are cleared, only one serial number or lot code, or no serial numbers/lot codes apply to the production warehouse order. If you carry out the next step, click Create Return, the lot code or serial number from the current production warehouse order is automatically copied to the return order. If no lot code is defined, a return order without a lot code is created.

  4. Click Create Return. The production warehouse order for the specified quantity is created.
Multiple production warehouse orders

In the Production Warehouse Orders (timfc0101m000) session, production warehouse orders are listed for a specific production order. A production warehouse order can relate to:

The following sections provide examples of multiple production warehouse orders, for example in case of subsequent deliveries or unit effective items.


There are two production orders, one for issue and one for subsequent delivery. These two production warehouse orders initially have the same allocation date, but you can change the allocation date manually in the Production Warehouse Orders (timfc0101m000) session.


An order distribution as defined in the Order Distribution (tisfc0105m000) session can result in multiple production warehouse orders. This is the case if the end item or material is defined as Lot Controlled in the Items - General (tcibd0501m000) session, and the Lots in Inventory check box is selected in the Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) session. One production warehouse order is generated for every involved effectivity unit.

If the end item or material is not Lot Controlled, the full quantity of the production order or material is recorded for effectivity unit 0 (zero), so in that case only one production warehouse order is present.

If the Unit Effective Supply check box is cleared in the Items - General (tcibd0501m000) session, also only one production warehouse order is present.

Search for lot number or serial number

If you must find orders related to a specific lot number or serial number, you can use the Production Warehouse Orders Overview session.

A search will not always produce results.

If the item's Lot Selection field is Any, and the Multiple Lots check box is selected, it means that more than one lot number is used in an order. As a result, you cannot search for production warehouse orders related to one of those lot codes in the Production Warehouse Orders Overview (timfc0101m100) session.

The same goes for serialized items: If the Multiple Serials check box is selected, more than one serial number is used in an order. As a result, you cannot search for production warehouse orders related to one of those serial numbers in the Production Warehouse Orders Overview (timfc0101m100) session.