Generate EBOM Copy Data (Multilevel) (tiedm1230m000)

Use this session to generate copy data for a multilevel EBOM. The specified Engineering items and the entire multilevel EBOM will be copied when you run the Finalize Engineering Data (tiedm3240m000) session.

LN will not generate copy data for the lower levels of the EBOM if copy data already exists (for example, from copying a single-level BOM with the EBOM Copy Data (tiedm1120m000) session).

LN will not generate copy data of a E-item revision if:

  • The revision which you selected does not have the status Approved for Production (see the Status field in the Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m000) session).
  • The E-item revision's unit is different from the item's unit (see the Unit field in the Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m000) session).
  • The E-Item type is different from production item type.
  • There is no valid revision of a component E-item of the EBOM with the status Approved for Production.

For each single-level EBOM you can check or change the result of this session using the EBOM Copy Data (tiedm1120m000) session. You can also use the EBOM Copy Data (tiedm1120m000) session to copy single-level EBOMs to production BOMs using the generated copy data.

If neither a relationship nor a target item exists, LN uses this session to make a relationship between an E-item revision and another item.

If you are using customized items, you must set the Customize Copied Item check box in the Engineering Data Management Parameters (tiedm0100m000) session to give the desired result.



Enter the E-item for which you want to generate copy data from its multilevel EBOM.


Enter the E-item revision for which you want to generate copy data from its multilevel EBOM.

Main Item

Enter the parent item whose EBOM you want to copy to a PBOM.

Overwrite Existing EBOM Copy Data

If this check box is selected, existing EBOM copy data is overwritten.

Create Relationships

If this check box is selected, relations are created if no relations already existed.

The setting of the Create Relationships check box is connected with the Overwrite Item in Production check box setting. The various setting combinations have the following results:

  • If the Create Relationships check box is selected, and the Overwrite Item in Production check box is cleared, the relation is created with the same code as that of the E-item only if an item with that code does not exist in production.
  • If the Create Relationships check box is selected, and the Overwrite Item in Production check box is also selected, the relation is created with the same code as that of the E-item. If an item with that code already exists in production, it is overwritten.
  • If the Create Relationships check box is cleared, and the Overwrite Item in Production check box is selected, the generation of copy data is stopped when the relations are not defined.
Include Shop Floor Components

If this check box is selected, components already present on the shop floor are included in the EBOM copy.

Overwrite Item in Production

If this check box is selected, items that are in production are overwritten.

The setting of the Overwrite Item in Production check box is connected with the Create Relationships check box setting. The various setting combinations have the following results:

  • If the Create Relationships check box is selected, and the Overwrite Item in Production check box is cleared, the relation is created with the same code as that of the E-item only if an item with that code does not exist in production.
  • If the Create Relationships check box is selected, and the Overwrite Item in Production check box is also selected, the relation is created with the same code as that of the E-item. If an item with that code already exists in production, it is overwritten.
  • If the Create Relationships check box is cleared, and the Overwrite Item in Production check box is selected, the generation of copy data is stopped when the relations are not defined.
Overwrite Item description and Search Keys

If this check box is selected, item descriptions and search keys already present are overritten.

Copy Attached Documents

If this check box is selected, attached documents will also be copied.

Include Alternatives

If this check box is selected, LN includes the alternative materials in the copy data.

Include Use Up Materials

If this check box is selected, LN includes the use-up materials in the copy data.

Print handled E-items

If this check box is selected, the engineering-items for which EBOM-copy data is generated are printed.

For few engineering items the EBOM-copy data generation is skipped, as it is assumed that those engineering items are already copied to production and are also printed.



Generates the buckets with the parameters you have defined in this session.