Item - Calculated Valuation Prices (ticpr2540m000)

Use this session to display the calculated valuation prices by price calculation code, item, and warehouse.

The valuation prices can be reported in an aggregated way or in a detailed way. For more information, see Cost components in Manufacturing.


Cost Calculation Code

A specification of how a cost price, valuation price, or sales price is calculated. The code stores specific cost calculation data.

The price calculation code that is defined in the Cost Price Calculation (CPR) Parameters determines the standard cost price. Other price calculation codes are used for simulation purposes. The price calculation code for customized items is stored by project.

  • Specific operation rates
  • Subcontracting rates
  • Simulated purchase prices
  • Surcharges
Enterprise Unit

enterprise unit


Only visible if Standard Cost per Enterprise Unit in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session is selected.

Financial Company

The warehouse to which the valuation price applies.


The currency in which the prices are expressed.

Related topics

Number of Units

The number of units to which the price applies in the form of either materials or hours. The units are included in the product structure or valuation price structure, and are saved under the relevant cost component during the cost/valuation price calculation.

Receipt Amount

The valuation price of the item when received in the warehouse.

Issue Amount

The item's valuation price when leaving the warehouse. The warehouse surcharges are included in the issue amount.

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