Calculate Standard Cost(ticpr2210m000)

Use this session to calculate the valuation price and the standard cost according to a cost calculation code.

Performance aspects

The settings in this session could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Delete item costing data.


Cost Calculation Method
Standard Cost Calculation Method

The specified method indicating how LN goes through the product structure when calculating the standard cost.

By Level

If this check box is selected, the price is calculated by BOM level of the item.

Calculation Data
Item Group
Price Calculation Code

A specification of how a cost price, valuation price, or sales price is calculated. The code stores specific cost calculation data.

The price calculation code that is defined in the Cost Price Calculation (CPR) Parameters determines the standard cost price. Other price calculation codes are used for simulation purposes. The price calculation code for customized items is stored by project.

  • Specific operation rates
  • Subcontracting rates
  • Simulated purchase prices
  • Surcharges
Cost Price Calculation Date

This date is used to simulate a cost/valuation price calculation on a date that either precedes or follows the current date. Based on the cost price calculation date, LN automatically simulates the structure and composition of the product and the routing. By default, LN shows the current date.

Only Items without A Standard Cost Price

If this check box is selected, cost prices and valuation prices are calculated for those items for which a standard cost price is not already calculated.


If you select this check box, existing cost prices are not recalculated, so they stay the same. However, the cost prices could be wrong due to changes afterwards. When a cost price already exists for a (configured) item, and you change something afterwards, you must recalculate the cost price by using this session. In that case this check box must be cleared.

Include Standard Subassemblies

If this check box is selected, the cost price of all standard subassemblies is calculated. When Only Items without A Standard Cost Price check box is also selected then subassemblies without cost price are calculated.


This field is displayed only when you select Customer Furnished Materials check box in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

Exclude Configured Standard Items

If this check box is selected, valuation prices and/or cost prices for configured standard items are not calculated.

If you run the Generate (Project) Structure for Product Variant (tipcs2220m000) session, an anonymous item that is part of a generic BOM becomes a configured standard item. For the configured standard item, a new, non-customized item code is generated. In this way, you can configure an item without using a PCS project.

Related topics

Actualize Standard Cost and Valuation Prices

If this check box is selected, the cost prices and/or the valuation prices are updated.

LN changes the values of the following fields in the Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000) session:

If the Backdate Valuation Price Allowed check box in the Cost Price Calculation Parameters (ticpr0100m000) session and the Actualize Standard Cost and Valuation Prices check box are selected, you can specify a date in the past to actualize prices. Therefore, select Last Date of Previous Period or Specific Date as the effective date.

Effective Date

You can specify the effective date of the valuation price or cost price, which can be the current date or a date in the past.

If the Actualize Standard Cost and Valuation Prices check box is selected, and the Backdate Valuation Price Allowed check box in the Cost Price Calculation Parameters (ticpr0100m000) session is also selected, you can specify for which date the valuation price or cost price is calculated or actualized.

Possible values

  • Current Date
    The date for which the valuation price is calculated or actualized is the current date.
  • Last Date of Previous Period

    The date for which the valuation price is calculated and actualized is the last date of the previous period.

  • Specific Date

    The date for which the valuation price is calculated and actualized is a date in the past, which you can enter in the Specific Date field.


If you select the Last Date of Previous Period option, you can also select the Reverse to original inventory value at start of current period check box on the Market Price tab. For more information, refer to Lower cost or market value

Delete Cost Price History Data

If this check box is selected, cost price history data is removed when the cost price data is actualized. Which cost price history data is removed depends on the value of the Retain Standard Cost Price History field in the Cost Price Calculation Parameters (ticpr0100m000) session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Remove item standard costing data.

Print Hours Values

If this check box is selected, production hours values are included in the report.

Specific date

If you click Specific Date, you can enter a date in the past in this field.

Market Price
Prices Based on Lower Cost or Market Value

You can base the value of inventory on the original purchase prices or the market prices.

If this check box is selected, and the market prices are lower than the purchase prices, the market prices are used to value inventory. This method is called lower cost or market value (LCMV).

If this check box is cleared, purchase prices are used to determine the inventory value.

Reverse to Original Inventory Value at Start of Current Period

Using lower cost or market value (LCMV) to value inventory can result in an inventory value that differs from the inventory value that is calculated based on the original purchase prices. If the effective date is the last day of the previous financial period (the Last Date of Previous Period option is selected), you can use this check box to determine whether the inventory value is based on LCMV or on the original purchase prices at the start of the current financial period:

If this check box is selected, LN uses the original inventory value when starting the current financial period.

If this check box is cleared, LN uses the inventory value based on LCMV when starting the current financial period.


You can only select or clear this check box if:

  • Your inventory valuation price is actualized: The Actualize Standard Cost and Valuation Prices check box is selected.
  • You use LCMV to value inventory: The Prices Based on Lower Cost or Market Value check box is selected.
  • The effective date is the last date of the previous financial period: The Last Date of Previous Period option is selected.
Price Used If Purchase Receipts Exist After Last Market Price Date

If new purchase receipts exist after the date that market prices are entered for the last time, you must select which price to use to calculate the inventory value. You can choose between the following options:

  • Last Available Order Price
    The purchase price on the last available purchase order is used to calculate inventory value.
  • Last Available Market Price
    The last available market price entered in the Market Prices (whina1118m000) session is used to calculate inventory value.

You can only select these options if the Prices Based on Lower Cost or Market Value check box is selected.

Parallel Bshells
Nr parallel Bshells

The number of servers (bshells) that calculate and actualize cost and valuation prices.

Batch size

The number of items that are submitted to one of the parallel servers (bshells) to calculate and actualize cost and valuation prices.



Calculates the cost price structure.