Line Station - Assembly Orders (tiasl6510m000)

Use this session to view the assembly orders scheduled for a line station. The orders that are planned for the line station are shown in sequence.


Line Station

The line station for which the assembly orders are displayed.


If this check box is selected, the Line-station variant (LSV) is made order specific. If the LSV is made order specific, it is only used for the assembly order for which it is made order specific. You can only change LSVs, when they are made order specific.

Planned Start Time

The time when work is planned to start on the order, according to the original planning.

Assembly Order

The assembly order for which work is done on the line station.

Planned End Time

The time when work is planned to be finished on the order, according to the original planning.

Actual Start Time

The time when work is planned to start on the order, according to the most recent planning.

Actual End Time

The time when work is planned to be finished on the order, according to the most recent planning.

Line Station Order Status

The status of the line-station order, that is, the assembly order for the line station.

The following statuses are possible:

  • Planned
  • Frozen
  • Ready to Start
  • Completed
  • Closed
Line Station Variant

Holds identical operations and materials that are used at a specific line station for multiple assembly orders. In this manner, the identical operations and materials are stored only once, rather than for each assembly order. When line station variants are used, less data storage is required, and the performance is enhanced.


You produce cars with various features, including two types of wheels: broad and narrow. In the wheel line station, in which the wheels are fitted, all cars with broad wheels are one line station variant, and cars with narrow wheels are another line station variant, regardless of any other specifications, because the other specifications are not relevant to the wheel line station.


Show All Orders

Click to show all the assembly orders for this assembly line.

Orders, Work to be Done

Click to display only the orders which are not reported complete.

Request Start on Line Segment...

Use this command to indicate that related orders on another assembly line, for example, a supply line, must be started. This way you can synchronize a main line and a supply line, such that the product assembled on the supply line arrives at the right time and place on the main line. If you request the start of an order, the Start Requested check box is selected, in the Line Segment - Line Sequence (tiasl4500m000) session.

Complete Line Station Order

Click to report the line station order complete.

Undo Complete Line Station Order

If you have reported a line station order complete, click here to undo that action.

You cannot carry out this action for a line-station order whose assembly order is closed.

Request AP for Shop Floor Warehouse...

Click to start the Replenish Shop Floor Warehouse (tiasc8210m000) session, which generates or updates messages to supply assembly parts to a shop floor warehouse. This messages can either be order-controlled batch or order-controlled SILS. If the assembly parts are supplied from an internal warehouse, the messages are handled by Warehousing. If the assembly parts are supplied from an external supplier, a shipping schedule is used and the messages are handled by Procurement.

Transfer AP Supply Messages

Use this command to transfer supply messages from ASC, via session Transfer Assembly Part Supply Messages (tiasc8220m000) to Warehousing/ Purchase Control.

WIP Transfer Generate

Click to start the Generate WIP Transfer (tiasc7200m000) session, which generates a warehouse transfer order for the WIP transfer.

WIP Transfer Issued

Click to start the Execute WIP Issue (tiasc7201m000) session, which issues the WIP from the line to the line station to which the line belongs.

WIP Transfer Receive

Click to start the Execute WIP Receipt (tiasc7202m000) session. WIP is received on the supplying assembly line.

Assembly Part Supply Transfer (Batch)

Click to start the Line Station - Assembly Part Supply Transfer (Batch) (tiasc8510m000) session, which displays the order-controlled-batch messages generated to supply shopfloor warehouses.

Assembly Part Supply Transfer (SILS)

Click to start the Assembly Part Supply Transfer (SILS) (tiasc8520m000) session, which displays the order-controlled supply-in-line-sequence messages generated to supply shopfloor warehouses.

Assembly Order

Displays the selected assembly order.


Click to start the Line Station Variant - Operations (tiasc2122m000) session for a LSV-Assembly Part, which displays the operation that must be performed for the selected line station order. An operation is contained in a line station variant.

Print Product vs Process Engineering Content
Clustered Line Station Orders

Displays the clustered line station order that is applicable to the selected line station order.

Print Work Instructions

Starts the Print Work Instructions (tiasc5450m000) session to print work instructions for a range of line stations and dates.

Generate Number for Assembly Part

Generates a serial number for the assembly part. This is done based on the mask you defined in Common.

Print Assembly Messages

Starts the Print Messages (tiasc0401m000) session, which prints messages that are logged during the execution of the processes you have run.

Assembly Parts

Click to start the Line Station Variant - Assembly Parts (tiasc2121m000) session, which displays the assembly parts that are used in this line station order. An assembly part is contained in a line station variant.


Click to start the Messages (tiasc0501m000) session, if messages were logged during the execution process of this session.

Make LSV Order Specific

The line station variant is made specific to the line station order. You can now add and change the assembly parts linked to this line station order. If you make the LSV order specific, a new LSV is generated for the line station order.

Generate AP Supply Messages (Time Fences)...

Starts the Generate Time Horizon-driven SILS Supply Messages (tiasc8212m000) session, which generates or updates SILS supply messages for line station orders, based on time fences.