Simulate and Create Line Sequences (tiasl4200m000)

Use this session to generate a sequence of assembly orders for an assembly line.


Sequence Options
Sequence Options

LN only optimizes the sequence for the segment selected in the Pivot Segment field.

Select an improvement method:

  • Local Improvement
    If selected, LN only optimizes the sequence for the segment selected in the Pivot Segment field. You can select Neighbor Checking to optimize the sequence for a segment.
  • Global Improvement
    If selected, LN optimizes the sequence for all segments that you select in this session.
Neighbor Checking

If this check box is selected, LN considers the segments immediately before and after the specified segments during the optimization process. This gives rise to a sequence that is translatable to the neighbor segments, which means that the sequence changes are feasible.

  • If you use the Global Improvement option, Neighbor Checking is selected and cannot be cleared.
  • If you use the Local Improvement option, Neighbor Checking can be selected or cleared.
Confirm Sequence

If this check box is selected, the sequence that LN generates is confirmed automatically. The orders in the sequence are offset and the planning data for ASC orders, such as segment start time and segment end time, are calculated.

If this check box is cleared, you can confirm the sequence when you click the Confirm button, after you select the run number of a previously generated sequence.

Offsetting Options
Offsetting Options

Select an option for calculating the offset.

Allowed values

Offsetting Options

Initial Start Date

This date is defaulted from the Planned Start Time of the first position on the last segment of the assembly line.


If the date is in the past, it is corrected to the current date and time + five minutes, or the first available work time in the calendar.

Replan Start Date

The date you want as the new starting point for the planning of the next order on the assembly line.


The replan start date must be in the future. If the date is in the past, it will be corrected to the current date and time + five minutes, or the first available work time in the calendar.

Sequence Selection
Assembly Line

The assembly line that you want to sequence.

Pivot Segment

The first segment in the sequence generated by LN.

  • The segment for which you have defined parameters in the Remix/Sequence Parameters (tiasl4110m000) session. If you sequence multiple segments, LN sequences the pivot segment first. This segment is then copied to the other segments within the range, and the segments are then sequenced.
  • You must carefully select a segment that is representative of your assembly line. You can simulate line sequences for your assembly line with various different segments as the pivot segment, to see which gives the most efficient sequence.

The sequencing based on the pivot segment is treated differently depending on the Sequence Improvement Method that is selected:

  • If the Local Improvement option is selected, only the pivot segment will be optimized and sequenced.

  • If the Global Improvement option is selected, the line segment range to be optimised must contain a pivot segment. The pivot segment is used to signal where the optimization process starts.

Line Segment

A set of consecutive assembly-line work centers on an assembly line between two buffers. The first buffer is the beginning of the segment, the next buffer is the first part of the next segment.

Planned Offline Date

The actual offline date of new orders which are taken into account and added to the sequence in the sequencing process.

LN always takes previously sequenced orders into account, irrespective of the date range you specify in this field.

Sequence Time Fence

If this check box is selected, a time fence must be defined for this sequence of the assembly line. Once filled, a date is calculated and displayed.


If a sequence time fence is entered, no line sequencing occurs before the calculated date.

Ignore Rules within Time Fence

If this check box is selected, the sequence logic does not compensate for any violated line rules detected after the sequence time fence date.

If this check box is cleared, and the line sequence violates the line rules within the time fence, the sequence logic compensates for this after the sequence time fence.


The assembly line has a line sequence that has one in twelve cars painted with a special coating. A planner needs to have the first fifteen cars in the line sequence be given the special coating.

If the sequence time fence is defined so that all fifteen cars are within the time fence, then these cars will not be rescheduled.

  • If this check box is cleared, LN compensates once the time fence is passed to avoid the high penalty cost for the deviation from the rule. No cars that require the special coating are scheduled for the next 180 cars (15*12).
  • If this check box is selected, after the time fence is passed, a new line sequence with the line rule ratio can be scheduled.
Sequence Quality
Run Number

The identification number of the sequencing run. To see results of other run numbers, click the Up or Down button.

Penalty Cost

Theoretical costs for not meeting rules on an assembly line.


Indicates whether the sequence is translatable between the different segments of the assembly line.

Sequence Progress
Initialize Sequence

The value of this field indicates whether a sequence was initialized, by adding a new assembly order, for the selection you made in this session.

Initial Penalty Cost

Penalty cost of the sequence before optimization has taken place.

Selected Sequence

The run number of the selected run.



Generates the sequence.


Prints a report that shows the order sequence and the order option combinations for each segment of the selected run number.


Permanently stores the order sequence of the selected run number.


Displays error messages and warnings.


Click to see results of a previous run.


Click to see results of a later run.