Assembly Part Supply Transfer (SILS) (tiasc8520m000)

Use this session to view transfers of assembly parts for which you have selected Order Controlled / SILS in the Supply System field of the Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000) session.


Line Station

The line station whose shop-floor warehouse receives the assembly parts delivered by the SILS supply system.

Quantity Received

The quantity already received in the shop floor warehouse.

Job Sequence

The job sequence that is used as basis for the calculation of the delivery times of the required assembly parts in the shop floor warehouse.

The following options exist:

  • Planned The planned sequence of the work on the assembly order is taken as basis. That is, the planned times of the line station order (LSO) for the Line Station Supply At station are used to calculate the planned delivery time of the requested parts, even if at that moment the actual times of the order differ from the planned times.
  • Actual The actual sequence of the work on the assembly order is taken as basis. When the Replenish Shop Floor Warehouse (tiasc8210m000) session is run, LN detects any differences between the actual times and the planned times of the LSO, and takes this differences into account when calculating the planned delivery time of the requested parts.

The job sequence is selected in the Job Sequence Type field in the Replenish Shop Floor Warehouse (tiasc8210m000) session.


Supply messages can be generated in the Replenish Shop Floor Warehouse (tiasc8210m000) session, and in the Generate Time Horizon-driven SILS Supply Messages (tiasc8212m000) session. Only in the Replenish Shop Floor Warehouse (tiasc8210m000) session, you can choose between the Planned and the Actual job sequence. The Generate Time Horizon-driven SILS Supply Messages (tiasc8212m000) session always uses the Planned sequence. However, in that session, you can select the Include Schedule Delay check box to take schedule delays into account in the calculation of the delivery times. Therefore, the Include Schedule Delay check box can have as much influence on the calculation of the delivery times, as the selection of the Actual job sequence has in the Replenish Shop Floor Warehouse (tiasc8210m000) session, although the calculation methods differ. So, the meaning of the job sequence displayed in the current field is limited. If you used the Generate Time Horizon-driven SILS Supply Messages (tiasc8212m000) session to generate the messages, the meaning of a Planned job sequence largely depends on the selection and influence of the Include Schedule Delay check box.

TransferOrder/ Position/ Seq. Number

If you select Warehouse in the Supply from Warehouse field of the Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000) session, LN generates warehouse transfers from the source warehouse to the shop-floor warehouse.

  • Internal supply: The warehouse transfer order that Warehousing uses to transfer materials to the shop floor.
  • External supply: The purchase schedule number that is used to order the materials.
Transfer Order/Position

The assembly parts position number on the warehouse order (internal supply) or on the purchase schedule (external supply).

VIN Number

Vehicle Identification Number.


SILS supply messages can be blocked, which means that the messages must not yet be proceeded by the warehouse or supplier, although the messages can be used for reservation and scheduling purposes. The block is removed automatically, if certain conditions apply. Refer to the help on the Replenish Shop Floor Warehouse (tiasc8210m000) session and the Generate Time Horizon-driven SILS Supply Messages (tiasc8212m000) session for more information.

Reference Number

Reference numbers are used in conjunction with external supply methods. Therefore, the Reference Number field remains blank in the case of internal supply methods. In order-controlled supply in line sequencing (SILS), a unique reference number is generated for every unique combination of: line station + VIN number + assembly kit ID. This reference number is sent together with the purchase schedules to the suppliers and is also printed on the advanced shipping notice (ASN) that is sent back from the supplier. The reference number can also be used when receipts are entered.


The status of the supply process. The status has either respect to the supply requests, or to the required parts.

If the supply messages are not yet transferred, or the transfer is rejected, the following statuses are possible:

  • Created The messages are created.
  • Modified The messages are modified.
  • Canceled The messages are canceled.

If the supply messages are transferred, the following statuses are possible:

  • Not Received The parts are not yet received in the shop floor warehouse.
  • Partially Received Some of the parts are received, but not all.
  • Received All parts are received.

Messages have the Canceled status, if the order content has changed, and the Replenish Shop Floor Warehouse (tiasc8210m000) session detects that an already requested part is no longer required. Canceled messages are also transferred to the supplier or warehouse, to inform them about the changes. However, after the transfer of canceled messages, the messages are deleted from the records, and the parts in question are not displayed anymore in the current session.

Transfer Rejected

If this check box is selected, the supply messages could not be transferred to Warehousing or Purchase Control. Check the error messages to find out why the transfer was rejected.

Assembly Line

The assembly line on which the parts are required.

Line Station

The line station for which the assembly parts are required.

Supply Type

The method of transfer, internal or external. For internal supply, that is, supply of the shop floor warehouse by the main warehouse, the current field displays Warehouse. For external supply, that is, supply of the shop floor warehouse by an external supplier, the current field displays Supplier.

The way the supply messages are transferred and processed is determined by the Supply from Warehouse check box in the Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000) session:

  • The check box is selected for internal supply. LN generates warehouse transfers from the source warehouse to the shop-floor warehouse.
  • The check box is cleared for external supply. The Purchase Control module uses this information to generate a sequenced shipping schedule to control supply from the supplier to the shop floor warehouse.

If the supply method for an item is order-controlled SILS, that item is supplied as part of an assembly assembly kit, which you can also define in Warehousing.

Assembly Kit

In supply in line sequence supply, parts are delivered as assembly kits.

The assembly kit in which the assembly part is supplied is defined in the Assembly Kit (whwmd4550m000) session.

Kit Type

The Assembly Kit Type originates from the Assembly Kit (whwmd4550m000) session.

Planned Requirement Date

The date when the parts are required.

Assembly Order

The assembly order that requires the parts.

Assembly Part

The assembly part used by the order. With the SILS supply system, parts are supplied in assembly kits.

Transfer Done

If this check box is selected, the supply messages are transferred to Warehousing or Purchase Control.

Quantity Called Off

The quantity on the purchase schedule call-off.


Transfer AP Supply Messages

Use this command to transfer supply messages from ASC to Warehousing or Purchase Control, via session Transfer Assembly Part Supply Messages (tiasc8220m000).

Receive Assembly Part

You can only execute this command for order controlled SILS messages with supply status Created. If you execute this command, two fields are updated: Status is set to Received. Quantity Received is made equal to Quantity Called Off (for the assembly part that is received).