Assembly Orders (tiasc2502m000)

Use this session to view the assembly orders.


Assembly Order

An order to assemble a product on one or more assembly lines.

Parent Order Number

If you use a multisite production environment, the order in another site for which this assembly order is producing a sub-assembly. The parent order is for the main line, and the child order (in the current session) for the supplying line. A supplying line can also have a supplying line, which makes the previous picture more complex, although the principle is the same.

Parent Assembly Line

The parent assembly line to which the subassembly manufactured by this assembly order must be delivered. Example: Parent assembly line is used in intercompany WIP transfer handling if the supply line supplies to more than one parent line.


The generic item or manufactured item for which the Default Supply Source is Assembly.

Assembly Line

A set of consecutive line stations in which FAS (Final Assembly Schedule) items are manufactured. The items are manufactured by passing the items from line station to line station and by carrying out operations at each line station. An assembly line is subdivided into a number of line segments separated by buffers. An assembly line can be either a main line or a supplying line.

Assembly Start Date

The planned start date of the production of the assembly order.

Planned Offline Date

The date the production is planned to be completed.


The status of the assembly order.

The following statuses exist:

  • Planned
  • Sequenced
  • In Progress
  • Completed
  • Closed

When the blocking reasons are entered for the assembly order in assembly control, the assembly order is blocked for execution purposes. If the assembly order was blocked, the check box in this field is selected. If the assembly order is not blocked, the check box is cleared.


If this check box is selected, the planned delivery date of an assembly order is set to the date selected, it can no longer be changed.


Move Assembly Order...

Click to start the Move Assembly Order (tiasl3210m000) session.

Close Assembly Orders...

Click to start the Close Assembly Orders (tiasc7210m000) session.

Remix Assembly Line Mix...

Click to start the Remix Line Mix (tiasl3220m000) session.

Check Inventory...

Zoom to the Check Inventory (tiasc2240m000) session to create a list of assembly part shortages. You can also use this session to generate a list of blocked orders.

Line Station Orders
WIP Estimates
Purge State-dependent ASC Data...

Click to start the Purge State-dependent ASC Data (tiasl1200m000) session. No Help topic is associated with this item.

Assembly Order - Blocking Reasons

Click to start the Assembly Order - Blocking Reasons (tiasc2103m000) session. No Help topic is associated with this item.

Warehouse Orders
Warehouse Order - Status Overview