Approving invoices for payment

To approve invoices for payment, you must know your Assigned Approver code.

To approve a purchase invoice for payment:

  1. Start the Authorize Purchase Invoices (tfacp1142m000) session.
  2. Use the group buttons or use Find to display the invoices that are linked to your Assigned Approver code.
  3. From the View menu, select a suitable sort order. You can list the invoices by document date, or by business partner.
  4. From the appropriate menu, select the invoices you want to display. You can display Not Approved Invoices, Approved Invoices, or All Invoices.
  5. Select the invoice and in the Approved for Payment field, enter Yes.

If you save the data and you selected to display Not Approved Invoices, the invoice disappears from the list.

Unapproving invoices

If you need to make corrections to the invoice, you must first unapprove the invoice.

From the appropriate menu of the Authorize Purchase Invoices (tfacp1142m000) session, you can select various commands to unapprove invoices. On the submenu, you must select whether you unapprove the Invoices or the Payments.

If you unapprove the payment, LN sets the Approved for Payment indicator to No.

After you create the correction, you must approve the invoice again and authorize the invoice for payment. For details refer to Purchase invoice corrections


The Unapprove commands in the Authorize Purchase Invoices (tfacp1142m000) session only change the related Approved indicator to No.

To reverse invoice approval, you must display the approved invoice in the Match/Approve Purchase Invoices (tfacp2107m000) details session and from the appropriate menu, select Unapprove. LN reverses the price difference transactions and the additional costs transactions.