Creating a consolidated statement from a financial statement

To create a consolidated statement from a financial statement:
  1. In a financial company, create a statement of type Financial Statement.
  2. Copy this financial statement to other companies as applicable. Keep the same statement account structure. However, you can make changes to the ledger accounts and dimensions that are linked to these statement accounts.
  3. Make sure a layout code is available for the consolidated statement or create one. For more information, refer to Creating statement layouts.
  4. Copy the financial statement to a consolidated statement:

    1. In the Financial Statements (tffst1500m000) session, select the statement you want to copy.
    2. From the appropriate menu, select Copy Financial Statement to start the Copy Financial Statements (tffst1260m000) session.
    3. In the Target section, do the following:

      • Define a code and description.
      • Set Statement Type to Consolidated Statement.
      • Specify a layout code.
    4. To reuse text that was used in the source statement, in the Options section, select Copy Text.
    5. Click Copy.
  5. In the Financial Statements (tffst1500m000) session, open the consolidated statement in the Financial Statements (tffst1600m000) session.
  6. On the Statement Accounts tab, for all level 0 (zero) accounts, do the following:

    1. Select the account.
    2. Through the appropriate menu, start the Statement Accounts by Consolidated Statement Account (tffst1127m000) session, and then link the appropriate financial statement accounts to the selected consolidated statement account.
  7. On the Statement Columns tab, for all columns, do the following:

    1. Open the column.
    2. In the Statement Columns (tffst1105m000) session, modify the setup if required. Make sure the value of the Formula field is 'a'.
    3. Through the appropriate menu, start the Consolidated Statement Column References (tffst1112m000) session, and then link the appropriate financial statement columns to the selected consolidated statement column.

      Each financial statement column that you link, is assigned a sequence number within variable 'a'.

      You can use the Factor field to indicate the participation percentage.

  8. Set the statement status to Approved.