Creating statement layouts

Before you can print a statement directly from LN, or by using BIRT, you must create a financial statement layout. A layout determines the following:

  • How the header of the statement should be printed.
  • How the lines on the statement should be printed.
  • How many columns are printed on the statement and how these columns are printed.

One statement layout can be used by multiple statements.

You can set up a layout for these layout types:

  • Statement
  • Consolidated
  • Annexure
To create a statement layout:
Step 1. Define the general layout
  1. In the Statement Layouts (tffst0110m000) session, click New Group.
  2. Set Layout Type to Statement.
  3. Click New. The Statement Layouts (tffst0610m000) session is started.
  4. Enter a code and description.
  5. Under Layout Size, specify the following:

    • Font size
    • Page width (in characters)
    • Top, bottom, and left margins
    • Header and footer text.
  6. Under Column Definition, specify the following:

    • Column separator
    • Number of column header lines
    • Position of statement account column header. ('0' = do not print)
    • Position of statement account description column header. ('0' = do not print)
  7. If required, from the appropriate menu, select Text Editor to create header and/or footer text. In the text box you, from the text editor's menu, select Zoom to select the variables that you want to use in the header of footer text, such as 'page number' or 'user name'.
Step 2. Define column layouts
  1. On the Column Layouts tab, specify the following:

    • Starting position for each column. Only the amount columns need to be defined. Although you do not define the account number and/or description columns here, keep in mind that the description requires 37 positions and, to print the account number as well, another 14. Therefore, the first column should start after this.
    • Output format
    • Column header alignment.
  2. To preview the results of the output format you defined here, click the Zoom button next to the Output Format field. This will start the Test Output Format (tffst0801m000) session.
Step 3. Define account layouts
  1. On the Account Layouts tab, do the following:

    • For each account and sublevel, or a range of accounts or sublevels, specify:

      • How the account must be printed.
      • On which position of the report the account code must be printed. ('0' = do not print)
      • On which position of the report the account must be printed. ('0' = do not print)
      • Whether, and if so, what type of line must be printed above and below the statement lines.
      • Whether these lines should be printed only in the amount columns or across the entire page.

      Tip: Try to keep the layout as generic as possible, so you can use it for other statements as well.

    • For annexure reports, open the account layouts line. The Account Layouts (tffst0112m000) session is started. In this session, specify:

      • Which annexure elements must be printed and on which positions. ('0' = do not print)
      • Company, ledger account, and dimensions.

        For each of these fields, define its position and description. If, for example, you do not define dimension data (meaning each dimension position and description is zero), no dimension data is printed.

  2. Optionally, from the appropriate menu of the Account Layouts tab, select Account Column Layouts to start the Account Column Layouts (tffst0113m000) session, which allows you to specify exceptions of the column position. In this way, you can have specific accounts indented within a column.

    Example: For column 3, the accounts with sublevel greater than 30 should be on position 69 rather than 70.

Step 4. Define additional layout details
  1. In the Statement Layouts (tffst0610m000) session, from the appropriate menu, select Details.
  2. On the Layout Definition tab, under Column Definition, you can specify the following column details:

    • Line before and after the column header
    • Column header statement account
    • Column header statement account description.
  3. On the Text Handling tab, specify the following texts and their positions ('0' = do not print):

    • Adjustment transaction text (the header that is printed above the adjustment transaction)
    • Carry forward text
    • Grand total text. Usually, you do not want to use this because the totals are calculated using the parent-child structure of the statement accounts.
  4. On the Problem Texts tab, specify various problem texts to be used in the following cases:

    • Division by zero
    • Out of selection
    • Missing 100% account
    • No column 1 amount
    • No 100% column amount.

    You may want to edit these texts if you use narrow columns and you need to use abbreviated messages. Alternatively, you may not want to see any error messages printed on your statement, and you need to remove the messages from these fields.

Step 5. Generate layout

In the Statement Layouts (tffst0610m000) session, click Generate Report. It might be necessary to have your current package VRC changed. Contact your system administrator to have it changed.

Step 6. Check layout

In the Statement Layouts (tffst0610m000) session, click Print Statement Layout, select Print Dummy Statement Layout, and then check the results.