Adjusting Mass Asset Books

You record adjustments by book to change those values on assets that can vary from book to book. You record a mass adjustment by book to change a large number of assets in one or more of their related books.

When you identify the fields and values to adjust, you enter operators and values for each field. For example, if you want to increase asset life from 10 to 15 periods, you can choose the plus sign ( + ) operator in the row for the Life field and enter 5 as the change value, or you can choose the replace operator and enter 15 as the change value.

After you enter operators and values, you choose the books to which LN should apply your changes and enter a date to determine when the adjustment takes effect. Based on the values you adjust, LN can have to restate depreciation. For adjustments to any value, LN restates from the adjustment's effective date.


The effective date you enter cannot be prior to the asset's in-service date.