Asset adjustment

An adjustment transaction makes changes to asset values that can no longer be directly changed after the asset is capitalized. LN saves the new value to the asset and records the former value of that field for historical purposes. This allows you to perform an asset inquiry to view all the changes made to the asset throughout its life.

You cannot adjust an asset after it has been removed from capitalization or after it has been disposed. You can adjust values associated with the asset or values associated with specific books related to the asset.

You enter a date for each adjustment to determine when the change takes effect, and a reason code that explains why you made the adjustment. Although you cannot adjust the account directly, you can obtain account information.


The effective date for an asset adjustment cannot be prior to the asset's in-service date.

In addition to recording adjustments on an asset basis, there are two other types of adjustments you can make:

  • Mass adjustments, to make a similar change to a large number of assets at once.
  • Vintage/group account adjustments, to adjust assets subject to ADR or MACRS group tax reporting, by adjusting the vintage/group account to which they belong.