Statement Accounts (tffst1520m000)

Use this session to create and maintain the financial statement accounts.

For a financial statement, accounts are defined to represent the items that must be reported on a financial report. For example, if you want to create a balance sheet, the balance sheet items are defined as statement accounts.

Similar to the ledger account setup, you can link statement accounts to parents to create multilevel parent-child structures (maximum of 99 levels). At the lowest level (0), links are defined between the statement accounts and ledger accounts or dimensions.


Financial Statement

The code of the financial statement.

Statement Account

The code of the statement account.

Annexure Value Data Present

If this check box is selected, annexure value data exists for this account.

Account Type
Cash Flow Statement Account

If this check box is selected, this account can be used for cash flow statements.

The statement account can be linked to a cash flow reason.

Related topics

Debit / Credit

Indicates whether the account is used for debit transactions or credit transactions.

Default Gain/Loss Account

If this check box is selected, this account is used as the default

Accounting Scheme

A scheme of accounts to which the results of certain events are posted. The accounting scheme consists of ledger accounts, structured in a parent-child hierarchy.

Print Sequence

Determines the order in which the account data is printed.


You can use sublevels to determine how detailed a statement must be. You can print the financial statement from a specified sublevel.


A sublevel is mandatory for every statement account.

Parent Statement Account

You can use the parent statement accounts to total statement amounts. To do this you link several child statement accounts to a parent.

Enter the parent for this statement account.

Sign Switch

Indicates whether the values of the selected statement account must be multiplied by -1, and if so, when.

Alternate Account

An account to which you can transfer amounts with a different sign (debit/credit value) compared to the linked statement account.


The Short Term Debts statement account, defined as a credit account, was set up as the alternate account for Cash, which was defined as a debit account. The total value of the ledger accounts linked to the Short Term Debts statement account is 10000.

Value of ledger accounts linked to CashPrinted on statement for CashPrinted on statement for Short Term Debts
1000 Debit100010000
3000 Credit13000


Method of Alternate Account Usage

Indicates when negative and debit amounts will be transferred from a statement account to the alternate account.

Rounding Difference Account

The ledger account to which the rounding difference is posted.

100 Percent Account

The statement account defined as the denominator when calculating percentages.

Account Text

If this check box is selected, text exists for this account.

Currency Details
Use Historical Rates

If this check box is selected, LN will use available historical rates.

Rate Type

A way to group currency exchange rates. You can assign different currency exchange rates to different invoice-to business partners and/or to different types of transactions (purchase, sales, and so on).

Currency Gain and Loss Account

The ledger account to which the currency gain and loss is posted.


Specifications by Statement Account
Copy Ledger Acc. to Statement Acc.
Copy Dimensions to Statement Accounts
Specifications by Account and Column
Statement Account Value by Column
Alternate Account Specifications
Alternate Account Groups
Ratio Specifications by Column
View Tree

Displays a graphical view of the ledger account structure.

Statement Accounts by Consolidated Account