Assign Unallocated/Advance Payments to Invoices (tfcmg2106s000)

Use this session to link advance and unallocated payments to purchase invoices.

You can also assign an unallocated or advance payment to other unallocated and advance payments if the documents use the same currency and rate.

To assign advance payments to expenses, click New. In the Assignment Type field, select Expense. Next, you can enter the details in the Enter Payment Amounts for Assignment (tfcmg2119s000) session. For details, refer to To assign employees' expenses to advance payments

To start this session, select Unallocated Payment in the Document field of the Bank Transactions (tfcmg2500m000) session.

Payment authorization

If the selected purchase invoice is not approved for payment, LN displays a warning.


Remaining Amount

The remaining balance amount that can be assigned to the invoices.

The currency in which the remaining amount is expressed.

Remaining Amount including Withholding Tax

The remaining balance amount which includes the withholding tax amount.

The currency in which the remaining amount which includes withholding tax amount is expressed.


If this check box is selected, the amount is selected for assignment.

Assignment Type

Specify how you want to treat the unallocated amount.

To assign advance payments to expenses, select Expense.


You can only select Expense if you have clicked New to create a new entry.


The company code.

Invoice-from Business Partner
Bank Reference

A unique number used by the banks to reference each invoice. The bank reference number can be a string of 20 or more digits, composed in such a way that a number check can be performed to check its validity.

In some countries, the bank reference number is a critical component of payment and receipt transactions, especially if payment slips are used. If bank reference numbers are used, the bank reference number must appear on the invoice document, on the payment slip if applicable, and on the payment document.


The transaction type of the purchase invoice.


The document number associated to the transaction type used to identify the purchase invoice.


The line number of the purchase invoice.

Schedule Line Number

The payment schedule line number.

If you use receipts against shipments, this number indicates the shipment.

Document Date

The date on which the invoice was created.

Due Date

The due date of the invoice.

Supplier's Invoice Number

The number that your supplier uses to identify the invoice.

Invoice Amount

The total invoice amount.


The currency used in the purchase invoice.

Balance in Invoice Currency

The balance of the invoice amount.

Amount to Assign in Bank Currency

The amount that you want to assign to the invoice.

Amount (Invoice Currency)

The amount in the invoice currency.

Amount to Assign in Home Currency

The amount in the home currency.

Discount Amount

The invoice's discount amount.

if the Block Discount Exceeding Tolerance check box is selected in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session, you cannot enter or accept a discount that exceeds the discount percentages defined in the Payment Terms (tcmcs0113s000) session.

Payment Discount in Home Currency

The discount amount in the home currency.

Discount Date

The discount date of the invoice.

Late PaymentSurcharge
Late Payment Surcharge in Home Currency
Late Payment Date

The date after which late-payment surcharge is calculated.

Payment Difference

The payment difference.

The payment difference amount and the percentage must both fall within the tolerances defined in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session or specifically for you in the Payment Authorizations (tfcmg1100m000) session.

Payment Difference in Home Currency
Cash Flow Reason

The cash flow reason of the transaction.

Related topics

Transaction Reference

The reference text.


This field indicates the status of the invoice if the invoice is blocked.

Withholding Tax Applicable

If this check box is selected, the withholding tax is applicable for the invoice.

Gross Amount

The total amount that includes invoice amount and withholding tax amount.

Gross amount is equal to invoice amount when the withholding tax amount is allowed on advance payments.

Withholding tax on advance payments is allowed only when you select the Withholding Tax on Advance Payments check box in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session.

Withholding Income Tax
Withholding Social Contribution
Social Contribution Company Expense


Process Assignment(s)

Assigns the payment amount to the selected invoices and finalizes the batch.

Assign Unallocated to Advance Payments/Receipts
Assign Unall. to Adv. Paym/Rec Based on Aging
Selection Of Open Items
Assignment Details of Advance/Unallocated
Assignments on Advance/Unallocated Receipts

Displays the assignment lines during the assignment process.

Segment Distribution