Factored Documents (tfacr2512m000)

Use this session to view the factored documents for a specific factor and original pay-by business partner.

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The factor with whom you factored the listed invoices.


The factor with whom you factored the listed invoices.

Original Pay-by Business Partner

The original pay-by business partner of the factored invoices.


The transaction type of the factored invoice.

Document Number

The document number of the factored invoice.

Document Type

The document type of the factored invoice.

Factored Date

The document date of the factored invoice.


If this check box is selected, factoring is done with recourse.


The status of the factored invoice.


The currency of the factored invoice.

Factored Amount

The factored amount.

Amount Received

The amount recieved from the factor to date.

Amount Settled

The amount for which the invoice is already (partly) settled.


A discount amount that you grant the invoice-to business partner for this invoice.

Late PaymentSurcharge

The late payment surcharge of the invoice.

Factoring Commission

The factoring commission amount for this invoice.

LN calculates the default factoring commission as a percentage of the original invoice amount. The percentage is retrieved from the factor/pay-by business partner combination in the Pay-by Business Partners By Factor (tfacr0116m000) session.

Factoring Commission Paid

The factoring commission amount paid to date.


Print Factored Documents

Starts the Print Factored Documents (tfacr2412m000) session.

Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries

Starts the Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000) session.