Subcontracting Invoice (tfacp3160s000)

Use this session to maintain the subcontracting invoices listed in LN so that you can add more subcontracting-specific details to the invoice data defined in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session.

Subcontracting invoices are sent by subcontractors, to which the regulations that concern the ultimate responsibility for payment of taxes and social security premiums apply.

The invoices are identified by selecting the Subcontracting check box in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session.

Use this session to display the division of the total invoice amount into:

  • The wage part.
  • The amount transferred to a blocked account.
  • The amount that is paid directly to the tax authorities.
  • The amounts that is paid directly to the associated IAB.

You can change the last three amounts. You can also link an order number to the invoice.



The transaction type code; part of the invoice identification.


The document number, part of the invoice identification.

The number combined with the selected transaction type code produces a unique invoice number.


Enter an invoice-from business partner.

Allowed values

  • Select an invoice-from business partner for which the Subcontracting field in the Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000) session is selected.
  • The invoice-from business partner must have been maintained in the Subcontractors (tfacp3110s000) session.
Invoice Amount

The currency of the invoice amount. This currency is defined in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session.


The amount recorded for the invoice from the selected subcontractor using the session " Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) ". This invoice amount includes the tax amount and a possible late payment surcharge.

Wage Part

The currency in which the agreement amount is expressed.

Wage Part

The labor costs to be paid for this invoice.

Wage Part in IC

The labor costs to be paid in the invoice currency.

Remittance Agreement

Select a remittance agreement. You must link a remittance agreement to each subcontracting purchase order in the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session.

Allowed values

The remittance agreement must be defined for the subcontractor you entered in the Subcontractor field. You can define several remittance agreements for one subcontractor in the Remittance Agreements (tfacp3130s000) session.

You can use a remittance agreement for several purchase orders, but a purchase order always refers to only one agreement.


The order number of the purchase order you link to the invoice.

A purchase order is an order for the delivery of goods or services by a business partner.


If you do not enter a code, LN enters an order number when you approve the invoice using the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session or the Match/Approve Purchase Invoices (tfacp2107m000) session.

Start Date

The start date of the period to which the invoice refers.

End Date

The end date of the period to which the invoice refers.

Number of Hours

The number of hours the subcontractor spends during the period defined in the Remittance Agreements (tfacp3530m000) session.

Default value

LN calculates the number of hours spent, on the basis of the specified start and end dates and the hours per purchase order recorded for the subcontractor in the Project package.

Wage Part in IC

The labor costs. The cost cannot exceed the invoice amount.

If the costs exceeds the wage part amount entered in the remittance agreement, LN gives a warning.

Amount to Blocked A/C in Invoice Currency

The amount transferred to the blocked bank account. The main contractor transfers money to this account for income tax and social security contributions.

Allowed values

If you enter the amount yourself, the amount must be less than the invoice amount.

Default value

By default, LN calculates a value for the field by multiplying the labor part by the percentage recorded in the Percentage to Blocked Account field of the Remittance Agreements (tfacp3130s000) session.

The amount is a warranty for the tax authorities and the industrial assurance board (IAB) that income tax and social security premiums are always paid.

You can access this field only if:

  • You have entered a remittance agreement in the Remittance Agreements (tfacp3530m000) session.
  • You entered a percentage for remittance to a blocked account in the Remittance Agreement field.
Amount to Invoice currency

The amount transferred to the industrial assurance board (IAB).

Default value

LN calculates a default value by multiplying the labor part with the percentage recorded in the Percentage to I.A.B. field of the Remittance Agreements (tfacp3130s000) session.

You can access this field only if:

  • You fill a remittance agreement using the Remittance Agreements (tfacp3530m000) session.
  • You enter a percentage for remittance to the IAB.
Amount to Tax in Invoice Currency

The tax to be paid for the invoice amount.

Default value

LN calculates a default value by multiplying the labor part by the percentage recorded in the Percentage to Tax field of the Remittance Agreements (tfacp3130s000) session.

You can access this field only if:

  • You fill a remittance agreement using the Remittance Agreements (tfacp3530m000) session.
  • you enter a percentage for remittance to the tax authorities.
Cost Plus

If this check box is selected, the costs invoiced cover the cost plus work (invoicing based on actual costs) run by the subcontractor selected.

If this check box is cleared, the costs invoiced are based on estimated costs.