Procurement Card Statements (tfacp1520m000)

Use this session to maintain procurement card statement details.

In this session, all received procurement card statement details are stored for further matching and approving. The procurement card statement can be imported from E-Procurement, an external package, or can be manually entered.


Procurement Card Company

The company that issued the procurement card.

Procurement Card Number

The procurement card number/code.

Statement Number

The statement number of the procurement card statement.

If you selected the Use Number Group check box in the Procurement Cards (tfacp0508m000) session, the number is automatically generated. Otherwise, you must enter the statement number manually.

Invoice Transaction Type

The transaction type defined in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session as the purchase invoice transaction type for procurement cards.

Invoice Number

The document number based on the transaction type specified in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session.

Statement Date

The date on which the statement is generated.

Statement Currency

The currency in which the statement amount is specified. The default currency is the currency that you entered for the procurement card in the Procurement Cards (tfacp0508m000) session.

Statement Amount

The procurement card statement total amount.

Rate Determiner

The rate determiner indicates how LN determines the currency rate to be used.

The currency rate can be:

  • Based on the document date.
  • Manually entered.
  • A fixed rate.
  • Based on the expected cash date.
Currency Rate

The rate of conversion to home currency. This field can be disabled, for example, if the currency is euro.

This rate is based on the value in the Rate Determiner field.


The procurement card statement can have the following statuses:

  • Entered. The statement has been registered.
  • Matched. All the lines of the statement have been matched. Only completely matched statements can be approved.
  • Approved. The statement is approved. You cannot make any changes to either the header or the lines. If adjustments must be made to an approved procurement card statement, you must first unapprove the statement and then make the adjustments.
  • Invoiced. The statement has been invoiced, that means that an open accounts payable entry has been created for the statement. You cannot unapprove an invoiced procurement card statement. When the status of a procurement card statement changes to Invoiced, the status of the related purchase requisitions is set to Posted.
Purchase Type

The purchase type of the purchases made.

By default, this is the default purchase type of the business partner group of the invoice-from business partner.

For imported procurement card statements, this field is empty and you must enter a purchase type. After the procurement card statement is matched, you cannot change this field.

Related topics

Statement Reference

The procurement card reference. This value is stored in the Transaction Reference field in the Open Items (Purchase Invoices and Payments (tfacp200) table, when the statement is invoiced.

Statement Text

Any information regarding the procurement card statement.



Starts the Credit Card Statement - Lines (tfacp1521m000) session, which you can use to enter or view the statement lines.


Matches the lines of the statement with open purchase requisitions.

The statement line is set to Matched if all the following conditions are true:

  • The statement line and the purchase requisition have the same matching line.
  • The statement line amount equals the purchase requisition amount or the sum of the amounts of the matching purchase requisitions.
  • The tax amount of the statement line, if present, equals the tax amount of the purchase requisition(s).

All the statement lines are unmatched and their status is changed from Matched to Entered. The status of the requisitions to which the lines were matched is changed from Matched to Created.

If the line type is Purchase Requisitions, the matched records of the procurement card statement lines are deleted. The status of the procurement card statement lines and the status of the requisitions are set to Not Matched.

If any price difference occurred due to the requisitions, this amount will be deducted from the procurement card statement header. Statement lines of the line type categories Past Adjustments or Others are also set to Not Matched.

If the statement contains statement lines of the Others line type category and the costs of these lines were split over various ledger accounts, you must first manually remove the costs. To remove the split up costs, start the Credit Card Statement - Lines (tfacp1521m000) session and on the Specific menu, click Matched Statement Line Transactions. The Matched Purchase Invoice/Statement Line Transactions (tfacp1133s000) session starts, in which you can remove the split up cost lines.

View Error Log

Starts the Error Log (tfacp2536m000) session, which you can use to view the errors that LN logs when you match procurement card statement lines to purchase requisitions.

Approve Statement

Changes the status of the statement from Matched to Approved. You can only approve statements that have the Matched status.

Unapprove Statement

Changes the status of the statement from Approved to Matched. You must unapprove the statement before you can unmatch individual statement lines and make adjustments to the lines. You cannot unapprove statements that have the Invoiced status.

Approve Price Difference

Starts the Approve Price Differences (tfacp2539m000) session, which you can use to manually approve the price difference between a procurement card statement line and a purchase requisition that exceeds the limits defined in the Purchase Invoice Authorizations (tfacp0150m000) session.

A price difference can only occur if the statement line is matched to a purchase requisition to which Desktop Receiving applies.

A price difference occurs if:

  • The matched quantities are equal but the amounts differ due to a price difference.
  • The matched quantities are equal but the amounts differ due to a currency rate difference.

If you are authorized to approve the price difference, the price difference is approved automatically when you approve the statement. If you are not authorized to approve the price difference, the price difference must be approved manually in the Approve Price Differences (tfacp2539m000) session.

Generate Invoice

Generates the open entry for the procurement card statement and sets the statement status from Approved to Invoiced. You can enter the posting data in the Posting Data (tfcmg1258m000) session. After the posting, a batch is generated which must be finalized in the usual way. You can only generate invoices for statements that have the Approved status.

Match/Approve/Invoice Statements

Starts the Match/Approve Procurement Card Statements (tfacp2220m000) session, which you can use to approve procurement card statements that have the Matched status. LN changes the status to Approved. To automatically match, approve, and invoice the statements at once, you can select the Match check box, the Approve check box, and the Invoice check box.

Purchase Invoice Inquiry

Starts the Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000) session, which you can use to view and maintain the invoice details.