Statistics by Layout / Sort (tdsta1615m000)

Use this session to view the statistical results for a combination of layout code and sort code.

  • Sort Selection
    The lines on the Sort Selection tab refer to the Statistics Sort Data Selection (tdsta1501m000) session. On this tab, you can view the data for the sort attributes (fields) that are linked to a combination of layout code and sort code.
  • Chosen Columns
    The lines on the Chosen Columns tab refer to the Chosen Columns (tdsta2500m100) session. This session displays the statistical results for the columns you entered on the Columns tab of the Statistics Layout (tdsta1610m000) session.
  • Figures by Layout/Sort
    The lines on the Figures by Layout/Sort tab refer to the Figures by Layout / Sort (tdsta2500m000) session. On this tab, you can view the statistical results for a combination of layout code and sort code in absolute figures.

On the appropriate menu you can click Chart to display the statistical results graphically.

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An identifying code and description of the layout properties of a report, such as paper size, font, range of data, column headings, and data.


An identifying code and description of a set of data fields grouped in a sequence. These data fields are used in statistics reports and displays. When a report or display is generated, the fields are filled with data from the database and displayed in the report or display according to the sequence defined in the sort code.


The currency in which the amounts are expressed.



Displays the statistical results graphically.