Statistics Layout (tdsta1610m000)

Use this session to enter and maintain layout codes.


Before you can print or display statistical data, you must link a sort code to a layout code and you must define the layout for the data fields.

Statistics layout lines

The lines on the tabs refer to the following sessions:

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An identifying code and description of the layout properties of a report, such as paper size, font, range of data, column headings, and data.


The sort code for which the statistical report is defined. This determines the data that is included in the report.


If this check box is selected, the sort code is active. An inactive sort cannot be used for print purposes.


The title that must appear on the printed report.


The subtitle that must appear on the printed report.

Line Break

Indicates after how many lines a line break is inserted. This can improve the readability of long reports.

Detailed report

If this check box is selected, the printed report is a detailed report and not an overview report.

A detailed report lists the result for each sort attribute per period. An overview report lists the totals for each sort attribute.


Take into account the relation between the Number of Digits and the Multiple of fields. If the columns are narrow, it is likely that numbers do not fit in the columns. Use the Multiple of field to have the numbers fit in the columns.

Print Zero Lines

If this check box is selected, lines with zero are also included on the report.

Subtotal Separator

Subtotals must be separated by the sign that is entered in this field.

Column Separator

Columns must be separated by the sign that is entered in this field.


The printer used to print the report. If this field is filled, LN will not ask you to specify a print device when the layout is used.

Number of Digits

The number of digits that are allowed for each column. As a result, this field determines the width of a column.

Multiple of

If large numbers are printed, you can use this field to enter a multiple.

For example, if you enter 1000, all report numbers are divided by 1000, which is also indicated on the report.


Statistics Sorts
Statistics by Layout / Sort