Statistics Sorts (tdsta1100m000)

Use this session to view sort codes.

You can enter and maintain sorts in the Statistic Sorts (tdsta1600m000) session.

On the appropriate menu, you can choose:

  • Activate, to activate a selected sort.
  • De-activate, to de-activate a selected active sort.
  • (De)activate Sorts, to (de)-activate a range of sorts in the (De)activate Sorts (tdsta1200m000) session.

Related topics


Statistics Sort

An identifying code and description of a set of data fields grouped in a sequence. These data fields are used in statistics reports and displays. When a report or display is generated, the fields are filled with data from the database and displayed in the report or display according to the sequence defined in the sort code.


If this check box is selected, the sort is active. A sort must be active before you can use it for a report or an overview.



Activates the sort.

A sort must be active before you can use it for a report or an overview.


De-activates the active sort.

(De)activate Sorts

Starts the (De)activate Sorts (tdsta1200m000) session in which you can (de)-activate a range of (active) sorts.