Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000)

Use this session to maintain and enter sales order lines.

You can start this session from:

  • The Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900) session, by selecting and double-clicking a sales order line. As a result, you cannot only maintain the default sales order line data, but you can also enter a new sales order line in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session.
  • The Sales Order Line - Deliveries (tdsls4101m900), by clicking Sales Order Line Details on the File menu. If you start the current session from the Sales Order Line - Deliveries (tdsls4101m900) session, you can only maintain the default sales order line data, but you cannot enter a new sales order line.

In this session, you can only maintain order lines. You can maintain delivery lines in the Sales Order Line - Deliveries (tdsls4101m900) session. Delivery lines are created if:

  • A sales order line is split.

    An order line is split when deliveries for the sales order line:

    • Must be taken from different warehouses.
    • Must be carried out on different days.
    • Must be delivered to different addresses.
  • Multiple shipment lines are generated and confirmed for the sales order line in the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session.
  • Back orders are created.

In this session, you can modify the price for sales order lines that are not yet delivered. To change the price of already delivered sales order lines, use the Change Prices and Discounts after Delivery (tdsls4122m000) session.

The Tax tab is displayed only when the Indian Localizations Applicable check box is selected in the India Localization Parameters (tccom9136m00l) session.

Direct delivery and cross-docking

A sales order has a linked purchase order if the following is applicable:

  • As a result, the Delivery Type field is set to Direct Delivery.
  • As a result, the Delivery Type field is set to Cross-docking.

A sales order line is linked to Purchase Control if one of the following fields is filled in the Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s200) session:

  • Planned Purchase Advice Number
  • Purchase Order

For a direct delivery, a one-to-one relationship exists between the sales order line and the purchase order line. As a result, updates to the sales order line can reflect in the linked purchase order line. For a cross-docking order, however, several purchase order line details can be linked to one sales order line, or several sales order delivery lines can be linked to one purchase order line. As a result, if you make changes to the sales order line, the link with the purchase order line (detail)(s) can be broken.


You cannot use the excise functionality for direct delivery.

Assessable value

LN defaults the assessable value in the following order of preference:

  • When MRP is applicable, the MRP Price/Inv. Unit defined in the MRP of Item (tcibd9139m00l) session is used. The value is defaulted based on the country and state of the Ship-to Address field, the Item and the Planned Delivery Date of the order line.
  • When MRP is not applicable; the Assessable Value defined in the Assessable Value (tcibd9138m00l) session for the Origin of type Sales is used. The value is defaulted based on the Item, Ship-to Business Partner and Planned Delivery Date of the order line.
  • When the assessable value is not defined for the Ship-to Business Partner of the order line in the Assessable Value (tcibd9138m00l) session; the value is defaulted based on the Item and Planned Delivery Date of the order line.
  • When the assessable value is not defined for the Item in the Assessable Value (tcibd9138m00l) session; the Price specified in the order line is used.

The assessable value can also be entered manually when the ASV Origin is set to Manual.

Cost lines created for the additional charges must be ready for Maintain Deliveries. The activities prior to Maintain Deliveries are not applicable.


Sales Order

A unique control number assigned to each new customer order, usually during order entry. A sales order number is often used by order promising, master scheduling, cost accounting, invoicing, and so on. For some make-to-order products, a sales order number can also take the place of an end item part number by becoming the control number that is scheduled through the finishing operations.

Order Amount

The total order amount. This is a cumulative value of all the sales order line amounts after discounts are deducted.


  • Unit price is 10, quantity is 20, discount is one
  • Net amount = (unit price - discount) * quantity
  • (10 - 1) * 20 = 180

The value in this field is defaulted from the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session if the sales order line is generated from the shipment level additional costs. You cannot modify this value.

Order Amount

The monetary unit in which the sales price is expressed.

Tax Amount

The sales order's total VAT amount, expressed in the order currency.

Order Balance

order balance


The order balance must be equal to the total of all lines of the current order.

Reference Currency
Sales Representative

An employee of your company who maintains contact with the sold-to business partner. The employee number of the sales representative is also used as a sorting criterion in the sales statistics.

Credit Limit

The number used to identify the position of the order line on the sales or purchase order.

Line Type

This field appears when the sales order line is of the Order Line type, which means that the order line is split up in several sequences (delivery lines). The totaled quantities and amounts are visible in this line.


If this check box is selected, a premium is linked to the sales order line.

Linked Information

If this check box is selected, at least one order is linked to the sales order line.

To view the linked order(s), on the appropriate menu, click Linked Information, which starts the Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s200) session.


The number used to identify in detail the position number of a sales order (delivery) line or a purchase order line (detail).

Item Code System

An external, alternate way of coding items. Coding systems can be general standard systems (such as EAN) or systems that are dependent on a specific business partner.

Alternative Item Code

The alternative item code for this item in the selected item code system.


The code of the item that is sold.

  • If the item is a generic item, you can choose to configure the item directly in the Product Configuration module. You can also configure the product variant at a later stage. To configure the product variant after the sales order line is saved, click Configurator in the current session.
  • You can generate a project structure, or a product structure for the configured item in the Generate (Project) Structure for Sales Orders (tdsls4244m000) session.

When the item is excisable;

  • The HSN code of the item must be defined.
  • For the MRP-applicable items, the MRP of the item must be defined for the corresponding duty type.
Standard Description

If this check box is selected, the standard item description is printed on the order line. If an order line text is also present, the standard item description precedes the printout of the order line text.

If this check box is cleared, only the order line text, if present, is printed on the order line.

E-Item Revision

The revision code of a revision-controlled item.

Effectivity Unit

effectivity unit

  • If the Generate Effectivity Unit during Demand Entry check box is selected in the Unit Effectivity Parameters (tcuef0100s000) session, and the item on this sales order line is unit effective, LN automatically inserts an effectivity unit. The generated unit is derived from the Default Series field of the Unit Effectivity Parameters (tcuef0100s000) session.
  • If the Generate Effectivity Unit during Demand Entry check box is cleared in the Unit Effectivity Parameters (tcuef0100s000) session, and the item on this sales order line is unit effective, the effectivity unit is by default 0 (zero). You can click the Requirements button to create an effectivity unit. You can then select requirements to model the unit effective item.
  • You can define the date on which the effectivity unit must be configured for the sales order in the Configuration Date (UEF) field of the Sales Parameters (tdsls0100s000) session.
  • Click Requirements to configure the effectivity unit in the Effectivity Unit (tcuef0102m000) session. You can configure an effectivity unit on the sales order line to indicate that optional materials must be used.
Delivery Type

The delivery type of the sales order line.

Allowed values

Sales Delivery Type


If this field is set to Direct Delivery or Cross-docking, a purchase order advice must be generated for the sales order line in the Generate Purchase Order Advice for Sales Order (tdsls4240m000) session.


The warehouse from which the goods are shipped.


When the item is excisable, you must select the warehouse whose address code is associated with an excise range code in the Excise Range By Address (tccom9138m00l) session.

List Group

The list group that is linked to the sold-to business partner and that is used to find the list item components when you sell a list item to the sold-to business partner.


If the Allow Alternative List Groups check box is selected in the Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000) session, during sales order line entry, you cannot only select list items from the list group that is linked to the sold-to business partner in the List Group field of the Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000) session, but also from other list groups.

Product Variant

The product variant for a generic item.


If the product variant is based on a non-FAS item, which you can set in the Order System field of the Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000) session, you can update this field by zooming to the Product Variants (tipcf5501m000) session and by selecting another product variant. You can only maintain this field if the product variant is a non-FAS item, which means a PCF item.

Product Variant Type

This field informs you about the type of generic item on which the product variant is based.

  • For generic non-FAS items, this field is set to PCF. You can view the product variant in the Product Variants (tipcf5501m000) session.
  • For generic FAS items, this field is set to APL. You can view the product variant in the Product Variants (tiapl3500m000) session.

The code of the project for which the item is required.


If you manually enter a project in this field, you must manually link the item as a project part to the project by clicking Project Parts on the appropriate menu.

Make Customized

If this check box is selected, this is an item for which no project structure and/or product structure is generated yet in the Generate (Project) Structure for Sales Orders (tdsls4244m000) session and for which the order policy in the Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000) session is set to To Order, or to Anonymous.

  • If this check box is selected, you must generate a product structure and/or a project structure for the item in the Generate (Project) Structure for Sales Orders (tdsls4244m000) session. If this check box is cleared, you can still generate a project structure for anonymous purchased, manufactured, cost, or service items in the Generate (Project) Structure for Sales Orders (tdsls4244m000) session.
  • After a project structure and/or a product structure is generated for the item, LN clears this check box.

Whether or not you can generate a project structure and/or a product structure for the item in the Generate (Project) Structure for Sales Orders (tdsls4244m000) session, depends on the setting of the current check box and the order policy of the item. This is explained in the following table:

Item typeOrder PolicyMake CustomizedStructure
GenericAnonymousYes (mandatory)Generate product structure
GenericTo OrderYes (mandatory)Generate project structure and product structure
Purchased/ManufacturedAnonymousNoGenerate project structure (1)
Purchased/ManufacturedAnonymousYesGenerate project structure and product structure
Purchased/ManufacturedTo OrderNoGenerate project structure (1)
Purchased/ManufacturedTo OrderYesGenerate project structure and product structure in case no standard to order inventory is available
Cost/ServiceAnonymousNot applicableGenerate project structure (1/2)
Cost/ServiceTo OrderNot applicable-


1You can only generate a project structure for these items if the Generate Project Parts for all orders check box is selected in the Generate (Project) Structure for Sales Orders (tdsls4244m000) session.
2You can only generate a project structure for these items if the Generate Project Parts for Cost/Service Items check box is selected in the Generate (Project) Structure for Sales Orders (tdsls4244m000) session.


Ordered Quantity

The quantity of items ordered by the sold-to business partner, expressed in the sales unit.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Minimum Order Quantity field of the Items - Sales (tdisa0501m000) session.

Ordered Quantity

The unit in which an item is sold.

Hold Back Quantity

The manually entered part of the ordered quantity that is kept from being released when the sales order line is released to Warehousing. This quantity is expressed in the sales unit.

This field enables you to:

  • Only release a part of the Ordered Quantity to Warehousing. In this way, you can assign limited stock to several business partners, instead of to only one business partner.
  • Notify the business partner in advance on what the expected back order quantity will be.

If this field is filled, no deliveries are executed yet for the sales order line. If a delivery is made and the back order is confirmed in the Maintain and Confirm Back Orders (tdsls4125m000) session, LN empties the current field and fills the Back Order Quantity field.


The net order line amount, expressed in the transaction currency. This amount is calculated as follows:

Amount = (Quantity * Price) - Order Line Discount

If this check box is selected, the order line is blocked.

Related topics


If this check box is selected, the sales order line is canceled.

Rush Order Line

If this check box is selected, the order line is a rush order line.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Rush field of the Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000) session. However, you can change the settings of the line. You can, for instance, define one line of an order as a rush order line.

Related topics


If this check box is selected, a text is present.


If this check box is selected, the sales order line is modified after approval.


If this check box is selected, the order line is split up into multiple delivery lines. If you click Deliveries, you can view the various delivery lines.

Delivery lines are used to divide orders for large quantities into several deliveries without the need to generate separate orders for each delivery.

Unit is Binding

If this check box is selected, the quantity is binding. You cannot ship these goods in a packing unit other than the unit that belongs to the quantity unit.


LN checks whether the ordered quantity does not lead to problems when shipping the goods.


Quantity unitboxes
Ordered quantity10 pallets (of 10 boxes)


In the Items - Sales Business Partner (tdisa0510m000) session:

  • The Allow Overdeliveries check box is selected.
  • The Tolerance Type field is set to Percentage.
  • The Action field is set to Block.
  • The value of the Maximum Tolerance field is 15.

As a result, at the most you can ship 11 pallets, which equals to a total of 110 boxes. If you want to ship 12 pallets, the tolerance of 15% is exceeded and you are not allowed to ship the goods.

Price Details
Order Date

The date on which the order is manually specified or is automatically generated.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the sales order header.


Sales contracts are used to register agreements about the delivery of goods with a sold-to business partner .

A contract is comprised of the following:

  • A sales contract header with general business partner data, and optionally, a linked terms and conditions agreement.
  • One or more sales contract lines with price/discount agreements and quantity information that apply to an item or price group.

You can click:

  • Link Contract, to link a contract to the sales order line.
  • Unlink Contract, to unlink an already linked contract.

Initially, LN defaults the value of this field from the Contract field of the Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000) session. However, the action LN takes depends on the value of the Several Special Contracts Allowed by Sales Order check box in the Sales Contract Parameters (tdsls0100s300) session.

Contract Position Number

The number of the sales contract line.

Contract Sales Office

The sales office that is responsible for the sales contract.

Base Price

The price of the goods stored in a warehouse. The base price is independent of the price factor, discounts, the order quantity, and value and is stated in the home currency and inventory unit.


The unit on which the sales price is based.

When you enter an item, LN fills in the default sales unit for this particular item. This unit can be equal to the inventory unit.

Price Origin

The origin of the price.

Allowed values

Price Origin

Default Price Book

The default price book's origin on which calculation of the price is based.

Allowed values

See Price Calculation Origin

Matrix Definition

The matrix definition of the price matrix, if the Price Origin is set to Price Structure.


The unit price of the sales order line expressed in the sales order header currency.


If the item is an effectivity unit, upgrade prices are included in the price. You can define an upgrade price for a specific requirement in the Requirements (tcuef0106m000) session. You can view the upgrade prices for a specific effectivity unit in the Effectivity Unit (tcuef0102m000) session.

Sales Price Unit

The unit on which the price for the item is based.


The price can be based on a unit that differs from the inventory unit of the item.

Multi Level Discount

If this check box is selected, a multi-level discount is applied to the sales order line.

Discount %

The discount percentage that applies to the sales order line.

Discount Amount

The discount amount for the price per unit for the sales order line.

Discount Origin

The origin of the discount.

Allowed values

Discount Origin

Discount Code
Structure Discount Percentage

The discount found in a discount schedule.

The structure discount percentage is the total of the discounts for which the discount origin is set to Discount Structure, or Price Book Discount Structure. The total structure discount of the line is retrieved by means of a price matrix, or a discount matrix. This is the discount before manual discounts are added or matrix discounts are changed or deleted.

Total Discount Percentage

The total discount amount expressed as a percentage of the (gross) order amount.

The Total Discount Percentage is calculated as follows:

Total Discount Amount / (order quantity * price) * 100%
Total Discount Amount

The discount amount resulting from the order line discount. This amount is calculated as follows:

Order Line Discount Amount = Quantity * Price * Order Line Discount/100

The calculation result is rounded. The order line discount amount is always expressed in the order/quotation currency.


The order line discount used in this formula, is the total of the level of discounts entered in the Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200) session.


If this check box is selected, the selected sales order line is taken into account when the total order value is calculated when applying total order discounts to orders.

Related topics


If this check box is selected, the calculated order discount percentage is applied to the selected sales order line.

Related topics

Promotion Details
Total Promotion Discount

The total promotion discount based on all applied promotions for the line.

Originating Position

The position number of the original sales order line.

Multiple Promotion Method

The application method of multiple promotions if you select multiple promotions at the sales line level.

Allowed values

See Multiple Promotion Method

Applied Promotions

If this check box is selected, a promotion is applied to the sales order line.

Related topics

Eligible Promotions

If this check box is selected, an eligible promotion is available for the sales order line.


The ship-to business partner's address code.

Click ... to start the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session, in which you can maintain and display the address code data.


If the sales order is of the Consignment Replenishment type, you can zoom to the Warehouses (tcmcs0503m000) session to display all consignment owned warehouses that are linked to the ship-to business partner. After a consignment warehouse is selected and the consignment replenishment sales order is released to Warehousing, LN uses the ship-to address for determining the warehouse that must be replenished and that must be used on the warehouse transfer order.

If the ship-to address is a default address, LN checks whether it is linked to a consignment owned warehouse for the ship-to business partner in the Warehouses (tcmcs0503m000) session. If yes, the address is accepted. If not, the address of the first consignment owned warehouse that is linked to the ship-to business partner, is used.


The ship-to business partner's contact.

Click ... to start the Contacts (tccom4540m000) session, in which you can maintain and display the contact-code data.


The contact's surname.

Planned Delivery Date

The planned date on which the items on the order/schedule line must be delivered. The planned delivery date cannot occur before the order date/schedule generation date.

Default value

The default value is the sales order header's Planned Delivery Date.

However, the sales order line's planned delivery date can deviate from the sales order header's planned delivery date, if:

  • You change the planned delivery date manually.
  • You recalculate the planned delivery date with the Calc button.

If Sales Control is responsible for transportation and consequently a freight order is generated from the sales order line, the Planned Delivery Date must be considered as the planned load date.

Planned Receipt Date

The planned date for the customer to receive the goods.

Default value

The default value is the sales order header's Planned Receipt Date.

However, the sales order line's planned receipt date can deviate from the sales order header's planned delivery date if:

  • You change the planned receipt date manually.
  • You recalculate the planned receipt date with the Calc button.
Customs Value

The tax that is levied on an export article's value.

The customs value is used during the customs check. If this field is filled, the customs value no longer needs to be calculated when passing the customs, which saves time and transport costs.


The customs value only applies:

  • To deliveries, not to receipts. As a result, this field cannot be filled if the sales order is a return order.
  • If the goods are delivered by Warehousing. If this field is filled and you release the sales order to Warehousing, the customs value is defaulted to the Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000) session.

Default value

The default customs value is calculated as follows:

Price - order line discounts - order header discount

You can manually change the default value.

For example, you can change the customs value if:

  • A company delivers a spare part that is covered by the guarantee. The spare part's price is zero, but the spare part's value, and as a result the customs value, is greater than zero.
  • A company lends out a machine to a business partner abroad. The price for this service is zero, however the machine's value, and as a result the customs value, is greater than zero.
Order Priority

This field indicates the priority for the allocation of a sales order line.

Shipping Constraint

The terms and conditions related to the shipment of goods.

Allowed values

See Shipping Constraint

Terms of Delivery

terms of delivery


This field is defaulted from the sales order header.

However, if this order line is a rush order line, the following applies:

  • The terms of delivery are defaulted from the Rush Terms of Delivery field in the Sales Order Parameters (tdsls0100s400) session.
  • If the Rush Terms of Delivery are empty in the Sales Order Parameters (tdsls0100s400) session, this field is defaulted from the sales order header.

You can always change the default value.

Point of Title Passage

The shipment identification number is allocated to each delivery when Warehousing reports the delivered quantities on the sales order line.

Extra Intrastat Info
Generate Freight Orders

If this check box is selected, a freight order can be generated from the sales order line.


The route according to which the sales order is normally delivered. By default, LN receives this information from the ship-to business partner data.

  • If you enter a route in this field and a warehousing order is generated from the sales order, this field is defaulted to the Route field of the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session. You can only update the route in the current session and not in Warehousing.
  • If you leave this field empty, you can enter/update a route in Warehousing.


  • If you click the Freight Amount button behind the Freight Amount field, the Freight Rates (fmfrc0530m000) session starts. From the Freight Rates (fmfrc0530m000) session, you can select the most suitable carrier and service level combination. The selected carrier is then copied to the current field.
  • If you enter a carrier in this field and a warehousing order is generated from the sales order, this field is defaulted to the Carrier/LSP field of the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session. You can only update the carrier in the current session and not in Warehousing.
  • If you leave this field empty, you can enter/update a carrier in Warehousing.
Carrier Binding

An option in Freight that prevents the load building engine from overwriting the carrier selected by the user for a given freight order line.

  • If you select this check box and a warehousing order is generated from the sales order, the Carrier/LSP Binding check box in the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session is selected as well. You can only maintain this check box in the current session and not in Warehousing.
  • If you clear this check box, you can maintain this check box in Warehousing.
Freight Service Level

An entity that expresses the duration of transportation, such as: delivery within twelve hours. A freight service level (optional) is used as follows:

  • As a factor that determines the transportation costs of a load.
  • As a factor that determines the freight rate of a freight order.

Enter a service level to ensure that the same service level is used in the freight order as in the sales order.

  • If you click the Freight Amount button behind the Freight Amount field, the Freight Rates (fmfrc0530m000) session starts. From the Freight Rates (fmfrc0530m000) session, you can select the most suitable carrier and service level combination. The selected service level is then copied to the current field.
  • If you enter a service level in this field and a warehousing order is generated from the sales order, this field is defaulted to the Freight Service Level field of the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session. You can only update the service level in the current session and not in Warehousing.
  • If you leave this field empty, you can enter/update the service level in Warehousing.
Work Center

The item's work center, used for direct transfer of inventory.

Release Date

The planned date to release the order to Warehousing.

To be able to deliver at the planned delivery date, LN calculates the planned release date as follows:

Planned Delivery Date - outbound lead time
Inventory Handling

This field indicates whether a complete item or its components are delivered.

When delivering components, not necessarily the first level bill of material (BOM) components are issued. LN executes a top down scan of the BOM until it finds a non-phantom component. If the BOM consists of only phantom items, the lowest level BOM component is issued.


If the CTP Check for Sales (for EP and OPS) check box is selected in the EP Parameters (cprpd0100m000) session, and the sales order line is set to By Component, the ATP is checked for all components when the available-to-promise is checked for the sales order line. If one of the components has insufficient ATP, you cannot save the sales order line.

Default value

  • If the item type is a kit or a phantom, this field is by default set to By Component.
  • If the item is a manufactured item or a generic item, this field is by default set to By Component. If required, you can change the value to By Main Item.
  • In all other cases, this field is by default set to By Main Item.

This field cannot have the value By Component, if:

  • The item is not a kit item, phantom item, generic item, purchased BOM, or manufactured BOM.
  • The Delivery Type field is set to Direct Delivery.
  • The Unit is Binding check box is selected.
  • The sales order type is set to Consignment Replenishment, or Consignment Invoicing, which you can define in the Sales Order Types (tdsls0594m000) session.
  • The components of the sales BOM are no longer valid.
Lot Selection

You can select special conditions for the delivery of lot items.

Allowed values

See Lot Selection

Related topics


A number of items produced and stored together that are identified by a (lot) code. Lots identify goods.

If the Lot Selection field is set to Specific, you can select a lot from one of the following sessions:

  • Each delivery must be from this lot. If a delivery has taken place, and the value of the Lot Selection field is Same, LN fills the Lot Selection field with the code of the next lot to be delivered.
  • A lot can be linked to a lot and serial set in the Lot and Serial Set (tcibd4111m000) session. You can view the lot and serial set to which the item is linked by clicking the Lot and Serial Set... button in the Sales Order Actual Delivery Lines (tdsls4106m000) session.
Serial Selection

This field determines how serial numbers are selected (if applicable). Item serialization is defined in the Items - General (tcibd0501m000) session.

Allowed values

Possible values

Serial Number

The serial number for the item that will be sold.

You can manually enter a serial number if the Serial Selection field is set to Specific and the order line's quantity is one.


If the Ordered Quantity for the serialized item is more than one in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session, and the item is kept in inventory, LN generates a separate sales order delivery line for each serial number in the Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session after the shipment is confirmed in Warehousing, or after an advance shipment notice is received in case of a direct delivery order. Each serial number is linked to a separate lot and serial set in the Lot and Serial Set (tcibd4111m000) session. You can view the lot and serial set to which the serial number is linked by clicking the Lot and Serial Set... button in the Sales Order Actual Delivery Lines (tdsls4106m000) session.

If the serialized item is not kept in inventory, LN does not store the serial number(s) on the sales order line or the delivery lines, but in a lot and serial set in the Lot and Serial Set (tcibd4111m000) session. This lot and serial set contains multiple lots and/or serials. You can view the serial set that is linked to the order line and the serials that are linked to the serial set by clicking the Lot and Serial Set... button in the Sales Order Actual Delivery Lines (tdsls4106m000) session.

Order Promising
Supplying Site

If Order Promising is implemented, this field identifies the supplying site on which the item is available.

The supplying site is used as the buy-from business partner when a purchase order is generated.

Ship-from Warehouse

If Order Promising is implemented, this field identifies the warehouse where the item is available.

The ship-from warehouse is transferred to Purchase Control when a purchase order is generated.

Order Promising Status

The sales order line's status that is determined by the SCS Order Promising server.

If a sales order is created, the default order promising status is Not Accepted. However, when an available-to-promise check is performed and Order Promising is implemented, Order Promising processes the sales order delivery line following its rule engine. If the Supplying Site field is filled, the order promising status changes to Accepted.

Default value

If the Planned by SCS Planner check box in the Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000) session is selected for the item, the order promising status is by default set to Not Accepted when a sales order line is created in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session.

The default order promising status is Not Applicable if:

  • The Planned by SCS Planner check box in the Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000) session is cleared for the item.
  • The Planned by SCS Planner check box in the Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000) session is selected for the item and the Delivery Type field is set to Direct Delivery in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session.
  • The Planned by SCS Planner check box in the Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000) session is selected for the item and the Inventory Handling field in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session has the value Issue Components.
  • The sales order or sales order line is created through EDI.
  • The order quantity is zero.

When an available-to-promise (ATP) request is sent to the SCS Order Promising server, the SCS Order Promising server carries out an ATP check and sends back the appropriate data to the Sales Control module. When the SCS Order Promising server accepts the sales order line, the order promising status is changed to Accepted. When the SCS Order Promising server declines the sales order line, the order promising status is not changed, but remains Not Accepted.

The SCS user must manually carry out the ATP check for sales order lines with the Order Promising Status set to Manual, and for sales order lines for which the following conditions apply:

  • The CTP Check for Sales (for EP and OPS) check box in the EP Parameters (cprpd0100m000) session is cleared.
  • The order promising status is Not Accepted. However, if a sales order line, for which the ATP check must be carried out manually by an SCS user, is released to warehousing, the order promising status is changed to Accepted without an ATP check being carried out by an SCS user.

An ATP check for the sales order line is carried out automatically by the Order Acceptance Engine of the SCS Order Promising server if the following conditions apply:

  • The CTP Check for Sales (for EP and OPS) check box in the EP Parameters (cprpd0100m000) session is selected.
  • The order promising status is Not Accepted.
  • You can manually change the order promising status from the default order promising status Not Accepted to Manual.
  • If the sales order line's data is changed, you cannot carry out a new ATP check automatically if the order promising status is Accepted.
  • The order promising status is Not Applicable if the sales order or sales order line is created through EDI.
Delivery Note
Motive of Transport

A reason code that indicates why transportation takes place, for example, Repair, Sales, Transfer, and so on.

Related topics

Delivery Code

A reason code that indicates who is to pay for the transportation of the goods.

Related topics

Main Item - Warehouse Inventory
Inventory on Hand

The physical quantity of goods in one or more warehouses (including the inventory on hold).

Default value

This field is defaulted from the On Hand field of the Item Inventory (tcibd1500s100) session.

Inventory on Order

The planned receipts. The inventory has been received and the inbound advice is generated. However, the advice is not yet released. This quantity is included in the economic stock.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the On Order field of the Item Inventory (tcibd1500s100) session.

Allocated Inventory

Inventory throughout all warehouses that is allocated to outbound order lines. After the inventory is shipped, that is, has left the warehouse, the allocation is deleted. Also referred to as standard allocation or soft allocation. See also inventory location allocation.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Allocated field of the Item Inventory (tcibd1500s100) session.


A quantity of goods that is blocked. On-hold inventory can arise when the location, the lot, the zone, or the stock point is blocked. You can block inventory for various reasons, for example, for inspection or cycle-counting.

If a location has been blocked for all transactions, the blocked quantity is equal to the inventory on hand. You cannot partially block the inventory at a location.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Committed field of the Item Inventory (tcibd1500s100) session.

Order Line Quantity
Committed Quantity

The committed quantity that is promised to be delivered to the sold-to business partner, expressed in the sales unit.

Related topics

Delivered Quantity

The delivered quantity expressed in the sales unit.

Back Order Quantity

The sales order line's back order quantity after confirmation of the back order in the Maintain and Confirm Back Orders (tdsls4125m000) session, expressed in the sales unit.


This field holds the result of the Ordered Quantity minus the Delivered Quantity.

Ordered Quantity

The quantity of items ordered by the sold-to business partner, expressed in the inventory unit.


If you change the ordered quantity, the linked sales order delivery lines are removed. As a result, you must recreate the sales order delivery lines, if required.

Ordered Quantity

The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.

Committed Quantity

The committed quantity that is promised to be delivered to the sold-to business partner, expressed in the inventory unit.

Delivered Quantity

The delivered quantity expressed in the inventory unit.

Back Order Quantity

The sales order line's back order quantity after confirmation of the back order in the Maintain and Confirm Back Orders (tdsls4125m000) session, expressed in the inventory unit.

Hold Back Quantity

The manually entered part of the ordered quantity that is kept from being released when the sales order line is released to Warehousing, expressed in the inventory unit.

This field enables you to:

  • Only release a part of the Ordered Quantity to Warehousing. In this way, you can assign limited stock to several business partners, instead of to only one business partner.
  • Notify the business partner in advance on what the expected back order quantity will be.

If this field is filled, no deliveries are executed yet for the sales order line. If a delivery is made and the back order is confirmed in the Maintain and Confirm Back Orders (tdsls4125m000) session, LN empties the current field and fills the Back Order Quantity field.


The transaction type used to post an invoiced order line to Invoicing.


Delivered Amount = Delivered Quantity * (Price - Discount Amount per Order Line).

Sales Type

A sales order property that allows you to identify the kind of sale made and the kind of receivable. This property is used to post the sales to the correct Accounts Receivable account when the invoice is created. To post a sales invoice, LN retrieves the control account from the sales type linked to the sales order line, project contract, and so on.


A control account is defined for every sales type. When sales invoices are posted, LN retrieves the sales type to determine the control account that must be used for posting.

Link to Monthly Billing Invoicing

A schedule for the generation of monthly billing invoices. For example, you can define a closing method to generate two monthly billing invoices each month: one on the 15th day of the month and one at the end of the month.


If this check box is selected, tax exemption applies.

Tax Country

The country used for tax purposes.


The value in this field is defaulted from the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session if the sales order line is generated from the shipment level additional costs. You cannot modify this value.

If the entered country uses a tax provider to calculate tax and is therefore listed in the Countries for Destination Sales Tax (tctax6103m000) session, tax countries on other purchase order lines in the same purchase order must also be registered in the Countries for Destination Sales Tax (tctax6103m000) session. The reason for this is that only the same type of tax countries are allowed on a single order.

Tax Code

The aggregate tax code that applies to the sales order line.

  • In purchases and As Such sales, the aggregate tax must not have any tax code for which the Indirect Tax field is set to Natural Calamity Contingency Duty or AED for Textile and Textile Articles.
  • The value in this field is defaulted from the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session if the sales order line is generated from the shipment level additional costs. You cannot modify this value.
  • If the country displayed in the Tax Code field uses a tax provider to calculate tax and is therefore listed in the Countries for Destination Sales Tax (tctax6103m000) session, tax countries on other purchase order lines in the same purchase order must also be registered in the Countries for Destination Sales Tax (tctax6103m000) session. The reason for this is that only the same type of tax countries are allowed on a single order.
  • You can use a group tax code for cost en service items. The group tax code must meet the conditions of the business partner tax classification. In addition, the withholding functionality must be applicable for the financial company of the purchase order's purchase office.
Registration Number Sequence (Own)

The sequence number. For more details, refer to Sequential invoice numbering by (own) tax registration number. Use the browse arrow to select the registration number from the Registration Numbers By Financial Company (tctax9140m00l) session.

Registration Number Sequence (Own)

The tax registration number of your company. The value is defaulted when you select the sequence number in the Registration Number Sequence(Own) field. This is a display field.


Infor LN defaults the GSTIN of the purchasing organization based on the location(state) of the receiving address.

BP Tax Country

The country in which the business partner has the tax ID.

Registration Number Sequence (BP)

The sequence number. Use the browse arrow to select the registration number from the Registration Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000) session.

Registration Number Sequence (BP)

The tax ID of the business partner. The value is defaulted when you select the sequence number in the Registration Number Sequence(BP) field. This is a display field.


The business partner's tax ID is date effective. To determine and display the correct tax ID for the business partner, LN first uses the planned delivery date and next the actual delivery date.

Infor LN defaults the GSTIN of the supplier based on the location(state) of the ship from address.

Tax Exemption Certificate

The certificate number that is assigned to the sold-to business partner by the tax authority.

A tax-exemption certificate number can indicate that the transaction is:

  • Exempt from tax.
  • Eligible for direct pay (if the exempt reason code that you selected in the Tax Code field has a direct pay tax linked to it).

A direct-pay certificate number indicates that no sales tax must be withheld by the seller. Instead, the tax is remitted directly from the buyer to the taxing jurisdiction. An exemption certificate number indicates that the transaction is exempt from tax and no tax is to be withheld by the buyer or the seller.

Related topics

Tax Exempt Reason

The code that represents the reason why the sold-to business partner is exempt from sales tax in the specified jurisdiction.

Related topics

Invoice for Freight

If this check box is selected, freight costs must be invoiced to the invoice-to business partner.

Freight Amount Binding

If this check box is selected, the value of the Freight Amount field is binding for Invoicing. This means that the freight amount cannot be modified by Freight.


You can still update the freight amount in the current session.

If this check box is cleared, the freight amount can be updated by Freight.

Freight Amount

The calculated freight amount, which is retrieved from a carrier rate book or client rate book in Pricing.


Dependent on the value of the Freight Costs Based On field in the Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000) session, LN determines how to retrieve the freight amount.

Customer Order
Sales Acknowledgment

The sales acknowledgment code for the sales order header.

Change Order Sequence No

The change order sequence number for the sales order line.

Change Reason Lines

The reason that can be assigned to a changed purchase document (line) or sales document (line).

Default value

This field is defaulted from one of the following fields in the Sales Order Parameters (tdsls0100s400) session:


If required, you can overwrite the default change reason code.

Change Type Lines

The indicator of the type of change of a changed purchase order (line) or sales order (line).

Default value

This field is defaulted from one of the following fields in the Sales Order Parameters (tdsls0100s400) session:


If required, you can overwrite the default change type code.

Order Reference

The reference to the order number of another application.

Order Line Reference

The reference to the order line number of another application.

Excise Applicable

If this check box is selected, excise duty is levied on the item.

If this check box is selected,

  • All the fields in the Excise group box are enabled.
  • The address of the warehouse specified in the Warehouse field must be associated with an excise range code in the Excise Range By Address (tccom9138m00l) session.

If this check box is cleared,

  • All the fields in the Excise group box are disabled.
  • The aggregate tax code cannot have a tax code with indirect tax related to excise.

The check box is enabled only when the Excise Applicable check box is selected in the Excise tab of the India Localization Parameters (tccom9136m00l) session.

Effective Date for MRP/ASV

The date for which the specific MRP/ASV value is applicable.


By default, this is value is the planned delivery date.

ASV Origin

The origin of the assessable value for excise.

This field can have the following values

  • Tariff: The excise duty is calculated on the assessable value of the item. The Assessable Value field is defaulted with the Assessable Value defined in the Assessable Value (tcibd9138m00l) session.
  • Order Line: The excise duty is calculated on the order line price. The Assessable Value field is defaulted with the value specified in the Price field.
  • Manual: The Assessable Value and ASV Discount fields in the Excise group box are enabled.

The field is disabled and the value is set to Maximum Retail Price when Excise On MRP check box is selected.

Assessable Value

The assessable value of the item. The value is defaulted based on the value you select in the ASV Origin field.

  • LN updates the value when the Item or Planned Delivery Date or Ship-to Business Partner is changed.
  • The field is disabled when Excise On MRP check box is selected.
  • The field is enabled and you can enter the value only when the ASV Origin field is set to Manual.
ASV Discount

The percentage of the discount applicable on the assessable value. The value is defaulted based on the value you select in the ASV Origin field.

  • LN updates the value when the Item or Planned Delivery Date or Ship-to Business Partner is changed.
  • The field is disabled when Excise On MRP check box is selected.
  • The field is enabled and you can enter the value only when the ASV Origin field is set to Manual.
Final ASV

The final assessable value after the discount. This is a display field.


LN updates the value when the Item or Planned Delivery Date or Ship-to Business Partner is changed.

Taxable ASV for Excise

The assessable value of the item which is used to calculate excise. When excise is applicable on other charges, the other charge price is also included in the value.

HSN Code

The HSN code of the item effective on the Planned Delivery Date. The value is defaulted from the HSN by Item (tcibd9143m00l) session . This is a display field.

ECC Code

The sequence number that identifies the Excise Control Code of the warehouse. The value is defaulted from the Registration Numbers By Financial Company (tctax9140m00l) session.


The field is disabled when the following conditions are met:

  • The Excise Applicable check box is cleared that is when excise is not applicable to the transaction.
  • In the Item Data for Indian Localization (tcibd9137m00l) session, the RG23 A/C check box is selected and the RG1 field is set to Automatic.
ECC Code

The Excise Control Code of the warehouse. The value is defaulted from the Registration Numbers By Financial Company (tctax9140m00l) session.

Actual Shipment

The actual shipment number by which the excise item is received. LN retrieves the credit provided to the supplier for the quantity returned.


The field is enabled only for a return order.

Actual Shipment Line

The shipment line position.


The field is enabled only for a return order.

Sales Tax
ASV Origin

The origin of the assessable value for sales tax/VAT.

This field can have the following values

  • Tariff: The sales tax is calculated on the assessable value of the item. The Assessable Value field is defaulted with the Assessable Value defined in the Assessable Value (tcibd9138m00l) session.
  • Order Line: The sales tax is calculated on the order line price. The Assessable Value field is defaulted with the value specified in the Price field.
  • Manual: The Assessable Value and ASV Discount fields in the Sales Tax group box are enabled.
  • Not Applicable: The assessable value can be zero.

The field is disabled and the value is set to Maximum Retail Price when the Sales Tax on MRP check box is selected.

Assessable Value

The assessable value of the item. The value is defaulted based on the value you select in the ASV Origin field.

  • LN updates the value when the Item or Planned Delivery Date or Ship-to Business Partner is changed.
  • The field is disabled when Sales Tax on MRP check box is selected.
  • The field is enabled and you can enter the value only when the ASV Origin field is set to Manual.
ASV Discount

The percentage of the discount applicable on the assessable value. The value is defaulted based on the value you select in the ASV Origin field.

  • LN updates the value when the Item or Planned Delivery Date or Ship-to Business Partner is changed.
  • The field is disabled when Sales Tax on MRP check box is selected.
  • The field is enabled and you can enter the value only when the ASV Origin field is set to Manual.
Final ASV

The final assessable value after the discount, on which sales tax/VAT is calculated. This is a display field.


LN updates the value when the Item or Planned Delivery Date or Ship-to Business Partner is changed.

Taxable ASV for VAT

The assessable value of the item which is used to calculate VAT. When VAT is applicable on other charges, the other charge price is also included in the value.

Service Tax
ASV Origin

The origin of the assessable value for service tax.

This field can have the following values

  • Tariff: The service tax is calculated on the assessable value of the item. The Assessable Value field is defaulted with the Assessable Value defined in the Assessable Value (tcibd9138m00l) session.
  • Order Line: The service tax is calculated on the order line price. The Assessable Value field is defaulted with the value specified in the Price field.
  • Manual: The Assessable Value and ASV Discount fields in the Service Tax group box are enabled.
  • Not Applicable: The assessable value can be zero.

The field is disabled and the value is set to Maximum Retail Price when Service Tax On MRP check box is selected.

Assessable Value

The assessable value of the item. The value is defaulted based on the value you select in the ASV Origin field.

  • LN updates the value when the Item or Planned Delivery Date or Ship-to Business Partner is changed.
  • The field is disabled when Service Tax On MRP check box is selected.
  • The field is enabled and you can enter the value only when the ASV Origin field is set to Manual.
ASV Discount

The percentage of the discount applicable on the assessable value. The value is defaulted based on the value you select in the ASV Origin field.

  • LN updates the value when the Item or Planned Delivery Date or Ship-to Business Partner is changed.
  • The field is disabled when Service Tax On MRP check box is selected.
  • The field is enabled and you can enter the value only when the ASV Origin field is set to Manual.
Final ASV

The final assessable value after the discount, on which the service tax is calculated. This is a display field.


LN updates the value when the Item or Planned Delivery Date or Ship-to Business Partner is changed.

Taxable ASV for Service Tax

The assessable value of the item which is used to calculate service tax. When service tax is applicable on other charges, the other charge price is also included in the value.

Tax Details
GST Applicable

If this check box is selected, GST is applicable.


By default this check box is selected, if the GST Implemented check box is selected in the India Localization Parameters (tccom9136m00l) session, and the specified item is not defined in the GST Exception Item List (tccom9135m00l) session.

ASV Origin for GST

The option or method that indicates the origin of the assessable value used to calculate the GST.

Allowed values

ASV Origin

Alternative ASV for GST

The value on which GST is calculated, if the assessable value is other than inventory unit. You must specify the a value in this field and the unit must be defined in Alternative ASV for GST field. For example, if the purchase unit is in pieces, but the ASV is in kilograms, you must specify a value for this field and the unit in the Alternative ASV for GST field.

  • You can specify this value only if the ASV Origin for GST is set to Manual.
  • If this value is specified, Infor LN converts this value in the ASV Price In Inventory Unit and the Taxable ASV for GST fields.
Assessable Value for GST

The assessable value, in the inventory unit.


You can specify this value only if the ASV Origin for GST is set to Manual.


The inventory unit in which the assessable value is expressed.

Taxable ASV for GST

The total assessable value of the item, on which the GST is calculated.

As Such Sales
As Such Sales (Non Capital Goods)

You must select this check box if the Item Category field is set to Non-Capital in the Item Default Data for Indian Localization (tcibd9136m00l) session. The field is enabled only if you select the Excise Applicable check box.


The aggregate tax code must not have any tax code for which the Indirect Tax field is set to Natural Calamity Contingency Duty or AED for Textile and Textile Articles.

Capital Goods

If this check box is selected, the item is a capital item. LN selects this check box by default, when the Item Category field is set to Capital in the Item Default Data for Indian Localization (tcibd9136m00l) session.

  • The field is enabled only if you select the Excise Applicable check box.
  • The aggregate tax code must not have any tax codes related to excise.
  • The aggregate tax code must not have any tax code for which the Indirect Tax field is set to Natural Calamity Contingency Duty or AED for Textile and Textile Articles.
Capital Goods Used

If this check box is selected, the item being sold is a used capital item.


The field is enabled when you select Capital Goods check box.

Receipt Number /ASN

The receipt number of the purchase order against which the item was received. The field is mandatory for As Such Sales of capital and non-capital goods.

Receipt Line

The receipt line number of the purchase order against which the item was received. The field is mandatory for As Such Sales of capital and non-capital goods.

Purchase Order

The purchase order number against which the item was received.

Purchase Position
Purchase Sequence
Actual Receipt Date

The actual receipt date of the goods received.


Price Inquiry

Starts the Price Inquiry (tdpcg0250m000) session.

Sales Order Bills of Material
Item Inventory
Linked Information
Sales Order Line - Linked Invoicing Information
Sales Order Line - Transfer Orders
Copy BOM Components

Copies a bill of material to sales order lines in the Copy Bill of Material to Sales Order (tdsls4812s000) session.

Generate Purchase Order Advice for Sales Order
Generate (Project) Structure
Regenerate Product Variant Structure

If a product variant is linked to the order line, you can regenerate the product variant structure in the Generate (Project) Structure for Product Variant (tipcs2220m000) session.

You must first generate a product variant structure in the Generate (Project) Structure for Sales Orders (tdsls4244m000) session before you can click this command.

Production Orders
After Sales

Starts the Service Order Control module.

Project Parts

Starts the Project Parts (tipcs2111m000) session.

Order Line Inspections
Change Order Sequence Numbers
Sales Order Line - Relations
Sales Order Lines - Shipping Constraints Related Sets
Blocked Sales Order (Lines)
Recalculate Price/Discounts Entire Order

Reprices or rediscounts the order (line) in the Recalculate Price and Discount (tdpcg0240s000) session.

Price Simulator
Copy Sales Order
Freight Details
Print Sales Order Lines

Cancels the sales order line in the Cancel Sales Orders (tdsls4201s300) session.

Generate Freight Orders
Recalculate Price/Discounts Order Line

Reprices or rediscounts the order line in the Recalculate Price and Discount (tdpcg0240s000) session.

Rush Order Line

Converts the sales order line into a rush order line.

Generate Order in Enterprise Planning

Creates planned orders for the sales order lines in the Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000) session in Enterprise Planning.

Group by Manual Activity
Release to Warehousing

Releases the sales order line to Warehousing.

Release to Invoicing

Releases the sales order line to Invoicing.

Sales Order Templates...

If only one template is available, the Sales Order Template - Lines (tdsls2605m000) session is started. If more templates are available, the Sales Order Templates (tdsls2505m000) session is started.

Insert from Catalog

Starts the Catalogs (tdpct0510m000) session.


After you click Configurator, you can choose to click:

Block Line
Cancel Line

Starts the Recalculate Price and Discount session.

Unlink Contract

Unlinks a contract that is linked to the sales order line.

Planned inventory transactions
Link Contract

Links a contract to the sales order line.


Starts the Effectivity Unit (tcuef0102m000) session in which you can select requirements to configure the effectivity unit.

If the Generate Effectivity Unit during Demand Entry check box is selected in the Unit Effectivity Parameters (tcuef0100s000) session, the default requirements for the effectivity unit’s item, defined in the Item - Requirements (tcuef0108m000) session, are automatically imported for the effectivity unit. If the Generate Effectivity Unit during Demand Entry check box is cleared, you must manually select requirements in the Effectivity Unit (tcuef0102m000) session.

Freight Amount

Starts the Freight Rates (fmfrc0530m000) session.


Recalculates the planned receipt date.

LN recalculates the planned receipt date as follows:

Planned Delivery Date + transport lead time of the goods. 

Recalculates the planned delivery date.

LN recalculates the planned delivery date as follows:

Planned Receipt Date - transport lead time of the goods. 
Line Discounts

Starts the Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200) session.

Link Cluster to Sales Order Lines..

Starts the Link Installation Group to Sales Order Lines (tscfg2201m000) session, in which you can link a cluster to the sales (return) order line.

The moment of linking a sales order line to a cluster can be before or after delivery of the goods.

The cluster that is linked to the order line is displayed in the Cluster field of the Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s200) session. If a serialized item is linked to the cluster, the service cluster is updated with the actual serial data after delivery of the sales order.

If the sales order is a return order, a cluster is automatically linked to the return order when the delivery information is updated on the order by means of the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session, or the Update Sales Order with Delivery Information (tdpur4222m000) session.

However, a cluster is not linked automatically if:

  • The serialized items on the sales return order line are linked to different clusters in Service.
  • The item is an anonymous item, or the items are serialized in Service only.
Unlink Cluster from Sales Order Line

Unlinks the cluster from the sales order line.

Before a cluster can be unlinked, the items must be unlinked in Service first, which you can perform by clicking Unlink Item from Cluster.

Link Item to Cluster

If a cluster is linked to this order line, either by Warehousing or by clicking Link Cluster to Sales Order Lines in the current session, but the item could not be linked to the cluster, you can click this command to link the item to the cluster.

You can view whether the item is linked to the cluster in the Installation (tsbsc1110m000) session. If the item is a serialized item, a cluster line is created for each serial.

As a result, this command is disabled if:

  • No cluster is linked to this order line.
  • The order line status reads Awaiting delivery.
  • The item is already available as a cluster line in the Cluster - Lines (tsbsc1110m000) session.
Unlink Item from Cluster

Removes the sales (return) order information from Service.

The following is executed in Service:

  • The cluster line that is linked to the item is deleted.
  • The cluster is unlinked from the physical breakdown. The serialized items that are part of the serialized item structure on the cluster line are updated. The sales order reference fields are cleared.
Create Physical Breakdown Structure...
Delete Physical Breakdown Structure...
Contract Quotations
Service Contracts
Service Orders

Starts the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session.

Maintenance Sales Orders
Tax Breakdown Structure

Starts the Tax Breakdown Structure (tctax9141m10l) session which displays the total tax amount for the aggregate tax code.