Sales Schedule Actual Delivery Lines (tdsls3140m100)

Use this session to view the actual delivery information for sales schedules by schedule and schedule type.

In the current session, LN files all deliveries that took place for a sales schedule.

An actual delivery line goes through the following statuses:

  1. Goods Delivered
  2. Released to Invoicing
  3. Invoiced
  4. Processed

Invoicing of delivered items takes place based on the actual deliveries that are specified in this session. You can view the sales schedule invoice lines in the Sales Schedule Invoice Lines (tdsls3140m200) session from which they can also be released to Invoicing. You can also use the Sales Schedule Invoice Lines (tdsls3140m200) to correct delivered quantities.



If this check box is selected, a text is present.

Delivered Quantity

The quantity of items that is delivered with the shipment.

Delivery Date

The date on which the items are delivered.

Invoice Date

The date on which the invoice is created for this sales schedule actual delivery line.

Transaction Type

The transaction type used to post the invoiced order line for the sales schedule actual delivery line to Invoicing.

Invoice Company

The financial company that is specified on the invoice that is sent for the sales schedule line.


The number of the invoice that was printed for the sales schedule actual delivery line.

Schedule Revision

A number that uniquely identifies the revision of the sales schedule. The sales schedule revision number indicates the sales schedule updates that are sent by your business partner.


The sales schedule for which the items are shipped.

Schedule Type

The sales schedule type, which specifies the sales schedule's purpose.

Allowed values

Release Type

Related topics


The item that is required on the sales schedule.

Customer Item

The customer's item code in the coding system. LN converts this item code to the item code used in your own company.

You can specify external and internal item codes in the Item Code System - Items (tcibd0104m000) session.

Customer Item Revision

The revision of the customer's item code.

You can specify revisions for customer item codes in the Business Partner Item - Revisions (tcibd0114m000) session.

Engineering Item Revision

The revision of the engineering item.

Related topics


The lot ID that applies for the specific requirement.

Related topics


The sales schedule line's status.

Allowed values

Sales Schedule Status


The number of the sales schedule actual delivery line.

Schedule Position

The sales schedule line for which the items are delivered.

Delivered Amount

The delivered amount of the sales schedule actual delivery line.

The delivered amount is calculated as follows:

Delivered Quantity / Quantity * Schedule Line Amount

LN retrieves the Ordered Quantity and Schedule Line Amount from the Sales Schedule - Lines (tdsls3107m000) session.

Order Discount Amount

The total of order line discount amounts for the schedule.


The number of the shipment with which the items are shipped.

Shipment Position

The number of the shipment line with which the items are shipped.


Material Price Information

Starts the Material Price Information (tcmpr1600m000) session, in which you can view the material price information that is linked to the actual delivery line.

Price and Discounts...
Change Price and Discounts Actual Delivery
Release to Invoicing...
Sales Schedule Actual Delivery Line History