Purchase Order Line MPN Sets (tdpur4601m100)

Use this session to view and maintain the MPN set that is linked to a purchase order line (detail).

If the item on the purchase order line (detail) is an MPN item, which is determined by the MPN Item check box in the Item - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session, LN automatically links an MPN set to the purchase order line (detail) when the order line (detail) is saved. Generation of an MPN set is based on the data available in the MPNs by Item - Business Partner (tdipu0148m000) session.

You can start this session:

  • From the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session or the Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200) session.
  • Stand-alone. Usually, this is performed by users who are authorized to decide which manufacturer part numbers (MPNs) can be ordered, for example engineers.
MPN set

The lines on the MPN Set tab refer to the MPN Set Details (tdipu0147m000) session. On this tab, you can view and maintain the details of the MPN set that is linked to the purchase order line (detail).


If you add an MPN that is not available in the MPNs by Item - Business Partner (tdipu0148m000) session, a question is asked if you also want to add this MPN to the MPNs by Item - Business Partner (tdipu0148m000) session.

From the of appropriate menu of the MPN Set Details (tdipu0147m000) session, you can click Set MPN as Preferred MPN. You are notified if the MPN is not the preferred MPN in the MPNs by Item - Business Partner (tdipu0148m000) session and are asked if you also want to make it the preferred MPN in the MPNs by Item - Business Partner (tdipu0148m000) session. If the preferred MPN is changed in the MPN set, the preferred MPN on the purchase order line (detail) is also changed.


You cannot maintain the MPN set after receipts are executed for the purchase order line.


Order Line Detail

The number of the purchase order.

Order Line Detail

The number used to identify the position of the order line on the sales or purchase order.

Order Line Detail

The number used to identify in detail the position number of a sales order (delivery) line or a purchase order line (detail).


If this check box is selected, the purchase order line (detail) is approved by an authorized approver.


LN clears this check box if you change information on the purchase order.

Buy-from Business Partner
Preferred Manufacturer Part Number

The preferred manufacturer part number (MPN) for the item and buy-from business partner.


If the preferred MPN is changed or deleted in this session, the preferred MPN on the purchase order line (detail) is also changed or deleted.

Current Planned Receipt Date

The planned receipt date for the purchase order line (detail).

This date can be one of the following:

  • The Changed Receipt Date.
  • If the Changed Receipt Date is not filled, the Confirmed Receipt Date.
  • If the Confirmed Receipt Date is not filled, the Planned Receipt Date.


Open Lines

Only displays purchase order line (details) on which no receipts are booked yet.