Print Claims (tdpur4420m000)

Use this session to print claim notes.

You can print claim notes if:

  • Print Claims (tdpur4420m000) is linked as an activity to the order type in the Purchase Order Type - Activities (tdpur0560m000) session.
  • The delivered quantity is less than the packing slip quantity.

If the buy-from business partner's invoice is based on the quantity on the packing slip, it is important to react quickly if the delivered quantity is less than the quantity on the packing slip. The claim note is then used to prevent the buy-from business partner from invoicing wrong amounts.

It depends on the value of the Cost/Service Items on Claim Notes field in the Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur0100m400) session for which items claim notes are printed.


You can select a range of orders or select specific orders for which you want the claim note to be printed by clicking Specific Order(s). The Enter Specific Purchase Orders (tdpur4820s000) session is started in which you can select up to 10 orders to be printed.

If you want to print another selection of orders, click Reset Selection to remove the selection you made in the Enter Specific Purchase Orders (tdpur4820s000) session. To make a new selection again, click Specific Order(s).


Include Printed Lines

If this check box is selected, the receipt lines for which claim notes have already been printed, are reprinted.

Delivery Address by Order Line

If this check box is selected, a delivery address is printed per order line.

Quantities Printed In

Select the unit in which you want to print the quantities on the claim note.

Address To

The address to which the claim note is sent.

Print to predefined Device

If this check box is selected, the report is printed on your default printer.

If this check box is cleared, the report is printed on an alternative, to be specified printer.

Print What

Select the type of claim note you want to print.

Allowed values

  • Claim notes
    The note is sent to the supplier. In this case, the receipt line is updated.
  • Claim notes list
    The list is used as an internal document. In this case, the receipt line is not changed.


Reset Selection

Deletes the selection you entered. You can make a new selection.