Print Purchase Orders (tdpur4401m000)

Use this session to print:


You can select a range of orders or select specific orders to be printed by clicking Specific Order(s). The Enter Specific Purchase Orders (tdpur4820s000) session is started, in which you can select up to 10 orders to be printed.

If you want to print another selection of orders, click Reset Selection to remove the selection you made in the Enter Specific Purchase Orders (tdpur4820s000) session. To make a new selection again, click Specific Order(s).


Print What

Specify your printing selection.

  • Select Order if you want to print purchase orders.
  • Select Order Lines to be Sent if you want to print a list of purchase order lines that must still be sent to the buy-from business partner.
Order Line Types to Print

Specify which order lines you want to print. The chosen order line type determines the type of EDI message that is prepared.

Allowed values

Kind of Line Item

Only New Canceled Lines

If this check box is selected, only newly canceled lines are printed.

This check box is enabled only if the Order Line Types to Print field is Canceled Lines.

Exclude Lines with Change Codes

If this check box is selected, order lines with change codes are not printed.

Lines to Print

Specify which purchase order lines must be printed.

Allowed values

Kind of quantity

Quantities Printed In

Specify the unit in which the order line quantity is printed.

Variant Options

If this check box is selected, a full list of the product variant options that are available for each feature of the generic item is printed.

If this check box is cleared, the options are not printed.

Material Price Information

If this check box is selected, linked material price information, such as material price agreement, item material content, material base prices, and material actual prices is printed in a separate box on the report.

Manufacturer Part Numbers

If this check box is selected, manufacturer part numbers (MPNs) are printed on the report.

Delivery Address by Order Line

If this check box is selected, delivery addresses are printed by order line on the report.

If this check box is cleared, delivery addresses are printed by order on the report.


If this check box is selected, prices are printed on the report.

Customs Value

If this check box is selected, the customs value is printed on the report.

Landed Costs

If this check box is selected, landed costs are printed on the report.


The landed costs are printed that are invoiced to the business partner of the purchase order.

Tax Text

If this check box is selected, tax code text is printed on purchase orders.

Default value

If the Print Tax Code Text parameter is set to Mandatory in the Purchase Parameters (tdpur0100m000) session, this check box is selected and disabled. If the parameter is set to Optional, this check box is selected and enabled.

Print to predefined Device

If this check box is selected, the report is printed on your default printer.

If this check box is cleared, the report is printed on an alternative, to be specified printer.

Material Supply Information

If this check box is selected, purchase material supply lines from the Purchase Order Material Supply Lines (tdpur4116m000) session, are printed as an appendix on a separate report.

Landed Costs

If this check box is selected, landed costs are printed as an appendix on a separate report.


The landed costs are printed that are invoiced to the business partner of the purchase order.

Conformance Reporting

If this check box is selected, the conformance documents linked to a conformance reporting code are printed as an appendix on a separate report.