Change Price and Discounts of Purchase Payable Receipts (tdpur4132m000)

Use this session to change prices and discounts for purchase payable receipts.

This session is also used to change prices and discounts for actual receipts specified for Pay on Receipt order lines, because a direct link exists between the actual receipt and the payable receipt.

The changes that you insert apply only to the current payable receipt as shown in the Line Payable Receipt field. Select the Apply Price/Discounts to other Payable Receipt Lines check box to update the prices and discounts of the other payable receipts that are linked to the current purchase order/schedule line as shown in the Line Payable Receipt field.


On the appropriate menu, click Material Price Information to change the material price information after receipt in the Material Price Information (tcmpr1600m000) session.


Purchase Order

The number of the purchase order or purchase schedule.

Line Payable Receipt

The position number of the purchase order/schedule line.

Line Payable Receipt

The sequence number of the purchase order line.

Line Payable Receipt

The receipt sequence number, which is retrieved from the Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m000) session.

Line Payable Receipt
Buy-from Business Partner

The monetary unit in which the purchase price is expressed.


You cannot change the currency when order lines are specified for the purchase order.


The item unit in which an item's purchase price is expressed. This unit can differ from the item's inventory unit.

Material Price
Multi Level Discount

If this check box is selected, discounts are defined on level two or higher. You can change these discounts in the Discount Percentage field and the Receipt Amount field.

Update Price in Item File

If this check box is selected, LN stores the changed price in the item file. The Purchase Price field in the Item - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session is updated. For each subsequent order/schedule for the item the new price is used, provided that no price is found in the price lists.

If this check box is cleared, the purchase price is updated only on the payable receipt, not in the item file.

Apply Price/Discounts to Other Payable Receipt Lines

If this check box is selected, the prices and discounts of the other payable receipts that are linked to the current purchase order/schedule line, as shown in the Line Payable Receipt field, are also updated.

Discount %

The discount percentage for the purchase payable receipt.

Discount Amount

The discount amount for the purchase payable receipt.

Discount Code
Payable Amount

The total payable amount after discounts are deducted for the purchase payable receipt.


Purchase contracts are used to register specific agreements with a buy-from business partner that concern the delivery of specific goods.

A contract is comprised of:

  • A purchase contract header with general business partner data, and optionally, a linked terms and conditions agreement.
  • One or more purchase contract lines with (central) price agreements, logistic agreements, and quantity information that apply to an item or price group.
  • Purchase contract line details with logistic agreements and quantity information that apply to an item or price group for a specific site (warehouse) of a multisite corporation. Contract line details can exist only for corporate purchase contracts.

Related topics

Contract Position

The number used to identify the position of the order line on the sales or purchase order.

Contract Purchase Office

The purchase office linked to the contract.

Contract Ignored

If this check box is selected, a valid contract is present, but it is not linked to the order/schedule line.

This check box is selected if one of the following is applicable:

  • Multiple contracts are offered for selection, but no contract is linked to the order/schedule line.
  • A previously linked contract is manually unlinked from the order/schedule line.

If a contract is automatically unlinked due to field updates, this check box is cleared.

Usage Date

The date on which the purchased goods are received or consumed.

  • For Pay on Receipt items, the receipt date is displayed.
  • For Pay on Use items, the consumption date is displayed.
Payable Quantity

The quantity of items linked to the purchase payable receipt.

Payable Quantity

The unit in which you purchase an item, also referred to as the purchase quantity unit.

Payable Quantity

The quantity of items to be paid for according to the purchase payable receipt.

Payable Quantity

The unit used to express the payable quantity.


Line Discounts

Starts the Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200) session showing the line discounts for the current purchase payable receipt line.

Material Price Information

Starts the Material Price Information (tcmpr1600m000) session, in which you can change the material price information after receipt.