Change Price and Discounts after Receipt (tdpur4122m000)

Use this session to change prices and discounts after confirmation of receipts for purchase order lines.

You can change prices or discounts for total lines or detail lines. If you change the price or discounts for a Total Line, LN copies the new prices and discounts to all linked line details and backorder lines. Similarly, if you change the price or discounts for a detail line, LN copies the new prices and discounts to all underlying details.


If you change a line for which an order-contract relation exists, the value of the Always Use Contract Price and Discount check box in the Purchase Contract Parameters (tdpur0100m300) session determines how the link with the contract is handled.


Purchase Order

An agreement that indicates which items are delivered by a buy-from business partner according to certain terms and conditions.

A purchase order contains:

  • A header with general order data, buy-from business partner data, payment terms, and delivery terms
  • One or more order lines with more detailed information about the actual items to be delivered
Purchase Order
Purchase Order

The sequence number of the purchase order line.

Purchase Order

The line type of the current order line.

Allowed values

The line type can be one of the following:

  • Total
    The order line is split up into several order line details. The price or discount changes that you insert apply to the entire order line.
  • Order Line
    The order line is not split. The line is created manually or is generated automatically.

The price you pay for an item, expressed in the purchase currency.


If the Material Pricing in Procurement check box is selected in the Material Price Parameters (tcmpr0100m000) session, this price can include material prices.


The monetary unit in which the purchase price is expressed.


You cannot change the currency when order lines are specified for the purchase order.

Purchase Price Unit

The item unit in which an item's purchase price is expressed. This unit can differ from the item's inventory unit.

Tax Country

The country used for tax purposes.


If the entered country uses a tax provider to calculate tax and is therefore listed in the Countries for Destination Sales Tax (tctax6103m000) session, tax countries on other purchase order lines in the same purchase order must also be registered in the Countries for Destination Sales Tax (tctax6103m000) session. The reason for this is that only the same type of tax countries are allowed on a single order.

Related topics

Tax Code

The tax code that applies to the purchase order line.

  • If the country displayed in the Tax Code field uses a tax provider to calculate tax and is therefore listed in the Countries for Destination Sales Tax (tctax6103m000) session, tax countries on other purchase order lines in the same purchase order must also be registered in the Countries for Destination Sales Tax (tctax6103m000) session. The reason for this is that only the same type of tax countries are allowed on a single order.
  • You can use a group tax code for cost en service items. The group tax code must meet the conditions of the business partner tax classification. In addition, the withholding functionality must be applicable for the financial company of the purchase order's purchase office.
  • If the GST Implemented check box is selected in the India Localization Parameters (tccom9136m00l) session, Infor LN defaults the tax code applicable for the receiving address state.
  • The tax code must be of type aggregate tax code.
Update Price in Item File

If this check box is selected, LN stores the changed price in the item file. The Purchase Price field in the Item - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session is updated. For each subsequent order for the item the new price is used, provided that no price is found in the price lists.

If this check box is cleared, the purchase price is updated only on the order line, not in the item file.

Multi Level Discount

If this check box is selected, discounts are defined on level two or higher. You can change these discounts in the Discount Percentage field and the Receipt Amount field.

Discount Percentage
Discount Amount

The discount amount resulting from the order line discount. This amount is calculated as follows:

Order Line Discount Amount = Quantity * Price * Order Line Discount/100

The calculation result is rounded. The order line discount amount is always expressed in the order/quotation currency.


You can only enter a discount amount if no discount percentage is recorded.

Discount Code
Order Amount

The net order line amount, expressed in the transaction currency. This amount is calculated as follows:

Amount = (Quantity * Price) - Order Line Discount
Apply Price/Discounts to Payable Receipts

If this check box is selected, the prices or discounts are adjusted to the appropriate purchase payable receipts.

Peg Distribution

If this check box is selected, a peg distribution is linked to this Purchase Order Line.

ASV Origin for Excise

The order origin of the assessable value for excise.

Allowed values

ASV Origin

ASV Price In Inventory Unit

The assessable value, in the inventory unit.

ASV Origin for VAT

The origin of the assessable value for VAT.

Allowed values

ASV Origin


The assessable value for the item.

ASV Origin for Service

The origin of the assessable value for service tax.

Allowed values

ASV Origin

ASV for Service

The assessable value for the item.

ASV Origin for GST

The option or method that indicates the origin of the assessable value used to calculate the GST.

Allowed values

ASV Origin

  • If this value is set to Order Line, Infor LN defaults the order line value as the ASV Price In Inventory Unit.
  • If this value is set to Manual, you can specify the value for the ASV Price In Inventory Unit.
ASV Price for GST

The assessable value for GST.


The number of the linked purchase contract.

Contract Position

The number used to identify the position of the order line on the sales or purchase order.

Contract Purchase Office

The purchase office related to the contract.

Contract Ignored

If this check box is selected, a valid contract is present, but it is not linked to the order line.

This check box is selected if one of the following is applicable:

  • Multiple contracts are offered for selection, but no contract is linked to the order line.
  • A previously linked contract is manually unlinked from the order line.

If a contract is automatically unlinked due to field updates, this check box is cleared.

Actual Receipt Date

The date on which the sold goods are delivered.

Ordered Quantity

The ordered quantity expressed in the purchase unit.

Ordered Quantity

The unit in which you purchase an item, also referred to as the purchase quantity unit.

Ordered Quantity

The ordered quantity expressed in the inventory unit.

Ordered Quantity

The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.

Received Quantity

The delivered quantity expressed in the purchase unit.

Received Quantity

The delivered quantity expressed in the inventory unit.

Back Order Quantity

The back order quantity expressed in the purchase unit.

Back Order Quantity

The back order quantity expressed in the inventory unit.



Material Price Information

Starts the Material Price Information (tcmpr1600m000) session, in which you can change the material price information after receipt.

Peg Distribution

Starts the Purchase Peg Distribution (tdpur5100m000) session in which you can view the peg distribution details.

Line Discounts

Starts the Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200) session showing the line discounts for the current purchase order line.