Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4101m000)

Use this session to maintain and enter purchase order lines. You can also use this session to view the GST related tax details. Infor LN defaults this data only if the GST Implemented check box is selected in the India Localization Parameters (tccom9136m00l) session, else, the excise/VAT details are defaulted.

You can start this session as follows:

  • From the Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000) overview session, by clicking Order Lines on the appropriate menu
  • From the Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900) session, by selecting and double-clicking a purchase order line
  • Stand-alone

In this session, you can only maintain order lines. You can maintain order line details in the Purchase Order Line (tdpur4601m000) session. Order line details are created if the following are applicable for a purchase order line:

  • The line is split
  • A backorder is created for the line
Direct delivery and cross-docking

A purchase order line is linked to a sales order line if one of the following is applicable:

  • The Delivery Type field is Direct Delivery in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session or the Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session. A one-to-one relationship exists between the sales order line and the purchase order line. Therefore, updates to the purchase order line can reflect in the linked sales order line.
  • The Delivery Type field is Cross-docking in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session or the Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session. Several sales delivery lines can be linked to one purchase order line, or several purchase order line details can be linked to one sales order line. Therefore, if you make changes to the sales order line, the link with the purchase order line (detail)(s) can be broken. For more information, refer to Cross-docking and splitting deliveries


Order Line

The number of the purchase order.


The status of the purchase order.

Order Line

The number used to identify the position of the order line on the sales or purchase order.

Order Line

This field determines what kind of line this order line is.

Allowed values

The line type can be one of the following:

  • Total
    The order line is split up in several order line details. The totaled quantities and amounts are visible in this line.
  • Order Line
    This line is a normal line. The line is created manually or is generated automatically.



If the warehouse is WMS controlled:

  • And the Inbound BOM/List Items check box is cleared for the warehouse in the WMS Interface Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session, you cannot enter a list item of the type kit in this field.
  • This order is a return order and the Outbound BOM/List Items check box is cleared for the warehouse in the WMS Interface Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session, you cannot enter a list item in this field.
  • And the Serials in Inventory check box is cleared for the warehouse in the WMS Interface Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session, you cannot enter a serialized item for which the Serials in Inventory check box is selected in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session.
  • And the Serials Not in Inventory check box is cleared for the warehouse in the WMS Interface Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session, you cannot enter a serialized item for which the Serials in Inventory check box is cleared in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session.
  • And the Lots Not in Inventory check box is cleared for the warehouse in the WMS Interface Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session, you cannot enter a lot controlled item for which the Lots in Inventory check box is cleared in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session.
Item Cross Reference

The alternative way of communicating with the business partner about items.

Allowed values

Item Cross Reference

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Item Cross Reference field of the Buy-from Business Partner (tccom4120s000) session.

Item Code System

The item code system's code. The item code system is used to search for an item in an alternative way, for instance by the buy-from business partner's item code.


You can only define this field if the Item Cross Reference field is set to ICS.

Cross Reference Item

The item code that is used to indicate the item in the Item field.

The Item Cross Reference field determines the item code that you can select.


The MPN must have the status Approved on the Order Date.

Preferred MPN

The preferred manufacturer part number (MPN) for the item.

Manufacturer Item

The item code used by the manufacturer to identify the item specified.

E-Item Revision

The revision of the engineering item.

Related topics

Effectivity Unit

effectivity unit

  • If a purchase order is created automatically, the effectivity unit of the planned purchase order from LN Enterprise Planning is defaulted to the current field.
  • When a purchase order is created, either manually or automatically from Enterprise Planning, LN checks whether the purchase business partner is valid for the effecivity unit on the purchase order line.
  • If the warehouse is WMS controlled, and the Effectivity Units check box is cleared for the warehouse in the WMS Interface Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session, you cannot enter an effectivity unit in this field.

The project code for which the item is required.


If this check box is selected, operation subcontracting, item subcontracting, or service subcontracting is applicable for the item.

Subcontracting Reference

A reference that is sent by the manufacturer to the subcontractor to enable the subcontractor to link the subcontracting purchase order to the supplied materials. The subcontractor stores the subcontracting reference in its specification as allocated to reference


This field is filled with the subcontracted purchase order/position/sequence number.

Required Quantity

The ordered quantity that is required by the supplier.


Enterprise Planning uses the ordered quantity and required ordered quantity, as stored in the planned inventory transactions, to check whether the confirmed quantities are enough to meet the planned quantities, or whether additional supply is required.

Required Quantity Unit

The unit in which the Required Quantity is expressed.

Required Quantity

The ordered quantity that is required by the supplier, expressed in the inventory unit..


Enterprise Planning uses the ordered quantity and required ordered quantity, as stored in the planned inventory transactions, to check whether the confirmed quantities are enough to meet the planned quantities, or whether additional supply is required.


The origin of the purchase order line.

Allowed values

Origin of Purchase Order

Confirmed Quantity

The ordered quantity that is confirmed by the supplier.

  • This field can only be filled if the Use Confirmation (Purchase) check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • This field is not applicable in case of operation subcontracting and for orders with the Subcontracting Purchase Order origin.
  • Enterprise Planning uses the ordered quantity and required ordered quantity, as stored in the planned inventory transactions, to check whether the confirmed quantities are enough to meet the planned quantities, or whether additional supply is required.
Confirmed Quantity Unit

The unit in which the Confirmed Quantity is expressed.

Confirmed Quantity

The ordered quantity that is confirmed by the supplier, expressed in the inventory unit.

  • This field can only be filled if the Use Confirmation (Purchase) check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • This field is not applicable in case of operation subcontracting and for orders with the Subcontracting Purchase Order origin.
  • Enterprise Planning uses the ordered quantity and required ordered quantity, as stored in the planned inventory transactions, to check whether the confirmed quantities are enough to meet the planned quantities, or whether additional supply is required.
Confirmation Accepted

If this check box is selected, the Confirmed Quantity is accepted by the buyer. No further negotiations are possible with the supplier.

  • This field can only be filled if the Use Confirmation (Purchase) check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • If a confirmed quantity of zero is accepted, the order line is automatically canceled.
Minimum Required Quantity

The ordered quantity that is at least required by the planner. This field is used for information purposes only.


This field can only be filled if the Use Confirmation (Purchase) check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

Minimum Required Quantity Unit

The unit in which the Minimum Required Quantity is expressed.

Minimum Required Quantity

The ordered quantity that is at least required by the planner, expressed in the inventory unit. This field is used for information purposes only.


This field can only be filled if the Use Confirmation (Purchase) check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

Ordered Quantity

The ordered quantity expressed in the purchase unit.

This field is filled with the value of the:

  • Confirmed Quantity field if this confirmed quantity is greater than zero.
  • Required Quantity field if the Confirmed Quantity is equal to zero.

Except for cost and service items, the ordered quantity cannot be zero.

Purchase Unit

The unit in which you purchase an item, also referred to as the purchase quantity unit.

Ordered Quantity

The ordered quantity expressed in the inventory unit.

This field is filled with the value of the:

  • Confirmed Quantity field if this confirmed quantity is greater than zero.
  • Required Quantity field if the Confirmed Quantity is equal to zero.

Except for cost and service items, the ordered quantity cannot be zero.


The price you pay for an item, expressed in the purchase currency.

Price Origin

The origin of the price.

Allowed values

Price Origin

Price Matrix Definition

The matrix definition of the price matrix, if the Price Origin is set to Price Structure.

Price Matrix Sequence

For a matrix type, the order in which matrix definitions are searched for.


Purchase contracts are used to register specific agreements with a buy-from business partner that concern the delivery of specific goods.

A contract is comprised of:

  • A purchase contract header with general business partner data, and optionally, a linked terms and conditions agreement.
  • One or more purchase contract lines with (central) price agreements, logistic agreements, and quantity information that apply to an item or price group.
  • Purchase contract line details with logistic agreements and quantity information that apply to an item or price group for a specific site (warehouse) of a multisite corporation. Contract line details can exist only for corporate purchase contracts.

You can click:

  • Unlink Contract, to unlink an already linked contract.
  • Link Contract, to link a contract to the purchase order line.

Initially, the Contract from the Purchase Order (tdpur4100m000) session is defaulted to this field. However, the action LN takes depends on the value of the Several Special Contracts Allowed by Purchase Order check box in the Purchase Contract Parameters (tdpur0100m300) session.

Related topics

Contract Position

The number used to identify the position of the order line on the sales or purchase order.

Contract Purchase Office

The purchase office related to the contract.

Contract Ignored

If this check box is selected, a valid contract is present, but it is not linked to the order line.

This check box is selected if one of the following is applicable:

  • Multiple contracts are offered for selection, but no contract is linked to the order line.
  • A previously linked contract is manually unlinked from the order line.

If a contract is automatically unlinked due to field updates, this check box is cleared.

Material Price

The purchase order line's total material price.

Price excluding Material Price Surcharges

The purchase order line's initial price.

GST Applicable

If this check box is selected, GST is applicable.


By default this check box is selected, if the GST Implemented check box is selected in the India Localization Parameters (tccom9136m00l) session, and the specified item is not defined in the GST Exception Item List (tccom9135m00l) session.

ASV Origin for GST

The option or method that indicates the origin of the assessable value used to calculate the GST.

Allowed values

ASV Origin

  • If this value is set to Order Line, Infor LN defaults the order line value as the ASV Price In Inventory Unit.
  • If this value is set to Manual, you can specify the value for the ASV Price In Inventory Unit.
Alternative ASV for GST

The value on which GST is calculated, if the assessable value is other than inventory unit. You must specify the a value in this field and the unit must be defined in Alternative ASV for GST field. For example, if the purchase unit is in pieces, but the ASV is in kilograms, you must specify a value for this field and the unit in the Alternative ASV for GST field.

  • You can specify this value only if the ASV Origin for GST is set to Manual.
  • If this value is specified, Infor LN converts this value in the ASV Price In Inventory Unit and the Taxable ASV for GST fields.

The currency of the financial company.


You can specify this value only if the ASV Origin for GST is set to Manual.

ASV Price In Inventory Unit

The assessable value, in the inventory unit.

  • If the ASV Origin for GST value is set to Order Line, Infor LN defaults the order line value as the ASV Price In Inventory Unit.
  • You can specify this value only if the ASV Origin for GST is set to Manual.
  • If the Alternative ASV for GST is specified, this value is converted with the Alternative ASV for GST value and Alternative ASV for GST unit.

The inventory unit in which the ASV price is expressed.

Taxable ASV for GST

The total assessable value of the item, on which the GST is calculated.

HSN Code

The HSN code of the item.

Excise Applicable

If this check box is selected, the aggregate tax code must have at least one tax line corresponding to excise duties.

MRP for Excise

If this check box is selected, the VAT is calculated on MRP of the item.


If this check box is selected, the item is cenvatable for excise.

ASV Origin for Excise

The order origin of the assessable value for excise.

Allowed values

ASV Origin

ASV Price In Inventory Unit

The inventory unit in which the assessable value is expressed.

Discount % for ASV

The percentage of the discount applicable on the assessable value. The value is defaulted based on the value you select in the ASV Origin for Excise field.

Taxable ASV for Excise

The assessable value of the item which is used to calculate excise. When excise is applicable on other charges, the other charge price is also included in the value.

MRP for Service

If this check box is selected, the service tax is calculated on MRP of the item.

ASV Origin for Service

The origin of the assessable value for service tax.

Allowed values

ASV Origin

ASV Price In Inventory Unit

The unit in which the assessable value of the item for excise is expressed.

Discount % for ASV

The percentage of the discount applicable on the assessable value.

Taxable ASV for Service Tax

The assessable value of the item used to calculate the service tax.


If this check box is selected, the VAT is calculated on MRP of the item.

ASV Origin for VAT

The origin of the assessable value for VAT.

Allowed values

ASV Origin

ASV Price In Inventory Unit

The inventory unit in which the assessable value of the item for excise is expressed.

Discount % for ASV

The percentage of the discount applicable on the assessable value.

Taxable ASV for VAT

The assessable value of the item used to calculate the VAT.

Material Price Surcharges

The total of all material price surcharges for the purchase order line.

All Materials have Actual Prices

If this check box is selected, for all materials that are linked to the purchase order line, material actual prices are available.

Multi Level Discount

If this check box is selected, a multi level discount is applied to the line.


The monetary unit in which the purchase price is expressed.


The item unit in which an item's purchase price is expressed. This unit can differ from the item's inventory unit.

Order Amount

The total order amount. This is a cumulative value of all the purchase line amounts after discounts are deducted.


When the ordered quantity on a backorder line is changed, this change is carried through in the order amount. However, when back order lines are canceled or deleted, the original ordered quantity still determines the order amount.

Invoice by Stage Payments

If this check box is selected, the item must be invoiced by stage payments.

If this check box is selected, the following are applicable:

  • For all linked detail and backorder lines, the tax data and purchase type are the same
  • These fields are empty and unavailable:

    • Payment Agreement
    • Payment Terms
    • Payment
    • Self-Billing
    • Extension
    • Cost Component
    • Invoice
    • Invoice Date
    • Invoiced Quantity
    • Invoice Amount

When a supplier stage payment line or a receipt is linked to the purchase order line, this check box is no longer available.

On the appropriate menu, you can start the Supplier Stage Payments (tdpur5120m000) session in which you can view, enter, and maintain the stage payments.

If the For Commingling check box is also selected in this session, you must first commingle the purchase order line before you can specify stage payments in the Supplier Stage Payments (tdpur5120m000) session.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session or the Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session.


The item's picture, which is defaulted from the Picture field in the Items - General (tcibd0501m000) session.

Open Balance

The balance of all unpaid invoices relating to one particular business partner.


The open balance is not changed when a back order is created. However, when this back order is deleted or canceled, the open balance is reduced with the back order amount.


The currency in which the open balance is expressed.


The employee of your company who is the contact to the concerned buy-from business partner. The buyer is also known as the purchasing agent.

Credit Limit

The currency in which the credit limit is expressed.


If this check box is selected, this purchase order line is canceled.

Cancellation in Process

If this check box is selected, this purchase order line cannot be canceled because it includes one or more supplier stage payment lines with the Released or Invoiced status. When these lines receive the Processed status, the purchase order line is canceled.

For purchase order lines with this check box selected, you can specify correction stage payment lines in the Supplier Stage Payments (tdpur5120m000) session to credit the invoiced amounts.


If this check box is selected, a specification is linked to the purchase order line.

Standard Description

If this check box is selected, the standard item description is printed on the order line. If an order line text is also present, the standard item description precedes the printout of the order line text.

If this check box is cleared, only the order line text, if present, is printed on the order line.

Order Line Text

If this check box is selected, a text is linked to the order line.

Export License Required

If this check box is selected, an export license is required for the item.


This check box is only visible if the Export Licenses check box is selected in the Project Pegging Parameters (tcpeg0100m000) session.

Peg Distribution

If this check box is selected, a peg distribution is linked to this Purchase Order Line.


Manual changes in this session can affect the linked peg distribution. If this is the case, and if the Manual Project Peg Modification check box is selected in the Project Pegging Parameters (tcpeg0100m000) session, a window is displayed in which you must specify the change reason. The project peg changes and the reason codes are logged in the Cost Peg Audit History (tpctm2500m000) session.

Detail Lines

If this check box is selected, the order line is split up into multiple receipt lines. If you click Order Line Details, you can view the various receipt lines.

For example, you can use this functionality to divide orders for large quantities into several receipts, without the need to generate separate orders for each receipt.

Budget Exception

If this check box is selected, the budget check has failed for the order line.

To continue with the purchase order procedure, you must first resolve the budget exception. You can, for example, change the line amount or the linked budget account distribution (BAD) in the Budget Account Distribution (tcbgc1100m000) session.


This check box can only be selected if the following are applicable:

  • The Check Available Budget check box is selected on the Purchase Orders tab of the Budget Control Policy (tfbgc0110m000) session.
  • Insufficient budget is available for the checked line.
  • The When Budget is Exceeded field is set to Block in the Budget Control Policy (tfbgc0110m000) session.
For Commingling

If this check box is selected, the purchase order line is waiting for commingling. You must commingle and approve the commingled purchase order line.

  • This check box is only available if the Commingling for Manual check box is selected in the Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur0100m400) session and the For Commingling check box is selected for the purchase order line item in the Item - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session.
  • If the Origin is EP and the Peg Distribution check box is selected, you cannot select the current check box.

If this check box is selected, the order line is split up into multiple line details. If you click Order Line Details on the appropriate menu, you can view the various line details in the Purchase Order Line (tdpur4601m000) session.

Line details are used to divide orders for large quantities into several receipts without the need to generate separate orders for each receipt.

Linked Data

If this check box is selected, at least one order is linked to the purchase order line.

Click Linked Order Line Data on the appropriate menu to view the linked order(s) in the Purchase Order Line - Linked Information (tdpur4502s000) session.


If this check box is selected, the purchase order line is approved by an authorized approver.


LN clears this check box if you change any price related information on the purchase order.

Discount Percentage

The discount percentage for the order line.


Several levels of discounts can exist. If the first level of discount is a percentage, as displayed in the Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200) session, this field is filled. If the first level of discounts is an amount, this field is empty and the Discount Amount field is filled.

Discount Amount

The discount amount for the order line.

  • Several levels of discounts can exist. If the first level of discount is an amount, as displayed in the Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200) session, this field is filled. If the first level of discounts is a percentage, this field is empty and the Discount Percentage field is filled.
  • The discount amount is calculated for each unit on the order line. As a result, if the discount amount is two and the order quantity is ten, the discount amount is 20.
Discount Origin

The origin of the discount.

Allowed values

Discount Origin

Discount Code
Discount Matrix Definition

The matrix definition of the discount matrix, if the Discount Origin is set to Discount Structure.

Discount Matrix Sequence

For a matrix type, the order in which matrix definitions are searched for.

Gross Amount

The total amount from which taxes, rebates, discounts, and so on are to be deducted to reach the net amount. The gross amount is calculated by multiplying the order quantity with the (book) price.

Line Discount %

The total discount amount expressed as a percentage of the (gross) order amount.

The Total Discount Percentage is calculated as follows:

  Total Disc. Amount / (order quantity * price) * 100%
Line Discount Amount

The discount amount resulting from the order line discount. This amount is calculated as follows:

Order Line Discount Amount = Quantity * Price * Order Line Discount/100

The calculation result is rounded. The order line discount amount is always expressed in the order/quotation currency.


The order line discount used in this formula, is the total of the level of discounts entered in the Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200) session.

Order Amount

The net order line amount, expressed in the transaction currency. This amount is calculated as follows:

Amount = (Quantity * Price) - Order Line Discount

The order line discount used in this formula, is the total of the level of discounts entered in the Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200) session.

Order Discount %

A discount percentage or amount to be subtracted from the total order amount.

Order Discount Amount

The total of order line discount amounts for the order.

Order Date

The date on which the order is manually specified or is automatically generated.

  • This date can be manually changed to a date in the past or in the future.
  • If the Create Financial Economic Stock Transaction field in the Purchase Parameters (tdpur0100m000) session has the value Valuation Price, the order date cannot be after the current date.
  • If the purchase order is a counter order, the order date is used to define the cost price. If no valid cost price is found, the order line cannot be saved.

Default value

Order Confirmation Date

The date on which the buy-from business partner confirmed the purchase order, or the date on which the sales order is confirmed to the sold-to business partner.

The order confirmation date is used for the calculation of order confirmation objective ratings in vendor rating. The buy-from business partner is given a rating according to the time interval between the order date and the order confirmation date.

Receipt Date for Pricing

The receipt date that is used to retrieve the cost price for the order line.

This date can be one of the following:

  • The Changed Receipt Date.
  • If the Changed Receipt Date is not filled, the Confirmed Receipt Date.
  • If the Confirmed Receipt Date is not filled, the Planned Receipt Date.

This date cannot precede the Order Date.


This field is used to retrieve the cost price for the order line if the following conditions are met:

  • The Item Type in the Items - General (tcibd0501m000) session is not set to:
    • Cost
    • Service
    • List
  • The purchase order is not a subcontracting order.
  • The Project field is empty.
  • The inventory-valuation method is set to Fixed Transfer Price (FTP) in the Inventory Valuation Methods (whina1100m000) session.

If all of these conditions are met and LN cannot retrieve a cost price, you cannot save the order line.


If this check box is selected, the selected order line is taken into account when the total order value is calculated to apply total order discounts to orders.

Related topics


If this check box is selected, LN applies the calculated order discount percentage to the selected order line.

Related topics

Vendor Rating

If this check box is selected, the purchase order line is included when vendor rating is carried out.


The ship-from business partner's contact person.

Full name

The contact's full name.

Extra Intrastat Info
Planned Receipt Date

The planned date on which the items on the order/schedule line are planned to be received. The planned receipt date cannot occur before the order date/schedule generation date.


If Purchase Control is responsible for transportation and consequently a freight order is generated from the purchase order line, the Planned Receipt Date must be considered as the planned unload date, the date when the goods must be available in the warehouse.

Minimum Required Receipt Date

The receipt date that is at least required by the planner. This field is used for information purposes only.

Received Quantity

The received quantity expressed in the purchase unit.

Received Quantity

The received quantity expressed in the inventory unit.

Receipt Amount

The net line amount for a specific receipt of goods. The net line amount excludes the tax and order discount. The net line amount is expressed in the order currency.

The calculation is as follows:

  1. LN calculates and rounds the total order discount amount.
  2. LN calculates and rounds the order discount amount per order line.
  3. LN calculates the net line amount as follows:
(received quantity * price) - order discount amount per order line 
Inventory Unit

The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.

Generate Freight Orders

If this check box is selected, a freight order can be generated from the purchase order line.



  • If you enter a carrier in this field and a warehousing order is generated from the purchase order, this field is defaulted to the Carrier/LSP field of the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session. You can only update the carrier in the current session and not in Warehousing.
  • If you leave this field empty, you can enter/update a carrier in Warehousing.
Carrier Binding

An option in Freight that prevents the load building engine from overwriting the carrier selected by the user for a given freight order line.

  • If you select this check box and a warehousing order is generated from the purchase order, the Carrier/LSP Binding check box in the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session is selected as well. You can only maintain this check box in the current session and not in Warehousing.
  • If you clear this check box, you can maintain this check box in Warehousing.


  • If you enter a route in this field and a warehousing order is generated from the purchase order, this field is defaulted to the Route field of the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session. You can only update the route in the current session and not in Warehousing.
  • If you leave this field empty, you can enter/update a route in Warehousing.
Service Level

An entity that expresses the duration of transportation, such as: delivery within twelve hours. A freight service level (optional) is used as follows:

  • As a factor that determines the transportation costs of a load.
  • As a factor that determines the freight rate of a freight order.

Enter a service level to ensure that the same service level is used in the freight order as in the purchase order.

  • If you enter a service in this field and a warehousing order is generated from the purchase order, this field is defaulted to the Freight Service Level field of the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session. You can only update the service level in the current session and not in Warehousing.
  • If you leave this field empty, you can enter/update the service level in Warehousing.
Planned Load Date

The date and time loading is planned at the ship-from location.


If the purchasing company is responsible for transportation, this is the date on which suppliers must be ready with the goods on their site, so that the goods can be picked up at the suppliers' site.

Tax Classification

tax classification

Default value

The value of this field is defaulted from the purchase order header.


If this check box is selected, tax exemption applies.


If the Tax Exempt Level parameter in the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session is set to:

  • Limited and you select this check box manually, the Tax Code is defaulted from the Exempt Purchase field of the Tax Handling (tctax0138m000) session. If you clear this check box manually, the tax code is not changed.
  • Extended and you select this check box manually, the Tax Code is not changed. If you clear this check box manually, the Exempt Reason and Exempt Certificate fields are cleared and disabled.
Tax Country

The country used for tax purposes.


If the entered country uses a tax provider to calculate tax and is therefore listed in the Countries for Destination Sales Tax (tctax6103m000) session, tax countries on other purchase order lines in the same purchase order must also be registered in the Countries for Destination Sales Tax (tctax6103m000) session. The reason for this is that only the same type of tax countries are allowed on a single order.

Related topics

Own Tax Number

tax ID

Related topics

Tax Code

The tax code that applies to the purchase order line.

  • If the country displayed in the Tax Code field uses a tax provider to calculate tax and is therefore listed in the Countries for Destination Sales Tax (tctax6103m000) session, tax countries on other purchase order lines in the same purchase order must also be registered in the Countries for Destination Sales Tax (tctax6103m000) session. The reason for this is that only the same type of tax countries are allowed on a single order.
  • You can use a group tax code for cost en service items. The group tax code must meet the conditions of the business partner tax classification. In addition, the withholding functionality must be applicable for the financial company of the purchase order's purchase office.
  • If the GST Implemented check box is selected in the India Localization Parameters (tccom9136m00l) session, Infor LN defaults the tax code applicable for the receiving address state.
  • The tax code must be of type aggregate tax code.
Registration Number Sequence (Own)

The sequence number of the tax registration number defined for the financial company.


Infor LN defaults the GSTIN of the purchasing organization based on the location(state) of the receiving address.

Registration Number

The tax registration number of the financial company.

BP Tax Country

The country in which the business partner has the tax ID.

Registration Number Sequence (BP)

The sequence number of the tax registration number defined for the business partner.


Infor LN defaults the GSTIN of the supplier based on the location(state) of the ship from address.

Registration Number

The tax registration number of the business partner.

BP Tax Number

The business partner's tax ID.


The business partner's tax ID is date effective. To determine and display the correct tax ID for the business partner, LN uses the planned receipt date.

Exempt Reason

The reason why your own company is exempt from sales tax.

  • This field only applies if the Tax Exempt Level parameter is set to Extended in the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session.
  • This field is defaulted from the method that is used to retrieve tax details, as defined in the Search Sequence Tax Libraries group box of the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session.
  • The reason code must be of the Tax Exemption type and must be date effective, as valuated by the Order Date.
Exempt Certificate

Your own exemption certificate.

  • LN prints the exempt reasons on the invoices.
  • This field only applies if the Tax Exempt Level parameter is set to Extended in the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session.
  • This field is defaulted from the method that is used to retrieve tax details, as defined in the Search Sequence Tax Libraries group box of the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session.
Stage Payment Amount

The total amount of supplier stage payments linked to the purchase order line.


On the appropriate menu, you can click Supplier Stage Payments to view the stage payments in the Supplier Stage Payments (tdpur5120m000) session.


The identification of an invoice, which consists of the transaction-type code and the first free number in the series used for invoices for the order type.

Invoice Date

The date on which the invoice is printed.

Invoiced Quantity

The invoiced quantity for the purchase order line, expressed in the purchase unit.


The invoiced quantity is increased if purchase order lines are processed in the Process Purchase Orders (tdpur4223m000) session.

Invoiced Quantity

The invoiced quantity for the purchase order line, expressed in the inventory unit.


The invoiced quantity is increased if purchase order lines are processed in the Process Purchase Orders (tdpur4223m000) session.

Invoiced Amount

The invoiced amount for the purchase order line, expressed in the order currency.


The invoiced amount is increased if purchase order lines are processed in the Process Purchase Orders (tdpur4223m000) session.

Self Billed Invoice

If this check box is selected, self-billing is used for purchase order lines that you issue to the buy-from business partner.

If this check box is cleared, the purchase invoice is created by the buy-from business partner and received by your company.

Related topics

Invoice after

You can indicate for a purchase order line when a self billed invoice can be generated.

  • Inspection
    Self bills can be generated after the goods are inspected and approved.
  • Receipt
    Self bills can be generated after the goods are received or consumed.

Related topics

Self-Billing Date Type

If the Self-Billing check box is selected, use this field to define on which date the self-billing payments are based. Either the receipt date or the shipping date can be used as the invoice date on self-billed invoices.

Related topics

Self-Billing Method

If the Self Billed Invoice check box is selected, you must select a self-billing method, which determines how self-billing is carried out.

The self-billing method determines, among other things, the criteria for composing the invoice, the invoicing interval, the output medium, and so on.

Related topics


Use this field to define the payment between the purchase office, which issues the purchase order, and the supplier.

  • This field is set to Pay on Receipt if the Subcontracted check box is selected for the order line.
  • This field is set to No Payment if the Customer Furnished Materials check box is selected for the order type in the Purchase Order Types (tdpur0194m000) session.
  • This field is set to Pay on Use if the Consignment Replenishment check box is selected for the order type in the Purchase Order Types (tdpur0194m000) session.
  • This field cannot be set to Pay on Receipt for the following order types:

    • Consignment replenishment.
    • Consignment payment.
    • Return rejects (unless Payable to Supplier is applicable).
  • This field cannot be set to Pay on Use if the following applies:

    • Delivery is not to a warehouse.
    • Delivery is to a project warehouse.
    • A sold-to business partner is linked to the warehouse.
    • The quantity is less than zero for return order lines.
    • The item is a cost, service, tools or subcontracting item.
    • The Release to Warehouse check box is cleared for the item in the Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session.
  • This field cannot be set to No Payment if the following applies:

    • Delivery is not to a warehouse.
    • Delivery is to a project warehouse.
    • A sold-to BP is linked to the warehouse.
    • The order is a Purchase Payment order.
    • The order is an inbound consignment replenishment order.
    • The item is a cost, service, tools or subcontracting item.
    • The Release to Warehouse check box is cleared for the item in the Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Order Terms and Conditions (tctrm1130m000) session.

Allowed values



The owner of the purchase order line item.

An owner can be specified only if the Payment field is Pay on Use or No Payment, the purchase order line is a VMI direct delivery line, or service subcontracting applies to the line.


This field if is applicable only if the Ownership External check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

Default value

A default owner is determined as follows:

  • Payment is Pay on Use
    Defaulted from the Buy-from Business Partner in this session.
  • Payment is No Payment
    Defaulted from the Buy-from Business Partner in this session.
  • If the purchase order line contains customer furnished material, defaulted from the sold-to business partner of the top demand sales order.
  • VMI direct delivery
    Defaulted from the Sold-to Business Partner of the linked sales order.
  • Service subcontracting
    Defaulted from the linked service order or work order.
Return Ownership

Use this field to define the ownership of the goods if goods must be returned.

Based on the purchase order's Payment field, the owner can be the company ( Pay on Receipt), the supplier ( Pay on Use), or the customer ( No Payment). With this Return Ownership field, Warehousing determines which inventory must be returned.

  • If the Payment field is set to Pay on Receipt, this field is set to Company Owned.
  • If the Payment field is set to No Payment, this field is set to Consigned or Customer Owned.

Allowed values


Payment (Internally)

Use this field to define the payment between the purchase office, which issues the purchase order, and the warehouse, which receives the purchase order.

This field is only applicable if the purchase office and the warehouse belong to different enterprise units.

  • You can only define this field if the Ownership Internal check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • This field is set to Not Applicable if the following applies:

    • The Payment field is set to No Payment.
    • The quantity is less than zero for return order lines.
  • This field is set to Pay on Receipt if the Subcontracted check box is selected for the order line.
  • If the buy-from business partner is an internal business partner, this field cannot be set to Pay on Use.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Order Terms and Conditions (tctrm1130m000) session.

Allowed values


Payment (Direct Delivery)

Use this field to define the payment between the purchase office, which issues the purchase order, and the customer.

This field applies if a purchase order is created at the supplier's site for directly delivering goods to a VMI warehouse at the customer's site by a third party.

  • You can only define this field if the Ownership External check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • This field is set to Not Applicable if the warehouse has no linked sold-to business partner or delivery is not to a warehouse..
  • If the warehouse has a sold-to business partner linked to it, this field cannot be set to Not Applicable.
  • If the direct delivery is planned by Enterprise Planning and this field is set to Pay on Receipt, a sales order is generated to handle the payment between the purchase office and the receiver of the goods.

Default value

If the warehouse has a sold-to business partner linked to it, this field is defaulted from the Order Terms and Conditions (tctrm1130m000) session.

Allowed values


Ledger Account

A register used to record financial transactions and to accumulate the values of the transactions for reporting and analysis. The ledger accounts classify the transactions into categories such as revenues, expenses, assets, and liabilities.

You can only enter a ledger account if the following applies:

You cannot enter a ledger account if:

  • An LN project is used.
  • The purchase order originates from LN Service.
  • The purchase order is a direct delivery.
  • It is not mandatory to enter a ledger account.
  • LN Financials checks whether the ledger account exists in the financial company of the financial transaction. The financial company that is used depends on the financial department or purchase office.
  • After the goods are received, you can no longer change the ledger account.
Dimension 1

Use this field to select the dimension of this dimension type that you want to use.

You can only enter a ledger account and dimensions if the following applies:

You cannot enter a ledger account and dimensions if:

  • An LN project is used.
  • The purchase order originates from Service.
  • The purchase order is a direct delivery.
  • It is not mandatory to enter a ledger account and dimensions.
  • Financials checks whether the ledger account exists in the financial company of the financial transaction. The financial company that is used depends on the financial department or purchase office.
  • After the goods are received, you can no longer change the ledger account.
Receipt Address

The address where the goods are received.


If the warehouse has dock (receipt) locations, which you can define in the Warehouse - Dock Locations (whwmd2120m000) session, LN checks whether an address is defined for the relevant receipt location. If yes, this receipt address is displayed by default. Otherwise, the warehouse address is displayed.

Lot Selection

The specific conditions that can be established for lot items on order lines.

These conditions are:

  • Any
    The goods to be received or shipped are not subject to specific lot conditions. You can use more than one lot.
  • Same
    You can select any lot for receipt or shipment, but the entire receipt or shipment must have the same lot.
  • Specific
    You can receive or ship only one, specific lot.

If the warehouse is WMS controlled, the Lot Selection Same and Lot Selection Specific check boxes in the WMS Interface Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session determine whether you can select the Same or Specific value in this field.


A number of items produced and stored together that are identified by a (lot) code. Lots identify goods.

Related topics

Serial Number

serial number

This field is not applicable if:

  • The Warehouse field is empty
  • The Lot Selection field is Same
  • The Subcontracted check box is cleared, unless the purchase order line is a return order line
Inventory Handling

This field indicates whether a complete item or its components are received.

When receiving components, not necessarily the first level bill of material (BOM) components are received. LN executes a top-down scan of the BOM until it finds a non-phantom component. If the BOM consists of only phantom items, the lowest level BOM components are posted.


This field cannot be set to By Component if:

  • The warehouse is WMS controlled, and the Inbound BOM/List Items check box is cleared for the warehouse in the WMS Interface Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session.
  • The purchase order is a return order with a WMS controlled warehouse, and the Outbound BOM/List Items check box is cleared for the warehouse in the WMS Interface Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session.
  • The Payment field is Pay on Use.
Release Date

The planned date to release the order to Warehousing. The release date is calculated by subtracting the warehouse inbound lead time from the planned receipt date.

Confirmed Receipt Date

The receipt date for the items, which is confirmed by the buy-from business partner or confirmed to the sold-to business partner.

This date is used for several purposes:

  • As one of the bases by which the vendor rating is determined.
  • As the default value for the confirmed receipt date on the order lines.
  • As the reference date for the printing of reminders.
Changed Receipt Date

The new receipt date that is used if the supplier cannot comply with the agreed receipt date and states a new receipt date. Together with the planned and/or confirmed receipt date, the changed receipt date is the basis for determining the vendor rating, and the planned inventory movements. In addition, this date is also used in the reminder procedure.

Terms of Delivery
Point of Title Passage
Customs Value

The tax that is levied on an export article's value.

The customs value is used during the customs check. If this field is filled, the customs value need not be calculated when passing the customs, which saves time and transport costs.

For direct deliveries, the customs value is passed on to the purchase order from the sales order, in which case you cannot change the customs value on the purchase order. For more information, refer to Direct delivery.


The customs value only applies if the goods are delivered by Warehousing. If this field is filled and you release the order to Warehousing, the customs value is defaulted to Warehousing.

Default value

This field is defaulted with the item's purchase price. If the purchase price is zero, the item's cost price is displayed by default.

The customs value is calculated as follows:

price - order line discounts - order header discount

You can manually change the default value.

For example, you can change the customs value if:

  • A company delivers a spare part that is covered by the guarantee. The spare part's price is zero, but the spare part's value, and as a result the customs value, is greater than zero.
  • A company lends out a machine to a business partner abroad. The price for this service is zero, however the machine's value, and as a result the customs value, is greater than zero.
  • If Print Purchase Orders (tdpur4401m000) is an automatic activity for the applicable order procedure, the customs value is not printed. For further information on order procedure activities, see Purchase Order Type - Activities (tdpur0694m000).
  • The customs value is not printed if, in the Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900) session, you press Ctrl-P or click the print button and select Preview Purchase Orders to print purchase order data.
  • You can send purchase orders to suppliers by electronic data interchange (EDI) or Business Object Document (BOD) message. For this purpose, you must adjust the protocol if the Customs Value (tdpur401.cuva) must be included.

If this check box is selected, the items on this order line must be inspected on receipt.

This check box is unavailable if:

  • The item type is Cost, Service, or List.
  • The Direct Delivery check box in the Purchase Order Types (tdpur0194m000) session is selected for the purchase order type.
  • The Collect Order check box in the Purchase Order Types (tdpur0194m000) session is selected for the purchase order type.
  • The Inventory Handling field in the current session reads By Component.

When you create a purchase order line for the item, by default, this check box receives the same value as the Inspection check box in the Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session. If no combination of item and business partner is specified in the Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session, this check box is selected only if the same check box is also selected in the Ship-from Business Partner (tccom4121s000) and Item - Purchase (tdipu0601m000) sessions.

Conformance Reporting

The conformance reporting code linked to the item.


You can specify a conformance reporting code only if the Inspection check box is selected in this session.

Default value

The conformance reporting code is defaulted as follows:

  1. From the Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000) session.
  2. If first article inspection (FAI) applies to the item, from the First Article Inspection Rules (qmptc0116m100) session.
  3. From the Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session.
  4. From the Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session.

The code of the shipment created by Warehousing during the advance shipment notice (ASN) process.

Suppliers ASN Number

The buy-from business partner's ASN number.


The sequence number assigned to every individual receipt of goods.


The number of the receipt line that is linked to the receipt number in Warehousing. You can register receipts in the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session.

Actual Receipt Date

The date on which the ordered goods are received.

Inventory on Hand

The physical quantity of goods in one or more warehouses (including the inventory on hold).

Inventory on Hand

The inventory unit in which quantities are expressed.

Inventory on Order

The planned receipts. The inventory has been received and the inbound advice is generated. However, the advice is not yet released. This quantity is included in the economic stock.

Allocated Inventory

Inventory throughout all warehouses that is allocated to outbound order lines. After the inventory is shipped, that is, has left the warehouse, the allocation is deleted. Also referred to as standard allocation or soft allocation. See also inventory location allocation.

Committed Inventory

The reservation of inventory for an order without taking into account the physical storage of the goods within the warehouse. Previously referred to as hard allocation.

Approved Quantity

The number of received items that is approved, expressed in the purchase unit.

  • If the receipt is not carried out in Warehousing, LN enters the received quantity in this field.
  • If the Payable to Supplier check box is selected in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session, this field is invisible.
Approved Quantity

The number of received items that is approved, expressed in the inventory unit.

  • If the receipt is not carried out in Warehousing, LN enters the received quantity in this field.
  • If the Payable to Supplier check box is selected in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session, this field is invisible.
Rejected Quantity

The total rejected quantity minus the quantity that was accepted afterwards for this order line, including linked detail and back order lines, expressed in the purchase unit.


If the Payable to Supplier check box is selected in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session, this field is invisible.

Rejected Quantity

The total rejected quantity minus the quantity that was accepted afterwards for this order line, including linked detail and back order lines, expressed in the inventory unit.


If the Payable to Supplier check box is selected in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session, this field is invisible.

Returned Rejected Quantity

The total rejected quantity that was returned from the reject location to the buy-from business partner for this order line, including linked detail and back order lines, expressed in the purchase unit.


If the Payable to Supplier check box is selected in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session, this field is invisible.

Returned Rejected Quantity

The total rejected quantity that was returned from the reject location to the buy-from business partner for this order line, including linked detail and back order lines, expressed in the inventory unit.


If the Payable to Supplier check box is selected in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session, this field is invisible.

Destroyed Rejected Quantity

The total rejected quantity that was destroyed on the reject location for this order line, including linked detail and back order lines, expressed in the purchase unit.


If the Payable to Supplier check box is selected in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session, this field is invisible.

Destroyed Rejected Quantity

The total rejected quantity that was destroyed on the reject location for this order line, including linked detail and back order lines, expressed in the inventory unit.


If the Payable to Supplier check box is selected in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session, this field is invisible.

Quantity on Reject Location

The total quantity currently on the reject location for this order line, including linked detail and back order lines, expressed in the purchase unit.


If the Payable to Supplier check box is selected in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session, this field is invisible.

Quantity on Reject Location

The total quantity currently on the reject location for this order line, including linked detail and back order lines, expressed in the inventory unit.


If the Payable to Supplier check box is selected in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session, this field is invisible.

Back Order Quantity

The total ordered and confirmed back order quantity of the purchase order line, expressed in the purchase unit.


Initially ordered items12 pcs
Final receipt6 pcs
Back order quantity6 pcs


If you do not want to back order 6 but 4 pcs, and you consequently enter the value of 4 in the To be Confirmed Backorder Quantity field of the Potential Purchase Back Orders (tdpur4101m700) session and confirm the back order, the Back Order Quantity field in the Purchase Order - Line (tdpur4101m000) session will read 4.

If you receive 3 items on the 4 back ordered items, the Back Order Quantity field remains 4 (total ordered and confirmed back order quantity), but the To be Confirmed Backorder Quantity field changes into 1 (total outstanding back order quantity).

If you now change the potential back order quantity from 1 into 0 in the To be Confirmed Backorder Quantity field of the Potential Purchase Back Orders (tdpur4101m700) session, the Back Order Quantity field changes into 3 and the To be Confirmed Backorder Quantity field changes into 0.

Back Order Quantity

The total ordered and confirmed back order quantity of the purchase order line, expressed in the inventory unit.

To be Confirmed Backorder Qty

The total unconfirmed potential back order quantity for this order line, including linked detail and back order lines, expressed in the purchase unit.


Intially ordered quantity10 pcs
Final receipt6 pcs
To be confirmed back order quantity4 pcs
Confirm back order4 pcs
To be confirmed back order quantity0 pcs


To be Confirmed Backorder Qty

The total unconfirmed potential back order quantity for this order line, including linked detail and back order lines, expressed in the inventory unit.


Intially ordered quantity10 pcs
Final receipt6 pcs
To be confirmed back order quantity4 pcs
Confirm back order4 pcs
To be confirmed back order quantity0 pcs



The unique identification of an activity.


The smallest part of an element structure. An element is used to define the (structure of the) work of the project, so that you can carry it out.


The parts of projects for which special arrangements are have been made that concern invoicing, such as variations, provisional amounts, quantities to be settled, and fluctuation settlements. An extension can be attached to one or more budget lines.


This field is empty and unavailable if the Peg Distribution check box is selected in this session.

Related topics

Cost Component

cost component


This field is empty and unavailable if the Peg Distribution check box is selected in this session.

Purchase Type

A purchase order property that enables you to identify the kind of purchase made and in this way, the kind of payable. This property is used to post the purchase to the correct Accounts Payable account when the invoice is created. To post a purchase invoice, LN retrieves the control account from the purchase type linked to the purchase order line.


A control account is defined for every purchase type. When purchase invoices are posted, LN retrieves the purchase type to determine the control account that must be used for posting.

Terms of Payment

payment terms

Default value

The following defaulting logic applies:

  • If the purchase order line is generated from a delivery contract, the payment terms are defaulted from the contract header.
  • If the purchase order line is generated from a request-for-quotation (RFQ), the payment terms are defaulted from the RFQ.
  • If the purchase order line is a return order line, the payment terms are defaulted from the Payment Terms for Credit Notes field in the Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000) session.
  • If the purchase order line is generated from another origin or is manually entered, the following defaulting sequence applies:
    1. If a contract is linked to the purchase order line, the payment terms are defaulted from the contract header.
    2. The payment terms are defaulted from the purchase order header.
General Ledger

Represents a ledger account and the corresponding dimensions. GL codes are used to represent ledger accounts to users who are not familiar with the structure of the chart of accounts.

To specific logistic transactions, you can link a GL code. Such integration transactions are mapped directly to the ledger account and dimensions of the GL code, they are not included in the mapping process.

You can only enter a GL code if the following applies:

You cannot enter a GL code if:

  • An LN project is used.
  • The purchase order originates from LN Service.
  • The purchase order is a direct delivery.
  • It is not mandatory to enter a GL code.
  • LN Financials checks whether the GL code exists in the financial company of the financial transaction. The financial company that is used depends on the financial department or purchase office.
  • After the goods are received, you can no longer change the GL code.

Related topics

Payment Agreement

A way to define how invoice amounts must be paid. This includes the payment methods that apply to various parts of the invoice amount, and the payment currency.

For example, you can define a payment agreement to pay the first part of the invoice amount through the bank according to payment method PM1, 40 percent of the remaining amount, according to payment method PM2, and the other 60 percent according to payment method PM3, which can be a trade note payable.

Change Order Sequence

A number that is used to assign the occurrence of changes to a purchase order or a sales order.

Change Reason Lines

The reason that can be assigned to a changed purchase document (line) or sales document (line).

Default value

This field is defaulted from one of the following fields in the Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur0100m400) session:


If required, you can overwrite the default change reason code.

Change Type Lines

The indicator of the type of change of a changed purchase order (line) or sales order (line).

Default value

This field is defaulted from one of the following fields in the Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur0100m400) session:


If required, you can overwrite the default change type code.

Hard Pegged to Business Partner

The sold-to business partner to which this supply object has been hard pegged.

LN can use the items supplied by the current order to fulfill an order for the sold-to business partner displayed in this field; LN does not use these items for any other business partner.

Hard Pegged to Business Object Type

The type of order to which this order has been hard pegged.


The following fields are always used in combination; together, they identify the relevant order or order line:

  • Business Object
  • Business Object
  • Business Object Reference
Hard Pegged to Business Object

The order, or order line, to which the items in this order have been hard pegged.


The following fields are always used in combination; together, they identify the relevant order or order line:

  • Business Object
  • Business Object
  • Business Object Reference
Hard Pegged to Reference

The reference code to which this supply object has been hard pegged.

LN can only use the items supplied by the current order to fulfill a demand specified by the reference displayed in this field.

LN can use this field in two ways:

  • If the Business Partner field is filled, LN uses the Reference field to record a reference code defined by a customer.
  • If the Business Partner field is empty, LN uses the Reference field to record an internal reference.

You can use a reference code to keep a collection of parts linked together, even if they follow different routings, for example, if some of the parts are transported to a subcontractor to be returned later.

Option List ID

option list ID


Option list IDs are used on purchase orders to handle received configured items that deviate from the ordered configured items.

You have the following options:

  • The deviating configured item is received as an unexpected warehouse receipt and registered in the Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000) session as a purchase order with the Warehousing Receipt origin. Therefore, the deviating item is not received against the schedule line, which remains open for receiving the correct configured item.
  • The deviating configured item is first received against the schedule line, but then returned by means of a return order.

As a result, this field can only be specified if, in the Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000) session, the purchase order's Origin is Warehousing Receipt, or the purchase order is a return order of the Return Inventory order type.

Click Option List to view the configured item 's options and features in the Option List (tcibd4522m000) session.

On Hand

The inventory on hand that is allocated in the Warehouse, expressed in the purchase unit.

On Hand

The inventory on hand that is allocated in the Warehouse, expressed in the inventory unit.

On Order

The total quantity of supply orders that is hard pegged and will be received in the Warehouse, expressed in the purchase unit.

On Order

The total quantity of supply orders that is hard pegged and will be received in the Warehouse, expressed in the inventory unit.

Unallocated Quantity

The inventory on hand that is not allocated in the Warehouse, expressed in the purchase unit.

Unallocated Quantity

The inventory on hand that is not allocated in the Warehouse, expressed in the inventory unit.


Material Supply Lines
Bill of Material
Option List

Starts the Option List (tcibd4522m000) session.

Landed Cost Lines
Landed Costs by Purchase Order

Starts the Landed Cost Lines by Purchase Order (tclct2100m300) session, in which you can view all landed costs that are linked to a selected purchase order.

Peg Distribution

Starts the Purchase Peg Distribution (tdpur5100m000) session in which you can view, enter, and maintain the peg distribution details.

Supplier Stage Payments

Starts the Supplier Stage Payments (tdpur5120m000) session in which you can view, enter, and maintain the supplier stage payments.

Material Price Information

Starts the Material Price Information (tcmpr1600m000) session, in which you can view the material price information that is linked to the purchase order line, such as the material price agreement, item material content, material base prices, and material actual prices.

Freight Details
Price Inquiry

Starts the Price Inquiry (tdpcg0250m000) session.

Terms and Conditions

Starts the Specification (tcibd4120m000) session. You can only use this command if the Specification check box is selected for the purchase order line.


Approves the purchase order line.

Generate Supply Order Lines

To ship the material to the subcontractor, generates supply order lines for a subcontracted purchase order line's material supply lines.

You can view which materials and subassemblies must be supplied to the subcontractor in the Purchase Order Material Supply Lines (tdpur4116m000) session.

The materials can be supplied through a sales transfer order, sales transfer schedule, warehouse transfer, purchase supply order, or purchase supply schedule, which you specify in the Purchase Order Material Supply Lines (tdpur4116m000) session.

Regenerate Material Supply Lines

Regenerates the material supply lines for a subcontracted purchase order line.

You can view the material supply lines for the subcontracted purchase order line in the Purchase Order Material Supply Lines (tdpur4116m000) session.

Link Contract

Links a contract to the purchase order line.

You can view which contract is linked to the order line in the Purchase Order Line - Linked Information (tdpur4502s000) session.

Unlink Contract

Unlinks a linked contract.

Release to Warehousing

Releases the purchase order line to Warehousing.


Starts the Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m000) session in which you can enter receipt data for a specific purchase order line.

Price Simulator

Starts the Recalculate Price and Discount (tdpcg0240s000) session in which you can recalculate prices and discounts.

Price and Discounts after Receipt
Budget Account Distribution

Starts the Budget Account Distribution (tcbgc1100m000) session, in which you can view and modify the linked budget account distribution (BAD).

Check Budget

Checks the budget for the order line.

This command is only available if:

  • A correct budget account distribution (BAD) is linked to the line.
  • The Budget Exception check box is selected.
Copy BOM Components
Generate Freight Orders
Recalculate Price/Discounts Order Line

Starts the Recalculate Price and Discount (tdpcg0240s000) session in which you can recalculate prices and discounts for the order line.

Recalculate Landed Costs
Purchase Order
Purchase Order Lines Monitor
Purchase Order - Lines to be Received
Consigned Receipts

For selected purchase order lines held in consignment, that is, for which the value of the Payment field is Pay on Use, start the Consigned Receipts (whwmd2550m000) session. In this session, you can view the inventory levels and access overviews of the consumptions for the selected purchase order lines.

No Payment Receipts

For selected purchase order lines whose ownership does not change on receipt by the receiving party, that is, for which the value of the Payment field is No Payment, start the Customer Owned Receipts (whwmd2550m100) session. In this session, you can view the inventory levels and access overviews of the consumptions for the selected purchase order lines.

Potential Purchase Back Orders
Purchase Orders - by Manual Activities
Line History
Purchase Order - Change Order Sequence Numbers
Return Orders

Starts the Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000) session, in which you can view the return orders that are linked to the purchase order line.

Inspection Orders
Production Orders
Work Orders

Starts the Work Order - Lines (tswcs2100m100) session, in which you can view the linked work order in case of service subcontracting.

Service Orders

Starts the Service Order (tssoc2100m100) session, in which you can view the linked service order in case of service subcontracting.

All Lines

Displays all purchase order lines.

Not Final Received Lines

Only displays the purchase order lines for which no final receipt has taken place.

Not Canceled

Only displays the purchase order lines that are not canceled.

Hide Receipts and Payments

Hides all orders lines for which the order origin is Warehousing Receipt or Purchase Payment.

Only Unexpected Receipts

Only displays orders lines for which the order origin is Warehousing Receipt.

Only Payment Orders

Only displays orders lines for which the order origin is Purchase Payment.

Search Revision

If the Engineering Revisions Active in Purchase check box in the Purchase Parameters (tdpur0100m000) session and the Revision Controlled check box in the Items - General (tcibd0501m000) session are selected for the item, you can search for the item's revision.

Item Dimensions
Line Discounts

Starts the Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200) session.

Project Contract Information

If the project has a linked contract, use this command to view the contract information in the Contract (tpctm1600m000) session.

Shipment Notice