Purchase Contract Line Detail Analysis (tdpur3513m100)

Use this session to have a results analysis for a purchase contract line detail based on its cumulated quantities and amounts, which are also shown in this session.


Depending on the settings of the Log Turnover on Contract check box in the Purchase Contract Parameters (tdpur0100m300) session, specific fields can be displayed.



The number of the purchase contract.

Contract Line Status

The status of the of the parent purchase contract line, and therefore, of the purchase contract line detail.


The number of the purchase contract line.

Purchase Office
Buy-from Business Partner
Price Group

A group of items to which the same pricing characteristics apply.

Effectivity Unit
Current Date

The present date and time. When you start this session, LN automatically fills this field with the present date and time.

Effective Date
Expiry Date

The expiry date of the contract.

Time Elapsed (%)

The time elapsed is expressed as a percentage of the total contract duration, recorded in the Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000) session.

The time elapsed is calculated as follows:

Time Elapsed = (Current Date - Effective Date ÷ ((Expiry Date - Effective Date) + 1)) * 100% 
Agreed Quantity

The purchase contract line detail's contract quantity.

Purchase Unit

The unit in which you purchase an item, also referred to as the purchase quantity unit.

Agreed Quantity

The purchase contract line detail's contract quantity.

Inventory Unit

The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.

Minimum Quantity

The purchase contract line detail's minimum contract quantity.

Minimum Quantity
Maximum Quantity

The purchase contract line detail's maximum contract quantity.


If the maximum quantity is reached, the Action on Exceeding Maximum Quantity field determines the action that must be executed.

Maximum Quantity
Called Quantity

The sum of the called quantities of all the purchase schedule lines that are linked to the contract line detail.

The called quantity is increased when a schedule line is linked to a contract. The called quantity is decreased again when a schedule line is processed in the Process Purchase Schedules (tdpur3223m000) session.

Called Quantity

The sum of the called quantities of all the purchase schedule lines that are linked to the contract line detail.

The called quantity is increased when a schedule line is linked to a contract. The called quantity is decreased again when a schedule line is processed in the Process Purchase Schedules (tdpur3223m000) session.

Invoiced Quantity

The sum of the invoiced quantities of all purchase schedule lines that are linked to the contract line detail.

The invoiced quantity is increased when linked purchase schedule lines are processed in the Process Purchase Schedules (tdpur3223m000) session.

Invoiced Quantity

The sum of the invoiced quantities of all purchase schedule lines that are linked to the contract line detail.

The invoiced quantity is increased when linked purchase schedule lines are processed in the Process Purchase Schedules (tdpur3223m000) session.

Remaining Quantity

The remaining quantity, expressed in the purchase unit.

Remaining quantity = Agreed quantity - Called quantity - Invoiced quantity.
Remaining Quantity

The remaining quantity, expressed in the inventory unit.

Remaining quantity = Agreed quantity - Called quantity - Invoiced quantity.
Required CUM

The required cumulative aggregated from all schedules that are linked to this purchase contract line detail, expressed in the purchase unit.

Required CUM

The required cumulative aggregated from all schedules that are linked to this purchase contract line detail, expressed in the inventory unit.

Received CUM

The received cumulative aggregated from all schedules that are linked to this contract line, expressed in the purchase unit.

Received CUM

The received cumulative aggregated from all schedules that are linked to this contract line, expressed in the inventory unit.

Total Quantity

The total number of called items and invoiced items on the contract line detail, expressed in the purchase unit.

Total Quantity

The total number of called items and invoiced items on the contract line detail, expressed in the inventory unit.

Expected Quantity

The calculated quantity that you expect to have purchased at the end of the contract, expressed in the purchase unit. This calculation is extrapolated from the contract's ordered quantity that is registered during the part of the effective period that has passed.

Expected Quantity

The calculated quantity that you expect to have purchased at the end of the contract, expressed in the inventory unit. This calculation is extrapolated from the contract's ordered quantity that is registered during the part of the effective period that has passed.

Result (%)

The total number of called items and invoiced items expressed as a percentage of the agreed contract quantity.

Expected Result (%)

LN uses the agreed quantity and effective period to calculate the percentage of the items that you should have purchased.

Called Amount

The sum of the called amounts of all purchase schedule lines that are linked to the contract line detail.

The called amount is increased when a schedule line is linked to a contract. The called amount is decreased again when a schedule line is processed in the Process Purchase Schedules (tdpur3223m000) session.

Invoiced Amount

The sum of the invoiced amounts of all purchase schedule lines that are linked to the contract line detail.

The invoiced amount is increased when linked purchase schedule lines are processed in the Process Purchase Schedules (tdpur3223m000) session.