Purchase Contracts - by Item/Price Group (tdpur3510m000)

Use this session to view purchase contracts by item and/or price group.

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Price Group

A group of items to which the same pricing characteristics apply.


The prices and discounts of the price group that is entered in this Price Group field, apply to all items that belong to the price group.


The number of the purchase contract.


The number of the purchase contract line.


The employee of your company who is the contact to the concerned buy-from business partner. The buyer is also known as the purchasing agent.

Agreed Quantity

The quantity that must be delivered according to the contract agreements. The contract quantity must always be greater than zero.


The unit in which you purchase an item, also referred to as the purchase quantity unit.


The monetary unit in which the purchase price is expressed.

Contract Date

Initially, this is the date on which the contract is specified, but this date can be manually changed to a date in the past or future.

Default value

The contract date from the Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000) session.

Effective Date
Expiry Date

The last day on which a record is valid. If you do not specify an expiry time, the validity expires at the end of the expiry date, at 24:00 hours.

Tax Code

A code that indentifies the tax rate and which determines how LN calculates and registers tax amounts.

Contract Type

The contract type, which can be a special contract, or a normal contract.


Purchase Contract Line - Analysis
Contract Prices