Purchase Contracts - by Purchase Office (tdpur3505m000)

Use this session to view purchase contracts by purchase office.


Purchase Office

The number of the purchase contract.


The status of the purchase contract.

You can assign a status to each contract with the following buttons in the Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000) session:

  • Terminate
  • Activate
  • De-activate

You can also maintain the status at contract line level in the Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000) session.

A contract can have the following statuses:

  • Free: When a contract is created, the contract status is automatically set to Free. If a contract has the Free status, you can make changes to the contract.
  • Active: You can link a purchase order/schedule/quotation to a contract with the Active status. If the status is Active and the Maintaining Contracts Always Allowed check box in the Purchase Contract Parameters (tdpur0100m300) session is cleared, you cannot deactivate the contract.
  • Terminated: After a contract is terminated, the contract can no longer be used.