Archive and Delete/Terminate Purchase Contracts (tdpur3203m000)

Use this session to terminate, delete, and archive purchase contracts.

You can also combine these actions for a purchase contract.

  • The archiving functionality is available in this session only if the Purchase Contract Archiving Implemented check box is selected in the Purchase Contract Parameters (tdpur0100m300) session.
  • Before purchase schedules and purchase orders can be archived, first the purchase contracts must be archived.

You cannot terminate a purchase contract if an Active purchase schedule is linked to the contract. To terminate the contract, you must terminate the schedule first.

You cannot delete a purchase contract if:

  • At least for one contract line, the called quantity is not equal to zero.
  • The contract is linked to an order or Active schedule.
  • The Evaluate Contract before Deleting check box in the Purchase Contract Parameters (tdpur0100m300) session is selected, and the session's contract lines are not yet evaluated.
  • The contract is Active.
Invoked tables

This table shows the data that is archived and/or deleted:

Purchase Contract Header (tdpur300)
Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur301)
Purchase Contract Price Revisions (tdpur303)
Purchase Contract Logistic Data (tdpur302)


Related topics


Contract Type

You can select the contracts to be terminated or deleted by contract type.

Quantities Printed In

Select the unit in which you want to print the quantities, which can be the order unit, or the inventory unit.

Archive or Delete

The method for processing the data.

You can select:

  • Delete, if you want to delete the data.
  • Archive, if you want to transfer the data to the archive company.
  • Both, if you want to transfer the data to the archive company and then delete the data from the operational company.
Print Errors

If this check box is selected, and errors occur during the deletion or archiving process, an error report is generated.

Terminate Expired Contracts

If this check box is selected, and the expiry date of a selected contract with the Free or Active status falls in the selected range of expiry dates, the contract status is set to Terminated.

Delete Free Contracts

If this check box is selected, the selected contracts with the Free status are deleted.

Delete Terminated Contracts

If this check box is selected, all selected contracts with the Terminated status are deleted.

  • The contracts are also deleted for which the Terminate Expired Contracts check box is selected.
  • If the Evaluate Contract before Deleting check box in the Purchase Contract Parameters (tdpur0100m300) session is selected, a contract cannot be deleted before its contract lines are evaluated.
Delete Linked Terms and Conditions

If this check box is selected, the terms and conditions agreement that is linked to the purchase contract is also deleted.

Original Company

The company for which the data is archived.

Archive-to Company

The archive company to which the data is transferred.


This company is retrieved from the Archive-to Company field in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session.

Archive up to Date

The date until which the data must be archived.

Archive Common Master Data

If this check box is selected, general data from Common is archived.

Archive Purchase Master Data

If this check box is selected, general data from Procurement is archived.

Archive Text

If this check box is selected, texts are also archived.

Overwrite Text

If this check box is selected, texts that already exist in the archive company are replaced with the original text.