Delete Requests for Quotation (tdpur1205m000)

Use this session to delete the following for your selection range:

  • Processed RFQs by RFQ date
  • Response lines with an expiry date in the past
  • Requests for quotation (RFQs) on which no response is returned
  • RFQs that were never linked to a bidder

If all response lines that are returned on an RFQ are deleted, the RFQ itself is also deleted.


If Budget Control is implemented in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session, and the budget must be checked for requisitions and purchase orders, you cannot delete an RFQ to which all of the following apply:

  • The RFQ line was generated from a requisition.
  • The RFQ line is converted to a purchase order line, but the generated order line is not yet approved, canceled, or deleted.

This is because the link between the requisition line and the purchase order line must be kept as long as no reversal of the requisition line's Commitment budget transaction could take place.


Delete Processed RFQs

If this check box is selected, the RFQs for which the RFQ Date is before the date as specified in the Delete up to Date field, are deleted

Delete up to Date

The RFQ Date until which you want to delete processed RFQs.

Delete Expired RFQs

If this check box is selected, the response lines for which the expiry date is before the date as specified in the Expiry Date field, are deleted.


If all response lines that are returned on an RFQ are deleted, the RFQ and the RFQ lines are also deleted

Expiry Date

The expiry date until which you want to delete expired response lines.

Delete not Returned RFQs

If this check box is selected, the RFQs for which the response date is within the range of response dates and that have no RFQ response returned, are deleted.

Response Date

The response date range used to Delete not Returned RFQ's.

Response Date

The response date range used to Delete Unlinked RFQ's.


If this check box is selected, a report is printed with all the RFQs that fall in the selected range.



Deletes or simulates the deletion of the RFQs.