The category for which a category structure is generated.
You can define categories in the Category (tdpct0101s000) session.
Category Structure (tdpct0502m000)Use this session to list category structures, which you can maintain or display in the Category Structure (tdpct0102s000) session. In this session, you can:
Category Structure The category for which a category structure is generated. Note You can define categories in the Category (tdpct0101s000) session. Pos The number used to identify the relative position of each member of the current category structure. The position number begins with 10 and is automatically incremented by 10 for each new position. Category The subcategory that is linked to the category structure. Item The item that is linked to the category structure. Search Key The search key for the Category or the Item. Default value LN takes the default value from the item or category description. You can change this value. Category/Item Flag The type of the lower level entry, which can be Category or Item. Manufacturer A specific manufacturer for the item. Buy-from BP
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