Global Update of Prices in Item Sales Data (tdpcg0233m000)

Use this session to globally update sales prices in the Items - Sales (tdisa0501m000) session.



Update Price

Use this field to update the price. You can update the price with a percentage or with a value.

  • Select the By Percentage check box if you want to update the price with a percentage. As a result, the Percentage to Change By field is available.
  • Select the By Value check box if you want to update the price with a value. As a result, the Value to Change By field is available.
Percentage to Change By

The percentage with which you can update the price.

The new price is calculated as follows:

OP * Per OP + ---------- 100

OPold price
Rounding Code

If the price must be updated with a percentage, enter a rounding code to indicate how prices must be rounded off.

Value to Change By

The value with which the price is updated.


If the currency of the old price differs from the currency of te new price, the value is converted to the item data currency.

Simulation Only

If this check box is selected, a report simulating the update of prices is displayed. The data update is only displayed, not processed.

Print Changes

If this check box is selected, a report is displayed or printed with the updated data.