Client Freight Rate Matrices (tdpcg0130m310)

Use this session to view, enter, and maintain freight rate matrices for the Client Freight Rate matrix type.


Matrix Type

Defines the type of a matrix definition and is linked to a set of matrix attributes.

The following matrix types are available in Pricing:

  • Sales Price
  • Sales Line Discount
  • Sales Total Discount
  • Purchase Price
  • Purchase Line Discount
  • Purchase Total Discount
  • Transfer Price
  • Line Promotions
  • Order Promotions
  • Client Freight Rate
  • Carrier Freight Rate

Each type has its own a selection of attributes. For a matrix type, the combination of a maximum of six attributes identifies the matrix definition.

Matrix Definition

The number of the freight rate matrix.


The sequence number for the freight rate matrix, which is automatically incremented by one each time you specify the relevant freight rate matrix.


The description of the freight rate matrix.

Effective Date

The first date on which the freight rate matrix is valid. The default effective date is equal to the system date.

Expiry Date

The last date the freight rate matrix is valid. If this field is not filled, the freight rate matrix is infinitely valid.

Freight Rate Book

An entity in which you can store freight rate information that is valid for a given period of time.

A freight rate book includes the following elements:

  • A freight rate book header, which contains the code, rating method, distance unit, and free distance.
  • One or more freight rate book lines, which contain the freight rates for a combination of attributes such as carrier and service level.

The freight rates specified in a freight rate book are subject to a minimum or maximum weight, distance, or additional rate value.

For example, if a sales order matches the attributes of the current freight rate matrix, the freight rates listed in the freight rate book(s) referenced by the current freight rate book will be used to calculate the freight costs of the sales order.

Freight Class

A classification of an item in terms of:

  • Product density (pounds per square foot)
  • Stowage (size, weight, and shape)
  • Handling
  • Liability (the item's value)

Freight classification is a criteria that is used to determine an item's transportation price. In LN, a freight class can also serve as a criterion that determines the planning group of order lines. Freight classes are mainly used in the U.S.

Sales/Purchase Office
Price List
Delivery Terms
Payment Method
Payment Terms
Price Group

A group of items to which the same pricing characteristics apply.


Rebuild Generic Key

Starts the Rebuild Generic Key (tdpcg0230m200) session in which you can rebuild matrix data if the database is corrupt.

Global Update of Freight Prices via Price Matrices

Starts the Global Update of Freight Prices via Price Matrices (tdpcg0230m340) session in which you can globally update freight prices.