Transfer Price Matrices (tdpcg0130m030)

Use this session to view, enter, and maintain price matrices for the Transfer Price matrix type.


Price Matrix

The number of the price matrix.


The sequence number for the price matrix, which is automatically incremented by one each time you specify the relevant price matrix.


The description of the price matrix.

Effective Date

The first date and time as from which the price matrix is valid. The default effective date is equal to the system date.

Expiry Date

The last date the price matrix is valid. If this field is not filled, the discount matrix is infinitely valid.

Price Book

An entity in which you can store price information that is valid for a given period of time.

A price book includes the following elements:

  • A price book header, which contains the code, type, and use of the price book.
  • One or more price book lines, which contain the items.

A quantity or value break discount schedule can be linked to a price book.

Repair Price Book

The repair price book for the internal business partners.


If the Subcontracting Price Method is Fixed Price in the Internal Trade Details (tcemm2151m000) session, you can store internal fixed repair prices in a repair price book for internal business partners. To retrieve internal repair prices from the price book, the Repair Price Book must be linked to a transfer price matrix in this session.

Price Factor

A price factor is used to increase or decrease the price book's base price to calculate the unit price. The value specified for the price factor must be positive.

For example, a price factor for a 10% increase is 1.10 and a for a 15% decrease is 0.85.

Invoice-from Business Partner
Product Type
Product Line
Product Class
Item Group
Price Group

A group of items to which the same pricing characteristics apply.


Global Update of Transfer Prices via Price Matrices

Starts the Global Update of Purchase Prices via Price Matrices (tdpcg0230m320) session in which you can globally update purchase prices.

Global Deletion of Price Information
Rebuild Generic Key

Starts the Rebuild Generic Key (tdpcg0230m200) session in which you can rebuild matrix data if the database is corrupt.