Landed costs – order receipts

This topic explains how landed costs are used in combination with receipts for purchase orders and warehouse transfer orders.


If you also use advance shipment notices for purchase orders, refer to Landed costs – advance shipment notices.

How landed costs are linked to receipts depends on where the item receipt must be recorded.

Type of itemReceive item inType of receipt
Non-inventory itemProcurementPurchase receipt
Inventory itemWarehousingWarehouse receipt


Purchase receipts

To receive non-inventory items, you must create receipts in the Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m000) session. The landed costs of the order line or advance shipment notice (ASN) line are automatically copied to the purchase receipt. The landed cost lines are stored in the Landed Cost Lines (tclct2100m000) session, which is linked to the Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m000) session. For partial purchase receipts, the order/ASN line landed costs are divided over the receipt lines. For examples, refer to Landed costs – fixed amounts.

After confirmation, the following can be changed for the purchase receipt line:

Warehouse receipts

To receive inventory items, you must create receipts in the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session.

The warehouse receipt header can contain only landed cost lines for which the Calculation Method field is Fixed Amount and the Fixed Amount Level is Receipt Header in the Landed Cost Lines (tclct2100m000) session. When a receipt header is created, the fixed amount is copied from the first purchase order or warehouse transfer order that is linked to the specific receipt. The fixed amount can also be copied from the first advance shipment notice that is linked to the receipt. The landed costs are stored in the Landed Cost Lines (tclct2100m000) session, which is linked to the receipt header in the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session.

Warehouse receipt lines

If receipt lines are created, the header landed costs are divided over the lines. Because the warehouse receipt header can contain only landed cost lines for which the Calculation Method field is Fixed Amount and the Fixed Amount Level is Receipt Header in the Landed Cost Lines (tclct2100m000) session, the header landed costs are always apportioned to the receipt lines and cannot be synchronized to the lines. For more information, refer to Landed costs – fixed amounts.

After apportioning, the landed costs are stored in the Landed Cost Lines (tclct2100m000) session, which is linked to the receipt line in the Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000) session. The Landed Cost Line Origin displays Receipt Header for these line landed cost lines.

In addition to the apportioned receipt-header-based fixed amounts, all other landed cost lines are copied from the original line to the receipt line. The original line determines the Landed Cost Line Origin for these receipt line landed cost lines, such as Order Line, Shipment Notice Line, and so on.

When the receipt is confirmed, the landed costs are copied from the warehouse receipt line to the Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m000) session. Next, inventory valuation updates and financial transactions are triggered.

After confirmation, the following can be changed for the warehouse receipt line:

If, after confirmation, changes are made to the landed costs of the warehouse receipt, these changes are also copied to the Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m000) session.

Maintaining landed cost lines after receipt

Before and after confirmation of a receipt (line), you can use the Landed Cost Lines by Receipt (tclct2100m100) session to manually change, add, cancel, or delete landed cost lines.

Landed cost lines can be maintained only if the following are applicable to the receipt level:

  • Receipt header
    The receipt contains only unconfirmed receipt lines.
  • Receipt line
    The receipt line is not yet matched in Financials.

If you change or cancel landed cost lines in the Landed Cost Lines by Receipt (tclct2100m100) session and on the appropriate menu you click Apply to all, the changes made to the line are also processed to all other lines of the same receipt that have the same combination of Landed Costs Code, Type, and Buy-from Business Partner. This also applies if you add a receipt line. When a new landed cost line is added for a receipt line, you can automatically add this landed cost line to all other receipt lines for which the landed cost line is not linked yet and, therefore, for which the combination of Landed Costs Code, Type, and Buy-from Business Partner does not exist.


Line landed costs with origin Receipt Header can be changed only on receipt header level.

Unexpected receipts

If no order is found for the received goods, in Warehousing, you can create an unexpected receipt line. To link landed cost lines to the receipt line, an order must first be linked to the unexpected receipt.

You can link order lines to unexpected receipt lines as follows:

  • Link an existing order to an unexpected receipt
    Landed costs are copied from the applicable order line and apportioned from the receipt header.
  • Generate a purchase order for an unexpected receipt
    If the Generate Order for Unexpected Warehouse Receipt check box is selected in the Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session and the receipt is confirmed, a new purchase order of the Warehousing Receipt origin is generated for the item and business partner of the unexpected receipt. Next, landed costs are automatically retrieved and linked at order, order line, warehouse receipt, and purchase actual receipt level.

The landed costs can be changed, added, or deleted after receipt in the Landed Cost Lines by Receipt (tclct2100m100) session.