Automatic sales schedule processing

You can automate the processing of sales schedules. For each activity, you specify whether the activity is run automatically or manually.

The execution of the schedule procedure activities starts when a sales release is processed into a sales schedule or a sales schedule is created. All automatic activities are executed successively until an activity is defined as non-automatic. After you manually executed the non-automatic activity, LN executes the next automatic activity, and so on. Therefore, for each activity, you specify whether the activity is run automatically or manually.


For referenced and non-referenced schedules, the Automaticallly Process Sales Schedule Releases check box in the Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000) session determines whether or not sales releases are automatically converted to sales schedules with the Created status.

The Use Contracts for Schedules and Use Terms and Conditions for Schedules check boxes in the Sales Contract Parameters (tdsls0100s300) session determine the session from which LN retrieves the automatic processing data.

  • Use Contracts for Schedules is cleared
    Data is retrieved from the Items - Sales Business Partner (tdisa0510m000) session.
  • Use Contracts for Schedules is selected and Use Terms and Conditions for Schedules is cleared
    If the sales schedule is based on a sales contract with a linked terms and conditions agreement, automatic processing data is retrieved from the Schedule Terms and Conditions (tctrm1131m000) session. If no terms and conditions agreement is linked to the contract, data is retrieved from the Sales Contract Line Logistic Data (tdsls3102m000) session.
  • Use Contracts for Schedules and Use Terms and Conditions for Schedules are selected
    The sales schedule must be based on a sales contract with a linked terms and conditions agreement. Therefore, automatic processing data is retrieved from the Schedule Terms and Conditions (tctrm1131m000) session.
Search logic for the retrieval of automatic sales schedule processing data
Use Contracts for SchedulesLinked terms and conditions agreement?Automatic processing data retrieved from session:Automatic processing data
SelectedYesSchedule Terms and Conditions (tctrm1131m000)
SelectedNoSales Contract Line Logistic Data (tdsls3102m000)Automatically Approve Referenced Sales Schedules
ClearedNot applicableItems - Sales Business Partner (tdisa0510m000)Automatic approval


  • For automatically executed activities, no process reports are printed.
  • If errors occur when executing a sales schedule activity through a batch session, you can select a device to print the errors.