Specifying sales contracts

To record the agreements that you made with a sold-to business partner:

Step 1. Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000)

Specify the general data for a sales contract header in the Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000) session. This session includes mainly sold-to business partner-related information. On the contract header, you can also link a terms and conditions agreement

A terms and conditions agreement can be linked as follows in this session:

The following can be linked to a contract:

  • Both a terms and conditions agreement and contract lines
  • Only a terms and conditions agreement and no contract lines
  • Only contract lines and no terms and conditions agreement
Step 2. Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000)

Specify sales contract lines in the Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000) session, which include the item's agreements with a sold-to business partner. If you do not use sales contract price revisions, sales contract lines also contain prices and discounts. Contract line data refers to the Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000) session.

Step 3. Sales Contract Price Revisions (tdsls3103m000)

If the Price Revisions in Use check box is selected in the Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000) session, specify sales contract price revisions for the contract line. Sales contract price revision data refers to the Sales Contract Price Revisions (tdsls3103m000) session.

If no valid price and discount can be retrieved from the sales contract, LN will continue searching for a price and discounts in other sources.

Step 4. Sales Contract Line Logistic Data (tdsls3102m000)

If the Use Contracts for Schedules check box is selected in the Sales Contract Parameters (tdsls0100s300) session, specify logistic agreements for the contract line. Contract line logistic data refers to the Sales Contract Line Logistic Data (tdsls3102m000) session.

Step 5. Scheduled requirements for a sales contract

If you do not receive schedules from your sold-to business partners but you do want to set up a list of time-phased deliveries based on a sales contract, you can define scheduled requirements for a sales contract.

For more information, refer to Scheduled requirements for a sales contract.


You can also complete all of these steps in the Sales Contract - Lines (tdsls3600m000) session.