Generate Planned Delivery Moments (tdipu0225m000)

Use this session to to generate/update planned delivery moments that are used by Enterprise Planning for lead time offsetting.

In this session, you can generate planned delivery moments both for Shipment Based schedules and for Receipt Based schedules.

If you want to generate delivery moments for shipment based purchase schedules, select the Generate Shipment Based Delivery Moments check box. The delivery moments generated in the current session are first returned as planned shipment moments. Because, for lead-time offsetting, Enterprise Planning is only interested in planned delivery moments, planned shipment moments must be converted into planned delivery moments.

To return planned delivery moments for shipment based schedules, LN carries out the following steps:

  1. Retrieves all valid combinations of warehouse, ship-from business partner and delivery pattern from the Delivery Patterns by Warehouse / BP / Item (tdipu0124m000) session.
  2. For all valid combinations, LN retrieves the delivery moments from the Patterns (tcccp0690m000) session, which must be seen as shipment moments.
  3. Converts each shipment moment into a delivery moment by adjusting shipment moments to the transportation time between the address of the ship-from business partner and the warehouse address, which you can define in the Distance Table by City (tccom4137s000) session or the Distance Table by ZIP Code/Postal Code (tccom4138s000) session. To calculate a transportation time, a ship-from address, a ship-to address, and, if entered, a carrier are needed. In the Delivery Patterns by Warehouse / BP / Item (tdipu0124m000) session, the ship-to address can be read from the warehouse. The ship-from address (and the carrier), however, can only be read from the ship-from business partner. As a result, for shipment based schedules, LN only retrieves combinations from the Delivery Patterns by Warehouse / BP / Item (tdipu0124m000) session in which business partners are filled.
  4. For each delivery moment, LN checks whether the moment is available in the calendar that is linked to the warehouse, which you can enter in the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session.
    • If the warehouse is not open at the moment of delivery, and no carrier is used, no planned delivery moments are generated.
    • If the warehouse is not open at the moment of delivery, and a carrier is used, LN returns the first available delivery moment.
  5. This step only applies if you use a carrier. In this case, for each shipment moment, LN checks whether the moment is available in the calendar that is linked to the carrier's buy-from business partner.
    • If the carrier is not available on the moment of departure, no delivery moment is generated. The moments of departure are the outcomes of step two.
    • If the carrier is not available on the moment of delivery, no delivery moment is generated. The moments of delivery are the outcomes of step four.
  6. LN skips shipment moments for which the same delivery moment is calculated. As a result, when the same delivery moment is calculated for more than one shipping moment, only for the latest shipping moment a delivery moment is generated in the Planned Delivery Moments (Shipment Based) (tdipu0125m000) session.

Although a carrier and a ship-from address can also be defined in the Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000) session, Purchase Schedules (tdpur3110m000) session, and the Item - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session, they are not used to calculate the transportation time. To calculate the transportation time, LN retrieves the ship-from address and, if entered, the carrier, from the ship-from business partner as defined in the Delivery Patterns by Warehouse / BP / Item (tdipu0124m000) session.

If you want to generate delivery moments for receipt based purchase schedules, select the Generate Receipt Based Delivery Moments check box.

To return planned receipt moments for receipt based schedules, LN carries out the following steps:

  1. Retrieves all valid combinations of warehouse and delivery pattern from the Delivery Patterns by Warehouse / BP / Item (tdipu0124m000) session.
  2. For all valid combinations, LN retrieves the receipt moments from the Patterns (tcccp0690m000) session.
  3. For each receipt moment, LN compares it to the warehouse calendar, which you can specify in the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session. If the receipt moment is available in the calendar that is linked to the warehouse, the receipt moment is inserted in the Planned Delivery Moments (Delivery Based) (tdipu0126m000) session.
  • For shipment based schedules, the generated planned delivery moments are stored in the Planned Delivery Moments (Shipment Based) (tdipu0125m000) session.
  • For receipt based schedules, the generated planned delivery moments are stored in the Planned Delivery Moments (Delivery Based) (tdipu0126m000) session.


Generate Shipment Based Delivery Moments

If this check box is selected, planned delivery moments are generated for shipment based purchase schedules.


The generated planned delivery moments are stored in the Planned Delivery Moments (Shipment Based) (tdipu0125m000) session from which they are called on by Enterprise Planning for lead time offsetting.

Generate Receipt Based Delivery Moments

If this check box is selected, planned delivery moments are generated for receipt based purchase schedules.


The generated planned delivery moments are stored in the Planned Delivery Moments (Delivery Based) (tdipu0126m000) session from which they are called on by Enterprise Planning for lead time offsetting.

Generate from Date

This field serves two purposes:

  • As a start date from which delivery moments are generated.
  • As a start date from which old delivery moments are removed.
  • The delivery moments are generated until the date as defined in the Horizon End Date field of the current session.
  • Removal of delivery moments is only indicated by a start date. All old delivery moments are removed as from the date that is defined in the current field.
Horizon End Date

The date until which the delivery moments are generated/updated.

  • The delivery moment generated last is always smaller than or equal to the horizon end date.
  • Because delivery moments are not calculated for the period after the horizon end date, during this period, Enterprise Planning is free to plan its own delivery moments.
Print Error Report

If this check box is selected, an error report is printed when errors occur during the generation process.