Approved Supplier List (tdipu0110m200)

Use this session to view the approved supplier list.

The Check Approved Source List check box in the Item - Purchase (tdipu0601m000) session determines which suppliers are approved to deliver the item.

  • If this check box is cleared, all suppliers that are linked to the item in the Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session are approved to deliver the item.
  • If this check box is selected, suppliers are approved to deliver the item only if the Item - Buy-from BP status field is Approved in the Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session.


Buy-from Business Partner
Ship-from Business Partner
Effective Date
Expiry Date

The last day on which a record is valid. If you do not specify an expiry time, the validity expires at the end of the expiry date, at 24:00 hours.

Business Partner Status


Item - Purchase
Business Partner
MPNs by Item - Business Partner