Planned Warehouse Order Status

  • Planned

    The planned warehouse order is created and can still be updated or deleted. Planned inventory transactions are already generated.

  • Released to Warehousing

    The planned warehouse order is released to a real warehouse order, which is created in Warehousing.

  • Partially Delivered

    The first shipment line is confirmed in Warehousing for the planned warehouse order. Other lines are still to be confirmed.

  • Finalized

    The last shipment is confirmed in Warehousing for the planned warehouse order, or the shipment process is finished without an actual delivery, for example, when the warehouse order is canceled.

  • Released to Invoicing

    All actual deliveries/invoice lines are released to Invoicing for the planned warehouse order.

  • Invoiced

    All actual deliveries/invoice lines are posted in Invoicing for the planned warehouse order.

  • Processed

    The Invoiced planned warehouse order is processed in the Process Delivered Sales Schedules (tdsls3223m000) session.

  • Canceled

    The planned warehouse order or related warehouse order is deleted or canceled. This depends on the warehousing order type's deletion and cancellation rules.