Automatic Calculate Price Discount

  • No

    Prices and discounts are not recalculated, unless the user selects the Recalculation option on the appropriate menu for the order line that requires recalculation.

  • Interactive

    After approving an order or an order line, the Recalculate Price and Discount (tdpcg0240s000) session is displayed. This session offers various recalculation options.

    After changing an order line field that affects the price and discounts, the price and discounts are always automatically recalculated for the line. The Recalculate Price and Discount (tdpcg0240s000) session is displayed in which you can specify your recalculation options for the entire order.

  • Automatic

    After approving an order or an order line, prices and discounts are recalculated automatically.

    After changing an order line field that affects the price and discounts, the price and discounts are not only calculated for the line, but also for the entire order. During recalculation, cumulative prices and discounts can be applied to the order lines.