Print Reserved Commissions/Rebates (tdcms2403m000)

Use this session to print the approved reserved commissions or rebates for commissions and rebates that apply to the same relation or order. LN prints commissions and rebates that have the:

  • Reserve check box selected.
  • Reservation Approved status, if the Link with Finance check box is selected in the Commissions/Rebates Parameters (tdcms0100s000) session.
  • Approved status, if the Link with Finance check box is cleared in the Commissions/Rebates Parameters (tdcms0100s000) session.

After printing, the commission/rebate procedure's status changes from Reservation Approved to Ready. The Ready status is necessary to release the commissions/rebates to invoicing in the Release Commissions/Rebates to Invoicing (tdcms2201m000) session. If the Link with Finance check box is cleared in the Commissions/Rebates Parameters (tdcms0100s000) session, the status changes from Approved to Closed.



Select the type of report to be printed.

You can select one of the following:

The options you have depend on the values of the Commissions Implemented and Rebates Implemented check boxes in the Commissions/Rebates Parameters session.

Detailed Report

If this check box is selected, LN prints a detailed report. A line is printed for each commission/rebate line. If this check box is cleared, LN prints one line per order and position to show the total commission or rebate amount for that order and position.

Print Already Printed Documents

If this check box is selected, the documents that were already printed, are reprinted.